Increase Engagement With Instagram Reels (2024)

Instagram reels aren’t all hype. These 15-30 second videos are best known for garnering engagement, which is the #1 metric for success on the platform.

It has been firmly established that Instagram reels are among the best formats to use for marketing. It not just drives engagement but also helps customers to retain information better and boost ROI.

Statistics show that Instagram reels get a 22% higher engagement rate than other video posts on Instagram. Also, 61% of Gen Z TikTok users plan to spend more time watching reels on Instagram. And we are not surprised.

But the real question is how to use these reels to reach more people or spread the word about your business products and services. In today’s post, we will discuss how you can use Instagram reels to increase engagement.

What are Instagram Reels?

Instagram Reels are short video clips, typically between 15 and 60 seconds, reminiscent of TikTok. These reels are short, entertaining, and have various editing tools. If you aim for more flexibility, you can easily upload videos you’ve previously edited on video editing platforms such as Canva, Visme or Wevideo. They can include audio tracks, video clips, captions, filters, interactive backgrounds, stickers, and more.

Many people confuse reels with Instagram stories. But unlike stories, reels do not disappear after 24 hours. Once you post a reel, it stays on Instagram until you delete it.

Using reels for yourself or your brand can reinforce your video marketing strategy:

  • It drives engagement: Instagram reels beat all other short-form video applications in terms of engagement.
  • It provides a competitive edge: Instagram enables users to cross-share their reels to Facebook to reach out to a wider audience base.
  • It attracts the younger generation: The resemblance Instagram reels have to TikTok appeals to GenZ.

Currently, Instagram’s algorithm hugely favors accounts that post regular reels. In fact, many marketers claim reels to be the future of digital marketing for businesses.

How to Use Instagram Reels to Increase Engagement

Here are 5 ways to make the most out of your Instagram reels and widen your reach on the platform.

Structure Your Reels for Success

Well-structured and nicely edited reels make the maximum impact. To make sure your reels grab viewers’ attention and enhance engagement, you can follow the structure below:

0-3 seconds: Provide a subtle introduction

The first 3 seconds of your reel must introduce your target audience to your topic. It must clearly show what the reel is all about.

4-6 seconds: Use a good hook

In the next two seconds, you need to entice viewers and give them something that persuades them to watch the entire reel. The first 3 seconds were enough to seize the viewer’s attention, and this section is what will make them keep watching. So, think of a nice hook that creates a wow factor.

7-25 seconds: Provide unparalleled value

This is the main section of the reel where you drop knowledge bombs. You can enlighten your audience by providing them with helpful tips, hacks, advice, statistical reports, insights, resource links, etc.

You can pause for a while in the middle and leave your viewers with a cliffhanger. This will pique their attention even further. Finally, follow the cliffhanger with even more valuable tips or advice that add value to the viewers.

25-30 seconds: Add a CTA

Adding a call to action (CTA) is very important. It will guide your viewers and tell them what action you want them to take. For instance, you can ask them to comment or subscribe. Alternatively, you can ask them to send you a direct message using a specific keyword. Whatever it is, mention it clearly to boost engagement on your profile.

Use Trending Sound Tracks and Hashtags

One tried and tested way to grab the maximum number of eyeballs for your content is to use trending soundtracks and the most relevant hashtags. Although these aren’t any secret weapons to guarantee boosted engagement, they can surely enhance the discoverability of your reels.

Now, the best way to identify what is trending is to browse through the Reels homepage on Instagram. Check out what most of the top-ranking videos are using, and pick out something that fits your brand and content. For instance, if you are a food channel, doing the latest dance challenges won’t do you any good. So, be pretty sure to choose something that aligns with your brand.

The Home Depot Beat, for instance, became a hugely popular soundtrack with several creators using it. If a particular soundtrack gains popularity, you can use it too by adding them to your reels and increasing engagement.

When you scroll through the Reels homepage, carefully check if any of the sounds has an arrow next to its name. If it does, it indicates that the soundtrack is trending.

Find the Best Time to Post Reels on Instagram

Don’t just post reels randomly if you want to boost engagement on Instagram. Find out when your target users are most active and schedule your posting accordingly. Catching your target audience when they scroll is a surefire way to increase engagement and enhance your brand's reach. And believe it or not, this isn’t hard at all.

Instagram has its own set of analytical tools that makes it easy to identify the best time to post on Instagram.

To begin with, go to your Instagram insights and view ‘most active times’. This will indicate when your target users are most active on the platform. Now the trick is NOT to post when these users are at the peak of activity. Instead, schedule your reels for when your followers are coming online and activity is increasing.

Remember, your Instagram reels will work best if you understand how the platform’s algorithm works. Understanding when your target audience is most responsive and active can help you get more views on your post from the Reels tab and the Explore page.

Each brand’s best time to post will differ depending on the locality of its core audience. However, typically, the best times to post are between 9 am and 4 pm CST, Monday to Friday.

Add On-Screen Text and Closed Captions

Most people watch Instagram reels without sound. Therefore, adding suitable captions and on-screen text to your reels is crucial to increase viewership and boost engagement. It also enhances the accessibility of your content by making it suitable for those who are hearing impaired.

So, even if you are in a hurry to post your reel, make sure to add an optimized caption with on-screen text. Instagram has made the latter quite easy by offering the Instagram Reel editor. Alternatively, you can use the platform’s closed caption sticker, and Instagram’s algorithm will automatically transcribe the reel audio.

Lastly, make sure to include relevant keywords in your caption. This will make your reel more likely to be viewed by your target users. You can use a couple of relevant hashtags to complement your reel description and boost its searchability.

Engage With Your Target Audience

One of the best ways to boost engagement and acquire more followers is by liking and replying to their comments.

A conversation cannot be a one-way street. So, if your viewers are commenting on your reels, you must respond to them to keep this conversation going. This will help you to build a highly engaged community.

As you grow your Instagram presence, it may not be viable to respond to every single comment. In such a case, you can use a reputation management tool that funnels all your comments into an inbox.

Pro tip: Try including a question in your response to a viewer. Doing so will compel them to reply to you and keep the conversation going. This will further help to boost engagement rates on your Instagram reels.

Below is a classic illustration of this point where @kencho tries to respond to every user's comment with requests for feedback. This will ideally result in positive reviews that ultimately convert prospects into customers.


Reels are Instagram’s newest feature in comparison to stories and carousel posts.

Consequently, the platform pushes these reels into the feeds at a much higher rate than all its older features. And it is for this reason Instagram reels tend to get far more engagement and exposure than other types of Instagram content.

So if your Instagram profile has been experiencing a lull lately, Instagram reels might be the right feature to breathe new life into your Instagram presence. And thankfully, Instagram reels are quite easy to learn and work with. Following the aforementioned practices will help you boost your engagement on the platform and acquire new followers organically.

As an expert in social media marketing and digital engagement, I've not only kept a pulse on the latest trends but have actively implemented strategies across various platforms, including Instagram. My experience involves not only understanding the theoretical aspects of social media marketing but also practical application, yielding measurable results.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article regarding Instagram Reels and how to use them effectively to increase engagement:

Instagram Reels Overview: Instagram Reels are short video clips lasting between 15 to 60 seconds, akin to TikTok. These videos, known for their entertainment value, offer various editing tools, including audio tracks, captions, filters, stickers, and more. Reels distinguish themselves from Instagram stories by their persistent presence on the platform until deleted.

Benefits of Using Instagram Reels:

  1. Engagement: Instagram Reels outperform other short-form video applications in terms of engagement.
  2. Competitive Edge: Cross-sharing Reels to Facebook broadens the audience reach.
  3. Youth Appeal: The format's similarity to TikTok attracts the younger generation, particularly Gen Z.

Structuring Reels for Success: To maximize impact, a well-structured reel is essential:

  • 0-3 seconds: Subtle introduction to the topic.
  • 4-6 seconds: A compelling hook to retain viewer interest.
  • 7-25 seconds: Providing valuable content, including tips, hacks, statistics, etc.
  • 25-30 seconds: Adding a clear Call to Action (CTA) to guide viewer engagement.

Using Trending Sound Tracks and Hashtags: Leveraging popular soundtracks and relevant hashtags enhances content discoverability. Identifying trending sounds involves browsing the Reels homepage and selecting music aligned with brand identity. This practice can significantly increase engagement.

Finding the Best Time to Post Reels: Posting strategically during peak user activity times increases engagement. Instagram's analytical tools, specifically "most active times" in Insights, aid in determining optimal posting periods. Understanding the platform's algorithm and the audience's responsiveness is key.

Adding On-Screen Text and Closed Captions: Considering that many viewers watch Instagram Reels without sound, incorporating on-screen text and closed captions is crucial. Instagram provides tools like the Reel editor and closed caption sticker for easy implementation. Including relevant keywords and hashtags in captions boosts searchability.

Engaging with the Target Audience: Liking and replying to viewer comments fosters a sense of community and boosts engagement. Utilizing reputation management tools for comment organization is advisable as your presence grows. Encouraging conversations by posing questions in responses further enhances engagement rates.

Conclusion: Instagram Reels, being a newer feature, receive higher visibility and engagement compared to older content types. Leveraging Reels effectively involves strategic structuring, use of trending elements, posting at optimal times, enhancing accessibility with text and captions, and actively engaging with the audience. By following these practices, Instagram Reels can breathe new life into your profile, leading to increased engagement and organic follower growth.

Increase Engagement With Instagram Reels (2024)


Increase Engagement With Instagram Reels? ›

50% of Instagram users find reels through the explore page. You can have videos featured on the explore page to reach a whole new audience. According to recent statistics, reels get 22% more engagement than traditional videos.

Do reels increase engagement on Instagram? ›

50% of Instagram users find reels through the explore page. You can have videos featured on the explore page to reach a whole new audience. According to recent statistics, reels get 22% more engagement than traditional videos.

Does the Instagram algorithm favor reels? ›

To promote this feature and keep users within its ecosystem, Instagram's algorithm favors and prioritizes Reels. So when you post Reels frequently, the algorithm interprets this as you being an active and consistent content creator.

How do you increase your reach on Instagram reels? ›

20 ways to get more views on Instagram Reels
  1. 1. Make your first few seconds count. ...
  2. Don't hide your content in your Reels tab. ...
  3. Do keyword research. ...
  4. Be specific with your captions. ...
  5. Use keywords in your script. ...
  6. Use keywords in your on-screen text, too. ...
  7. If you use text, make sure it's easily read. ...
  8. Use subtitles.
Jan 18, 2024

How to get 1,000 views on Reels? ›

To get 1,000 views on an Instagram reel, you need to create high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience and that follows Instagram's algorithm. Here are some tips: Create engaging reels. Your reels should be visually appealing and interesting to watch.

Is 1,000 views on Reels good? ›

But there's more – these reels can also bring in real dollars. The buzz around how much you can make per 1,000 views is huge! Rates start at about $0.01-0.02 per view; this means if your reel gets attention from viewers, you could pocket up to $20 for every thousand eyes that watch it.

What gets more engagement reels or posts? ›

Instagram ranks Reels and In-Feed Posts differently, with Reels prioritizing engagement and In-Feed Posts focusing on relevance to the user. Research shows that Reels are the most engaging type of content on Instagram, outperforming other formats like photos and carousels.

How to beat the Instagram algorithm 2024? ›

With that said, here are our top (proven) tips for getting the Instagram algorithm to work in your favor:
  1. Post Frequently and Consistently. ...
  2. Test, Test, Test. ...
  3. Double Down on Reels. ...
  4. But Don't Sleep on Static. ...
  5. The Unicorn Strategy. ...
  6. Treat Your Audience Like Gold. ...
  7. Hashtag and Caption Quality. ...
  8. Create Carousels.
Apr 11, 2024

How do you beat IG algorithm? ›

If you want to improve your ranking with the Instagram algorithm, the best thing you can do is drive as many interactions (likes, comments, saves, and clicks) as possible. And by building momentum with your existing community, you'll soon find your content surfaced to new audiences.

What does 500 plays mean on Instagram reels? ›

Plays: this is the number of times your Reel has been played. It could be higher than the number of accounts reached, since some users may watch your Reel more than once. That's a good sign that they really like your content.

How to get 10,000 views on Instagram Reels? ›

Add Trending Hashtags

Hashtags may not be an instant means of getting views, but they will certainly help you get more of them. We've found that adding 5.44 hashtags will improve your reach and discoverability, so add 5-6 hashtags to your Reels.

Is boosting reels worth it? ›

As you can see, boosting Reels as paid ads can be very helpful in growing your audience, but isn't required. Either way you choose, put your best foot forward with optimized Reels that will excite your target audience and grow your brand in a meaningful and sustainable way.

How much money for 1k views on Instagram reels? ›

Does Instagram pay you for views? Well, the short answer is: No, anymore. Once Instagram used to run a program named Instagram Reel Play bonus (Stopped in March 2023). Under that program, a creator could earn something between $0.01 to $0.05 per 1,000 views for reels.

Why aren t my reels getting views? ›

Instagram's algorithm will monitor your Reel's reach and engagement. If you attract a bunch of views from a non-relevant hashtag, it's likely to cause people to tap off of the content faster. If Instagram doesn't see the right signals from viewers on the Reel, there's a good chance your reach will begin to decline.

Can I get paid with 500 followers? ›

Typically, you'll get paid per post, with your follower count and engagement rate setting the price. Nano Influencers, who have 500 to 10,000 followers, get paid between $10 - $100 per post. Micro influencers, who tend to have 10,000 to 50,000 followers earn about $100 - $500 per post.

How much engagement do reels get on Instagram? ›

That said, the average engagement rate for Instagram Reels still stands at 1.23% per post and it continues to be the most engaging Instagram post type.

How much engagement do reels get? ›

A recent study found that Reels see an average engagement rate of 2.7% versus 2.2% for main feed videos.

Are reel views considered engagement? ›

Yes, Instagram Reel views matter as they indicate the level of engagement and reach your content has. Genuine views from your target audience contribute to increased visibility, potentially attracting more followers and enhancing your overall online presence.

What gets most engagement on Instagram? ›

Short-form video is the most engaging type of in-feed social content. That means your Instagram content strategy needs to change direction. And the focus should shift to creating more short-form videos. In other words, Reels are your best friend for boosting your Instagram engagement.

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.