Best Times to Post on Instagram Reels to Get Better Engagement (2024)

If Instagram Stories is any indication, Instagram Reels is poised for enormous growth. And even if you’ve been on the platform for a while, building a following and a community, you may be wondering “when is the best time to post on Instagram Reels?” Of course, if you’ve spent any amount of time in social media marketing, you know that finding just the right time to post content isn’t easy. To be sure, there are tons of stats available for just about any social media platform you can think of, but trends can change daily.

Plus, getting a lot of likes, shares, and comments for a specific content format on a specific day of the week at a specific time doesn’t mean that every post you share is going to go viral. So, what do you do to pin down the best times to post on Instagram Reels so you can maximize your content and bring in a larger following? In this article, we’ll share two questions you can ask to find the best times to post on Instagram Reels for your audience.

Choosing the single best time to post on Instagram Reels can be tough, but here’s what we found from analyzing more than 100,000 short-form video content posts to find the best engagement rates (all times in EST, ignoring sectors):

Best Times to Post on IG Reels:

  • Monday: 6 AM, 10 AM, 10 PM
  • Tuesday: 2 AM, 4 AM, 9 AM
  • Wednesday: 7 AM, 8 AM, 11 PM
  • Thursday: 9 AM, 12 AM, 7 PM
  • Friday: 5 AM, 1 PM, 3 PM
  • Saturday: 11 AM, 7 PM, 8 PM
  • Sunday: 7 AM, 8 AM, 4 PM

Times marked with * had particularly high levels of engagement.

Best Times to Post on Instagram Reels to Get Better Engagement (1)

Try also our location-based Best Times to Post on Instagram Reels Calculator:

Best Times to Post on Instagram Reels to Get Better Engagement:

  • 1. Where Is Your Audience Located?
  • 2. What Time Is Your Audience Awake?
  • 3. Find Your Unique Offering
  • 4. Produce More Content
  • 5. Collaborate With Other Instagrammers
  • 6. Create and Participate in Challenges
  • 7. Use Hashtags
  • 8. Repurpose Existing Content
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Tips for Best Times to Post on Instagram Reels

Producing quality content that resonates with your target audience should be your top priority, but you also need to know when to post your content so you’re more likely to reach your audience when they’re active on your social media platform of choice. Here are two questions to ask yourself to find the best time to post content on Instagram Reels:

1. Where Is Your Audience Located?

Thanks to Instagram’s reach, Instagram Reels has a global user base. For example, the United States has 130 million Instagram users, India comes in with 100 million, and Brazil rounds out the top three Instagram-using countries with 91 million. But there are still hundreds of millions of Instagram users spread throughout the world.

These numbers matter because where your audience is located will influence not only the type of content you produce but also when you should post your content in the first place. Time zones will have an enormous impact on peak hours within a certain geographic location.

But, how do you use this information to find the best time to post on Instagram Reels?

Start by finding out where your followers are. With a creator or business account on Instagram, you’ll have access to Instagram Insights that will show you the cities or countries your followers come from. To view Insights, open Instagram, go to your profile and tap Insights.

From there, tap on your total followers:

The next screen is your Follower Breakdown. Scroll down a little to Top Locations. It defaults to cities, but you have the option to change it to countries with a tap.

Now you know where most of your followers are from!

Switch to a Creator or Business Account on Instagram

Don’t have a creator or business account yet? Here’s how to switch:

Open Instagram and go to your profile. Tap on the three horizontal lines in the top right corner (the “hamburger” menu) and then tap on Settings at the bottom of the screen:

Next, tap on Account:

Now, scroll down to the bottom and you’ll find the option to switch to a business account or creator account. If you already have a business or creator account, you’ll get an option to switch back to a personal account.

2. What Time Is Your Audience Awake?

Now that you know where your audience is located you can figure out when they’re most likely to be awake. This part is admittedly a bit messy and can be made a lot easier with an Instagram analytics tool.

Without an analytics tool, it’s a matter of working with time zones. If your audience is primarily located in Thailand and India, you’ll only have about an hour and a half to worry about; with audiences across North America and the UK, on the other hand, you’ll need to plan and schedule your content around an eight hour time difference.

See what we mean by “messy?”

With an Instagram business account, you’ll have some scheduling functionality. Unfortunately, that doesn’t apply to Reels. And, unlike Instagram Stories, there aren’t any scheduling tools around just yet that you can use to automatically post Instagram Reels.

The solution is to build a content calendar that covers the biggest geographic areas and time zones your fans come from. If you have audiences in countries with large time differences this can be hard to maintain, but it’s the only way to do it as of this writing.

Once you’ve figured out the best time to post on Instagram Reels and have created a content calendar, you’re ready to leverage these other six ways to grow your following and boost engagement with this feature.

Related Content:

  • 30 Best Social Media Scheduling Tools for 2023
  • 15 Mind Blowing Instagram Statistics You Don’t Know
  • Best Times to Post on TikTok for 2023

3. Find Your Unique Offering

To attract a large audience, you need to find what makes you special. Why should anybody watch your Instagram Reels? This goes beyond skills or physical traits. In fact, physical characteristics and skills are really just complementary to your unique offering.

Sounds a little “out there,” right? Just ask your friends and family what they like most about you and you’ll have plenty to go with. What’s most important is that you be yourself. Don’t try to produce the exact same content in the exact same way as everyone else.

Rachel Brathen (@yoga_girl) is a great example of someone who has built an enormous following on Instagram by simply being herself. She uses Instagram Stories to promote her many endeavors and share her love of yoga. If you follow her for any amount of time, you’ll learn about her sweetheart of a daughter, Lea Luna, her husband, Dennis, and their idyllic life on the island of Aruba that Rachel loves deeply. But, you’ll also see a side of her life that most influencers don’t share like her struggles with sometimes saying the right thing in the wrong way, and how she can never get the lizards to leave her garden alone.

Rachel sets herself apart from other fitness and yoga influencers with her willingness to be imperfect and human.

4. Produce More Content

You probably just groaned a little. This tip is obvious, but if you’re a creator you already know how hard it is to constantly come up with fun, creative ideas. The good news is that you don’t always have to come up with groundbreaking or hilarious content. Instagram Reels can also be used as a vlog.

This might mean just sharing a quick update that doesn’t require video editing tools instead of spending hours planning and piecing together that perfect transition.

5. Collaborate With Other Instagrammers

Cross-promotion is an excellent way to share your brand with a larger audience on Instagram. And, it’s really easy to do. Just reach out to a brand or influencer whose target audience overlaps yours and ask if they want to collaborate on a post or series of posts. You’ll be sharing access to your audience with this person, so make sure it’s someone your audience would enjoy (trust, they’ll be thinking the same when considering your proposition).

Cross-promotion is mutually beneficial and will help you and your co-conspirator increase your reach and get new followers. Here’s how to find influencers on Instagram.

6. Create and Participate in Challenges

Challenges are big favorites on TikTok and there’s no reason to think that they won’t have a large appeal on Instagram Reels, too. They’re a great way to get new followers and a really easy way to get your brand in front of a large audience if you’re participating in a trending challenge.

7. Use Hashtags

Twitter really nailed it with the hashtag thing. Across social media platforms, creators include hashtags to make it easier for users to find their content. But you can’t just pick any old hashtag and expect it to magically draw in viewers. Find and use hashtags that are relevant to your content. If the hashtag you choose isn’t relevant, you’ll end up lumped in with content that’s nothing like what you’re doing and nothing like what your audience is expecting.

In other words, you’ll either be seen as spamming an unrelated hashtag for exposure (a turnoff) or nobody will find your content.

Finding hashtags isn’t hard. Just tap on the magnifying glass icon at the bottom of the Instagram screen to get started.

Next, type in your keyword in the search bar:

Now, tap Tags and you’ll be taken to a screen showing all of the hashtags in use on Instagram related to your keyword. You’ll even be able to see how popular the hashtag is:

Chances are, you’ll end up with quite a list. Instead of including every single hashtag in your caption, choose the hashtags with the most views and that are the most relevant to your search term.

You can add hashtags to Instagram Reels in the caption, just as you would with a post or Instagram Story. If you’re stuck on what hashtags to choose, be sure to check out our free Instagram hashtag generator.

8. Repurpose Existing Content

You’ve probably put a lot of time, effort, and creative energy into all of the content you’ve created. So why not use it to its fullest potential? Repurposing content is a great way to share something fresh with your audience without needing to create entirely new content every time.

Repurposed content could be as simple as a “throwback” or “flashback” post, but if you create content for other platforms, you should really consider editing that content for Instagram Reels. For instance, if you already use TikTok, you can use that content on Instagram Reels. Or maybe you create YouTube content. Simply edit that content down to an appropriate length and suddenly you have brand new Instagram Reels content without having to come up with something entirely new.

DayBest Times to Post on IG Reels
Monday6 AM, 10 AM, 10 PM
Tuesday2 AM, 4 AM, 9 AM
Wednesday7 AM, 8 AM, 11 PM
Thursday9 AM, 12 AM, 7 PM
Friday5 AM, 1 PM, 3 PM
Saturday11 AM, 7 PM, 8 PM
Sunday7 AM, 8 AM, 4 PM


Finding the best times to post on Instagram Reels will not only make it easier to connect with your existing followers but also get more followers on Instagram. As we mentioned, you’ll first need to find out where your audience is located before working with the time zones in those geographic locations to find the best time to post (when your audience is most likely to be active on the platform). Influencer Marketing Hub also analyzed ordinary posts and the best time to post on Instagram in 2022.

But you don’t just want to post content without getting a return. To grow your following, you’ll need to produce more high-quality content to get more attention. By applying the tips we’ve outlined in this article, you’ll be able to attract and retain an engaged audience on Instagram Reels.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best time to post on Instagram Reels?

In this article, we explored a range of factors impacting the best time to post on Instagram Reels for your brand. Overall, we’ve found that the best times to post content on short-form video platforms are:
Monday: 6 AM, 10 AM, 10 PM
Tuesday: 2 AM, 4 AM, 9 AM
Wednesday: 7 AM, 8 AM, 11 PM
Thursday: 9 AM, 12 AM, 7 PM
Friday: 5 AM, 1 PM, 3 PM
Saturday: 11 AM, 7 PM, 8 PM
Sunday: 7 AM, 8 AM, 4 PM

Does it matter what time you post on Instagram Reels?

In a word, yes. To get the most return from your efforts on Instagram Reels, you’ll want to post content at the right time to maximize engagement. We’ve provided the best times to post on Instagram Reels in this article with the two main factors being where your audience is located and what time your audience is awake and active on the platform.

How many times should I post on Instagram Reels?

Many short-form video content creators (like TikTok influencers) post at least a couple times each day. Since Instagram Reels is video-based, it’s important to remember that creating high-quality content is going to take more time and effort than creating a text-based post for Facebook or Twitter, or even an image-based post like you would for a standard Instagram post.

Fortunately, quality is much more important than quantity when it comes to short-form video content. Even though the videos are short, they have to be worthwhile or your target audience is going to keep scrolling. To build an engaged and enthusiastic audience, though, you’ll want to post at least once on most days.

How do I get more views on Instagram Reels?

There’s no magic to getting more views on Instagram Reels. However, there are a number of things you can do to increase the number of views your Instagram Reels get:
- Create high-quality content
- Use relevant hashtags in your captions
- Add music to your videos
- Keep up with the trends and challenges
- Remember to engage with your audience.
Using these basic practices is going to be a much better use of your time than any attempt to trick the algorithm. And, with better content comes better audience engagement.

Do hashtags work on Instagram Reels?

Yes, they do! Hashtags are important to help Instagram users find your content. You’ll see hashtags around challenges, different topics, video methods, and more. Many businesses even use custom hashtags to gather all posts about their brand in a single, easy to find place.

How does Instagram Reels make money?

Instagram Reels currently doesn’t offer any ads or potential sources for revenue. This is likely a big reason that influencers and brands haven’t jumped into the platform just yet. Instagram, though, makes money through ad sales and sponsored posts, similar to Facebook advertising.

Best Times to Post on Instagram Reels to Get Better Engagement (2024)


Best Times to Post on Instagram Reels to Get Better Engagement? ›

Generally, the best time to post reels on Instagram is between 9 AM and 12 PM from Monday to Thursday. The day-vise breakup of the best time to post reels is as follows: Monday: 3 am, 7 pm. Tuesday: 12 am, 1 am, 6 am.

What is the best time to post a reel for maximum engagement? ›

Over that time, we've learned that the best time to post Reels is 9 AM and 12 PM, Monday to Thursday.

How long should an Instagram reel be for best engagement? ›

However, a good rule of thumb when it comes to the ideal Instagram Reel length is roughly 7 to 15 seconds. As we mentioned previously, Instagram Reels were created in response to the boom in short-form video content, which predominantly stemmed from TikTok.

How do you get higher engagement on Instagram reels? ›

Instagram Reels Tips to Get More Engagement
  1. Be Willing to Experiment With New Ideas. ...
  2. Take Advantage of Trends. ...
  3. Always Include Captions. ...
  4. Don't Upload a Video With the TikTok Watermark. ...
  5. Share Reels to Your Instagram Feed. ...
  6. Write a Short & Sweet Caption That Includes Relevant Hashtags. ...
  7. Post New Reels Consistently.

Can a reel go viral days later? ›

This can happen days or even weeks after posting and it can last for weeks or even months. You need to follow these steps when posting on Reels: Share your Reels on the Instagram Grid.

Why do reels get less engagement? ›

Content that is visibly recycled from other apps (i.e. contains logos or watermarks) makes the Reels experience less satisfying,” a post from the company explains. “So, we're making this content less discoverable in places like the Reels tab.”

Does time matter for Instagram reels? ›

Generally, the best time to post reels on Instagram is between 9 AM and 12 PM from Monday to Thursday. The day-vise breakup of the best time to post reels is as follows: Monday: 3 am, 7 pm. Tuesday: 12 am, 1 am, 6 am.

How do you make a reel go viral? ›

12 Tips for Going Viral With Your Instagram Reels Videos
  1. Focus on a Specific Niche or Topic. ...
  2. Include an Attention-Grabbing Hook. ...
  3. Make Reels the Right Size. ...
  4. Do Not Include TikTok Watermarks. ...
  5. Include Text in Your Video. ...
  6. Center Text in the Middle So That It's Viewable in Grid Mode. ...
  7. Include a Call to Action. ...
  8. Use Viral Elements.

Why are my reels not getting views anymore? ›

You don't post enough Reels

Don't expect to post one Reels and reach hundreds of thousands of people. Quite the opposite, the more you post, the higher your reach and engagement grow over time. For starters, you can try posting one Reels every week, gradually increasing the number.

Do reels improve engagement? ›

It not just drives engagement but also helps customers to retain information better and boost ROI. Statistics show that Instagram reels get a 22% higher engagement rate than other video posts on Instagram. Also, 61% of Gen Z TikTok users plan to spend more time watching reels on Instagram.

Do reel views help engagement? ›

Reels are an effective way to reach an audience outside of your current followers. 50% of Instagram users find reels through the explore page. You can have videos featured on the explore page to reach a whole new audience. According to recent statistics, reels get 22% more engagement than traditional videos.

How often should you post reels for engagement? ›

As Reels become increasingly important, marketers are asking themselves “How many Reels should I post in a day?” The industry standard is to post 4 to 7 Reels per week to increase your follower count as much as possible.

What is the Instagram reels algorithm? ›

The Instagram Reels algorithm curates content and decides which videos go viral. It favors original, high-res content that uses features like filters and trending audio.

What time are reels most viral? ›

If you need a straightforward answer, the best time to post your reels is between 9 AM to 12 PM on Monday to Thursday. Here's a quick breakdown of the best time to post Instagram Reels, according to Influencer Marketing Hub. 6 AM, 10 AM, and 10 PM.

How to get 1 million views on reels? ›

Getting 1 million views on Instagram reels it's not rocket science, you just have to follow some common steps.
If you forget one of them then it doesn't work well, so read carefully with full attention.
  1. Focus On Creating Original Content. ...
  2. Original Audio – Unknown Instagram Algorithm. ...
  3. Comment & Shares – Virality.
Dec 1, 2022

What is the best length for a reel to go viral? ›

Goal: stop and get attention

If your goal is to create a hook for the user to stop and pay attention to your video now, then the recommended Instagram Reel length is 2-10 seconds. The content should be short and sweet.

Why do I lose followers when I post reels? ›

Some users value consistency in their social media platform feeds. If your client publishes posts outside their audience's fields of interest, they might lose followers in the process. This includes users who may have followed after seeing a Story, Reel, or post that your client shared.

Why is my engagement suddenly so low on Instagram? ›

A drop in your engagement might mean that the discoverability of your Instagram profile is lower. Users need to find your profile when they search for a keyword related to your account. For this, you need to optimize your profile for search.

Is it bad to delete a reel and repost? ›

Do not delete your post and repost it. Doing this absolutely kills engagement, so don't do it.

What time does Instagram algorithm reels? ›

Thursday: 9 AM, 12 AM, 7 PM. Friday: 5 AM, 1 PM, 3 PM. Saturday: 11 AM, 7 PM, 8 PM. Sunday: 7 AM, 8 AM, 4 PM.

What time is Instagram most active? ›

Most Consistent Engagement: Wednesday through Saturday (10 am – 8 pm) Highest Engagement: Wednesday & Friday mid morning and Saturday nights (6 pm – 8 pm) Worst Days for Engagement: Sunday due to the lack of activity on Instagram on this day.

Should reels be less in time? ›

Just make sure you're intentional when choosing which Reels should last 30 seconds plus and which are better off being just 15 seconds.

What type of reels go viral? ›

When you're creating an Instagram Reel, look for songs that are popular and trending. If you know of a song that is trending and is likely to go viral online, use that song. If you can't find a song like that, simply choose one that fits your theme.

How many likes does a reel need to go viral? ›

Generally, posts with 100,000+ likes or views and 1,000+ comments are considered to be viral. However, the term 'viral' is subjective and can mean different things to different brands. For example, you might consider a post to go viral if it crosses 10,000 views.

What is the most viewed reel on Instagram? ›

Learn from Khaby (289 million views)

Taking cues from this, his 2021 reel 'Learn from Khaby' holds the record for being the most-viewed Instagram reel to date. It features Lame checking an iron multiple times to ensure he has plugged it off and it is cold. The reel has over 12 million likes.

How many hashtags should I use on Instagram? ›

Hashtags have always been the heart of much debate, especially following Instagram's recommendation to only use between 3-5 hashtags (more on that later). However, using relevant, targeted hashtags (and keywords) on posts and Reels is still one of the best ways to get discovered by new audiences on Instagram.

How do I make my reel stand out? ›

Be creative and original

Also, don't just regurgitate the same content you're posting on your feed or Stories. To truly keep your audience engaged, your Reels content needs to be original and creative. Ask yourself—what can you do on Reels that your competitors aren't doing?

Are views better than likes on reels? ›

Is it better to get likes or views? It is better to get likes compared to getting views on Instagram. Liking a post is far more meaningful than just viewing it, as this means that Instagram users not only view your content but appreciate it enough to show their support.

What content gets the most engagement on Instagram? ›

Short-form video is the most engaging type of in-feed social content. That means your Instagram content strategy needs to change direction. And the focus should shift to creating more short-form videos. In other words, Reels are your best friend for boosting your Instagram engagement.

How do I convert reel views to followers? ›

How to create Reels that build Instagram followers!
  1. Create your reel inside the Instagram app. ...
  2. Capture your audience with a great opening and keep them around with fun transitions. ...
  3. Make sure you have a beginning, middle, and end. ...
  4. Don't forget about hashtags. ...
  5. Make sure your INSTA PROFILE matches your REEL CONTENT.

How can you tell who saw your reel? ›

Go to the Reels tab on your Instagram profile. Select the reel you'd like to view metrics for. Above the caption of your reel, select View Insights.

What counts as engagement on Instagram? ›

Instagram engagement includes all of the ways that users can interact with your content — through likes, comments, shares, and saves. When engagement is strong, this means that your audience may feel enough of a connection with your brand to make a purchase.

Is posting 3 reels a day too much? ›

A good rule of thumb is to treat reels like they are a part of your feed. You don't want to overload your followers' feeds with multiple reels a day, hoping that something lands with them. Create and post thoughtful and entertaining reels, but no more than once a day if you can help it.

How do you beat Reels algorithm? ›

And even though Reels are short, your Reels should tell a cohesive story that is engaging. To beat the Instagram algorithm in 2023, aim to post Reels at least 5 times a week. If that's hard, find a posting schedule that works for you, and be consistent!

What is a good engagement rate for reels? ›

Instagram Reels Engagement Statistics.

The highest Instagram Reels engagement rates are obtained by Instagram accounts with fewer than 5,000 followers, reaching up to 3.79% on average. With an average engagement rate of 3.72% accounts with followers between 5,000 to 10,000 have the second-highest engagement rate.

Do posting reels increase engagement? ›

Reels are an effective way to reach an audience outside of your current followers. 50% of Instagram users find reels through the explore page. You can have videos featured on the explore page to reach a whole new audience. According to recent statistics, reels get 22% more engagement than traditional videos.

What reels get the most views? ›

Here are some of the most-viewed Instagram reels that have set major trends
  • Learn from Khaby (289 million views) ...
  • Not all kids are fun (270 million views) ...
  • Blink & Express by Shivanjali Porje (260 million views) ...
  • Learn from Khaby Lame (249 million views) ...
  • I had the impression the fish was still alive (230 million views)
Feb 16, 2023

What is optimal Instagram engagement rate? ›

What is a good engagement rate? Most social media marketing experts agree that a good engagement rate is between 1% to 5%. The more followers you have, the harder it is to achieve. Hootsuite's own social media team reported an average Instagram engagement rate of 4.59% in 2022 with 177k followers.

What is a good engagement rate for 5000 followers? ›

For micro-influencers, who have between 1,000 and 5,000 followers, the average rate is 5.6% according to Phlanx. This reduces as follower counts go up: 1k – 5k: 5.6% 5k – 20k: 2.43%

Do reels receive 22% more engagement than regular Instagram video posts? ›

It not just drives engagement but also helps customers to retain information better and boost ROI. Statistics show that Instagram reels get a 22% higher engagement rate than other video posts on Instagram. Also, 61% of Gen Z TikTok users plan to spend more time watching reels on Instagram.

Is posting reels daily is good or bad? ›

A good rule of thumb is to treat reels like they are a part of your feed. You don't want to overload your followers' feeds with multiple reels a day, hoping that something lands with them. Create and post thoughtful and entertaining reels, but no more than once a day if you can help it.

Why do some reels flop? ›

You don't post enough Reels

Don't expect to post one Reels and reach hundreds of thousands of people. Quite the opposite, the more you post, the higher your reach and engagement grow over time. For starters, you can try posting one Reels every week, gradually increasing the number.

Why do reels suddenly stop getting views? ›

The most common mistakes why your Instagram Reels not getting views are: You recycle your Reels from other platforms. You post political content. Your videos are low resolution and poor quality.

How do you increase reel views fast? ›

Top Tips to Increase Views on Instagram Reels
  1. Create Valuable Content for Your Audience. ...
  2. Use Popular Audio Tracks in Your Reels. ...
  3. Create Reels Under 10 Seconds. ...
  4. Embed Instagram Video Feeds on Your Website. ...
  5. Add Relevant Hashtags. ...
  6. Post When Your Followers are Most Active. ...
  7. Run a Viral Giveaway. ...
  8. Ask Questions in Your Captions.
Mar 6, 2023

Should I add hashtags to Instagram reels? ›

It's important to use hashtags on your reels to make them easier to find. Add hashtags that are relevant to your video, and include a mix of trending hashtags and niche hashtags that match your reel's content. If you're not sure what hashtags to include, keep reading!

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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.