Where’s my inflation relief check? Here’s what you need to know about Golden State Stimulus payments (2024)

Final inflation relief checks from the California Franchise Tax Board are set to be mailed in the next few weeks.|

How to find out more about your stimulus check

Contact customer support at the California Franchise Tax Board at www.ftb.ca.gov/ for questions regarding payment, qualification or debit card activation.

California Franchise Tax Board: 800-542-9332

Sacramento Office: 916-227-6822

Oakland Office: 510-622-4693

Sonoma County residents should check their mailboxes this week because the final inflation relief check, also known as the Middle Class Tax Refund, from October is set to be mailed to Californians.

Unfortunately, there is no way to track when the inflation check from the California Franchise Tax Board will hit your mailbox if you have not yet received it.

The Middle Class Tax Refund is for single taxpayers making $250,000 or less a year, heads of household making $500,000 or less a year, and couples filing jointly making $500,000 or less a year.

According to the California Franchise Tax Board website, people who received Golden State Stimulus I or II checks in 2021 should have received their payments, either by debit card or direct deposit, between Oct. 7 and Dec. 10.

The method of receipt depends on how 2020 tax refunds were received.

People who did not receive Golden State Stimulus I or II checks should receive their money between Dec. 5 and Dec. 31.

To receive the Middle Class Tax Refund, taxpayers must meet the following qualifications:

  • Filed a 2020 tax return before Oct. 15, 2021
  • Were not eligible to be claimed as a dependent in the 2020 tax year
  • Were a California resident for six months or more of the 2020 tax year
  • Were a California resident on the date the payment was issued

For those who applied for an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, but did not receive it by the October deadline, completed 2020 tax returns must have been filed on or before Feb. 15, 2022.

Payments are determined by the taxpayer’s adjusted gross income, which can be found on Line 17 on a 2020 Form 540 or Line 16 on a 2020 Form 540 2EZ.

Sara Edwards is the small business and consumer reporter for The Press Democrat. You can reach her at 707-521-5487 or sara.edwards@pressdemocrat.com. Follow her on Twitter @sedwards380.

How to find out more about your stimulus check

Contact customer support at the California Franchise Tax Board at www.ftb.ca.gov/ for questions regarding payment, qualification or debit card activation.

California Franchise Tax Board: 800-542-9332

Sacramento Office: 916-227-6822

Oakland Office: 510-622-4693

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Where’s my inflation relief check? Here’s what you need to know about Golden State Stimulus payments (2024)
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