29 Shocking Employee Turnover Statistics - What To Become (2024)

The latest employee turnover statistics reveal that the turnover rate is high. Today, about 26% of employees are planning to change their jobs. If not satisfied, workers look elsewhere for better career opportunities, enhanced work-life balance, better benefits, and more money.

Losing employees costs businesses millions, ultimately impacting their bottom line. The good news is that you can arm yourself with the most important data we’ve shared below and create new strategies to get ahead of the employee turnover trend.

Key Employment Turnover Statistics (Editor’s Choice)

  • The average rate of employee turnover is 22%.
  • Employee turnover costs businesses $1 trillion a year.
  • Over 27% of leaves are voluntary.
  • Voluntary leaves dropped by 27% in 2020.
  • The average turnover rate in the hospitality industry is 78.9%.
  • Engaging the workforce can cut the turnover rate by up to 59%.
  • 57% of workers are leaving their bosses, not companies.
  • 54% of employees would leave their current job if offered a more flexible one.

General Employee Turnover Statistics

1. 63% of CFOs report a rise in employee turnover over the past three years.

(CFO Dive)

The majority of CFOs report that employee turnover has been steadily increasing over the past three years, largely affecting their bottom lines. They name productivity loss (29%), training new hires (26%), and recruiting (25%) as the most expensive aspects of worker turnover.

2. In the US, the average employee turnover rate is 22%.


The average turnover rate in the US is 22%. About 15% of these are attributed to voluntary leaves, 6% are involuntary, while retirements account for 1% of turnovers. Pursuing a better job opportunity is why 81% of workers leave their current company. Additionally, 62% quit due to personal or family-related reasons. Another 41% of quits are related to employee relocation. The job turnover rate related to employees finding a job with a better base salary is 39%, whereas 29% decide to change careers.

3. 18.9 million Americans make a career change or exit the workforce every year.

(USA Today)

About 18.9 million Americans, or 11.4% of the workers, switch occupations or entirely exit the workforce every year. Many choose to leave for a better-paid job, enhanced work conditions, or a career that’s better suited to their qualifications, while others retire.

4. The average tenure of workers aged 25–34 is only 2.8 years.


When it comes to turnover statistics by worker age, young people are more likely to leave their job within the first three years. In comparison, the average tenure of workers aged 55⁠–64 is 9.9 years. Furthermore, 54% of employees aged 60⁠–64 report staying with their employer for at least 10 years, compared to only 10% of 30⁠–34-year-olds.

5. More than a third of employees leave in their first year on the job.


Workers are most likely to leave the company within their first year, employee turnover statistics reveal. About 38.6% of turnover due to workers quitting happens in the first year. What’s more, 43% leave their job within the first 90 days.

6. 35% of Black employees plan to quit their job in two years compared to 27% of White workers.


Workers from vulnerable communities are disproportionately impacted by employee turnover. Approximately 35% of Black employees say they plan to quit within two years, compared to 27% of White workers. Managers must ensure there’s diversity in the workplace and that employees of color feel as safe and as comfortable as White employees.

7. The cost of employee turnover is $1 trillion a year.


Losing workers is expensive and costs businesses $1 trillion per year. Beyond money, businesses are also losing talent, which can impact the company’s productivity and customer relationships. What’s more, data shows that employee turnover can threaten the brand and even lead to litigation.

8. Replacing an employee costs the business 33% of the person’s annual salary.


When looking at turnover statistics per employee, replacing a single worker costs businesses up to 33% of their annual salary. Moreover, filling an open position might take up to 42 days, resulting in more money going down the drain.

The Employee Turnover Rate After the Pandemic Hit

9. Employee-initiated job leaves decreased by 27% in 2020.

(Eagle Hill Consulting, SHRM)

The US experienced high rates of job switching in the past year. However, amid COVID-19, increased layoffs, and uncertainty, many people decided to stay in their current positions. As a result, the quit rates in 2020 decreased by 27% compared to 2019. Moreover, the quit rate fell to 1.4% in April, marking the lowest level since 2011.

10. The employee turnover data shows quit rates skyrocketed to 4 million in April 2021.

(CNBC, HR Drive)

One year after the pandemic started, the tight labor market and increased job demand gave workers new confidence in finding better employment, causing job switch rates to skyrocket. The quit rate of 2.7% recorded in April 2021 is the highest one since 2000. Nowhere was this trend as pronounced as in the retail trade sector, which saw workers in professional and business services, transportation, utilities, and warehousing leave en masse.

11. In April 2022, there were 6 million job separations.


The employee turnover percentage didn’t change much in April 2022 — the total number of job separations was estimated at 6 million. Moreover, there were 4.4 million quits, whereas the layoffs dropped to 1.2 million.

12. When the pandemic hit, 11.5 million workers were laid off.


In March 2020, governments issued stay-at-home orders, bringing the economy’s future into question. Employment turnover statistics reveal that this trend caused the quit rates to reach their lowest level in a decade; conversely, the layoffs increased significantly. The trend continued in April 2020, when 7.7 million employees were let go. The pandemic hit the retail and hospitality industries the hardest.

13. More than a quarter of employees plan to leave their jobs after the pandemic.


Once the pandemic is over, 26% of workers will leave their jobs. Approximately 80% will do so because of concerns about their career advancement. Additionally, the pandemic caused 72% of all employees to rethink their skill sets, while over 50% sought out training to switch jobs after the pandemic.

Average Employee Turnover Cost by Industry and Employee Groups

14. The turnover rate for executives is 7.7%.

(Finance Online)

A recent survey reveals that the turnover rate for executives is 7.7%. Among those who leave their company, 70% do so voluntarily, while 30% of exits are involuntary. This rate is almost doubled for managerial and professional employee groups — 14.3%. About 68% of leaves in this segment are voluntary.

15. The hospitality industry saw an average turnover rate of 130.7% in 2020.

(QSR, Notch)

The hospitality and restaurant industry employment turnover statistics confirm that the sector has around a 20% higher turnover rate than the entire private sector on average as of 2017. The estimated average for 2019 was 78.9%, but things worsened during COVID-19. The latest data reveals that restaurants were losing every third worker, which put this sector’s turnover rate at a staggering 130.7% in 2020.

16. The estimated turnover rate in the construction industry is 21.4%.


The construction industry has an average turnover rate of 21.4%, one of the highest across all sectors. If we look at the construction industry and its employment turnover statistics per state, the cost of replacing an employee can vary depending on the area. However, on average, finding a new employee costs between 16% and 20% of a former worker’s base salary.

17. The average turnover rate is highest in the retail and ecommerce sectors — 30.7%.


Retail and ecommerce have employee turnover rates of 30.7%, which are the highest across industries. The rate in the retail sector is 1.5 times higher than the general industry rate. At 22.6%, the gaming, entertainment, and media sectors are also among the industries with higher-than-average turnover rates.

18. At 9.1%, leisure and hospitality have the highest monthly turnover rate.


The typical employee turnover rates are highest in fast-paced industries. As one of them, the leisure and hospitality industry sees a turnover rate of 9.1% per month. The construction industry comes second at 6.2%, followed by education and health at 5.5%. On the flip side, manufacturing (3.4%), finance (3.8%), and information (4.1%) are the industries with the lowest monthly turnover rate.

19. Lobby attendants and ushers have the highest turnover rate by occupation — 24.3%.

(USA Today)

When it comes to employees and turnover calculation by occupation, it’s clear that job roles in the service sector have the highest turnover rates. At 24.3%, lobby attendants and ushers top the list. Recreational protective service workers come second at 24.1%, followed by amusem*nt and recreation attendants at 23%. Finally, coatroom and costume attendants see a 23% turnover rate each.

Top Reasons for High Employee Turnover

20. Poor hiring decisions impact 80% of employee turnover.


Wrong hires impact the organization in the long run, causing up to 80% of turnovers. Employees need to create a candidate persona and train the hiring managers to evaluate the applicants meticulously. It’s always better to take the time to fill in the role instead of rushing the process.

21. The voluntary turnover in 2020 grew from 1.9 million in April to 3.4 million in December.

(Work Institute)

There were 3.4 million voluntary leaves in December 2020, signaling a huge rise from 1.9 million in April. However, employee turnover statistics show that employers can prevent around 63.3% of departures. Therefore, a company’s employee retention strategy must be clearly outlined but remain highly adaptable. What’s more, employers should collect workers’ feedback and use it to create an effective plan to reduce turnover.

22. Companies with a clear mission see 49% fewer employee leaves.


Companies with a vital purpose and clear mission are better at motivating the workers and creating a positive culture. In such companies, employees serve as an extension of the brand and push themselves harder. As a result, they’re less likely to leave the company. Recent employee retention stats show that companies with purposeful missions see 49% less attrition.

23. 57% of workers leave their jobs because of their managers.

(PR Newswire)

Leadership statistics indicate that people are leaving their superiors, not companies. Nearly 60% of workers have quit their job because of their bosses. About 14% have left multiple companies, and 43% have walked away from one company due to this reason.

24. Nearly 70% of disengaged employees would leave their current job for a 5% pay raise elsewhere.

(Linkedin, Gallup)

The effect of employee engagement on turnover is undeniable — 70% of disengaged workers would quit their current job if they got a 5% pay raise elsewhere. On the other hand, engaged employees would need at least 20% more pay to leave their jobs.

25. 54% of workers would leave their current position for a more flexible one.


Over half of employees would leave a position if offered more flexible terms elsewhere. Additionally, 48% wish they could work remotely full-time or part-time. These statistics highlight the employees’ changing demands and the importance of employers adapting to lower their turnover rates.

Best Practices for Keeping a Good Employee Turnover Rate

26. Having an engaged workforce can cut the turnover rate by as much as 59%.

(Ahern Murphy)

Engaged workers are invested in the company’s mission and motivated to do the work and give their best. So, the more engaged the employees are, the more likely they are to stick around in the long run. Recent stats reveal that having a highly engaged team can help companies reduce the turnover rate by 25–59%.

27. 92% of workers agree that having an empathetic leader is the most critical factor in low turnover rates.

(HR Drive)

Employee turnover stats show that 92% of workers say that having an empathetic boss could be an important factor in their decision to stay at the company. Additionally, 60% of employees would even accept a pay cut from an employer who shows empathy.

28. Leaders who show they care about the employees’ job satisfaction and future can prevent at least half of resignations.


Employee turnover reports reveal that 51% of employees who have left companies say that their superiors didn’t speak to them about job satisfaction or their future in the company three months before they quit.

29. Inclusiveness in the workplace can reduce turnover risk by 50%.


Feeling valued, respected, trusted, and safe helps employees feel like they belong. This can reduce a company’s turnover risk by a whopping 50%. Additionally, it can drive a 56% performance increase and a 75% reduction in sick days.

Final Words

If you’re still wondering why you should go the extra mile and ensure you hire the right person for the job, consider the benefits of low employee turnover. Beyond money, you’ll save on acquisition and training time, cultivate a strong talent pool, improve the team’s morale, and increase the company’s overall productivity.

Luckily, employee turnover is preventable in most cases. Make sure to create a working environment that motivates and engages your workers. Remember to give appreciation to employees frequently, make the work conditions as flexible as possible, and show that you care. Last but not least, let your employees know that there’s room for advancement within the organization and talk about future plans.

Employee Turnover Statistics — People Also Ask

What is the typical employee turnover rate?

According to statistics, the national average turnover rate is 22%. An estimated 15% are voluntary leaves, and 6% are involuntary. The vast majority (81%) of employees leave their companies voluntarily because they’ve found a better job opportunity.

What percentage of employee turnover is bad?

The best way to determine this is to compare your business turnover percentage with the industry average or those of your main competitors. Even though each company’s situation is unique, it’s always better to be close to the industry average.

How is employee turnover calculated?

According to the employment turnover formula, you should first determine how many employees the company had at the beginning and end of the desired period. Then, divide the number of employees who left by the average number of employees in the given period. Then, multiply that number by 100 to get the turnover percentage.

What is a normal turnover rate for a company?

A regular turnover rate would be 10%, but businesses usually fall into the 12–20% range. Specific industries like staffing agencies, retail, fast food, and hospitality have turnover rates of over 25% due to the nature of the job.

How do you calculate the annual employee turnover rate?

Following the employee turnover rate formula, you should first find the average number of employees by adding the numbers of workers at the beginning and the end of the year and dividing the sum by two. After that, divide the number of leaves by the average number of employees. Then, multiply the new number by 100 to calculate the rate.

What industry has the highest turnover rate?

As per employee turnover statistics, retail and ecommerce have the highest turnover rate of 30.7%. In addition, the rate in retail is about 1.5 times higher than the general industry rate.

29 Shocking Employee Turnover Statistics - What To Become (2024)


What profession has the highest turnover rate? ›

Industries with high employee turnover: professional services deal with the most churn. The industry with the highest turnover rate, according to LinkedIn data, is professional services — a sector that includes companies like the Big Four accounting firms, as well as business and IT consulting organizations.

Is 20% employee turnover high? ›

Organizations should aim for 10% for an employee turnover rate, but most fall into the range of 12% to 20%. Certain industries report higher employee turnover rates due to the nature of the job.

What do you do with high staff turnover? ›

6 Strategies to Reduce Employee Turnover
  • Find the Right Talent. Every company has a different hiring process. ...
  • Encourage Retention Early On. ...
  • Recognize and Reward Employees. ...
  • Identify a Clear Career Path. ...
  • Encourage a Healthy Work-Life Balance. ...
  • Create Learning and Development Programs.

Is 25% a high turnover rate? ›

As a general rule, employee retention rates of 90 percent or higher are considered good and a company should aim for a turnover rate of 10% or less.

Which profession has the most demand? ›

The 11 most in-demand jobs
  1. Nurse practitioner. Median salary: $123,780 a year. ...
  2. Information security analyst. Median salary: $102,600 a year. ...
  3. Statistician. Median salary: $97,570 a year. ...
  4. Physical therapist assistants. Median salary: $61,180 a year. ...
  5. Economist. ...
  6. Wind turbine technicians. ...
  7. Solar photovoltaic installers. ...
  8. Data scientist.
Oct 5, 2022

Can you have 200% turnover? ›

In a more natural case, you very well could have more than 100% turnover. If you have high turnover, then you could be hiring more people with continuous quitting and more hiring, etc. At the end the year you have about the same number of employees but you had many more start, work for a while, and then leave.

What is a healthy level of employee turnover? ›

According to Gallup, 10% turnover is healthy, but every industry and every organization is different.

What level of turnover is acceptable? ›

When asked, most respondents considered the ideal amount of turnover would be 1% to 10%. So turnover in businesses, on average, is double what we think is ideal. Personally, I have found that if your business has less than 10% turnover, it can lead to other challenges.

How do you survive high turnover? ›

Seven Tips for Surviving High Team Turnover
  1. Keep Team Spirits Up. People can easily lose their sense of belonging when teams change – whether that's due to colleagues leaving or joining. ...
  2. Keep an "Open Door" Policy. ...
  3. Help People to Adapt. ...
  4. Practice Damage Control. ...
  5. Maintain Quality. ...
  6. Recognize Achievements. ...
  7. Look After Yourself.

Do companies care about high turnover? ›

Turnover rate indicates how quickly you must replace workers in your organization. Employee turnover is a concern for many businesses as it can substantially impact financial performance. When employee turnover is high, employers have to spend more resources finding new people and orienting them.

What does a high turnover rate say about management? ›

In an HR context, (high) turnover refers to the number of workers who leave the organization. In most cases, these leavers need to be replaced by new employees. Employee turnover often is a result of poor hiring decisions and bad management.

How long does the average employee stay with a company? ›

In January 2022, median employee tenure (the point at which half of all workers had more tenure and half had less tenure) for men held at 4.3 years. For women, median tenure was 3.8 years in January 2022, little changed from the median of 3.9 years in January 2020.

What is a normal annual turnover? ›

What is a good employee turnover rate? On average, every year, a company will experience 18% turnover in its workforce. A business can expect on average to lose 6% of its staff because of reduction in force or terminating them due to poor performance. This is known as involuntary turnover.

What is a good monthly turnover rate? ›

According to recruiting giant Monster, "every firm should establish its unique ideal rate." Pro tip: It's important to note that turnover rates vary significantly from industry to industry. However, turnover rates should (ideally) be lower than 10%, which is a very healthy turnover rate across the board.

What are the top 5 fastest growing careers? ›

Fastest Growing Occupations
Nurse practitioners46%$120,680 per year
Wind turbine service technicians44%$56,260 per year
Ushers, lobby attendants, and ticket takers41%$24,440 per year
Motion picture projectionists40%$29,350 per year
16 more rows
Sep 8, 2022

What is the happiest job career? ›

Take one step outside and chances are you'll see many buildings that construction workers finished. Construction workers are the #1 happiest job for a reason—they do what humans are built for! They plan, move and use their bodies, and get to see their creative works come to life.

What profession is happiest? ›

The 10 Happiest and Most Satisfying Jobs
  • Dental Hygienist.
  • Physical Therapist.
  • Radiation Therapist.
  • Optometrist.
  • Human Resources Manager.

What jobs will be in high demand in the next 5 years? ›

Top 10 Jobs in High Demand Over the Next 5 Years
  • Construction Managers and Civil Engineering Professionals.
  • Early Childhood Teachers.
  • Registered Nurses.
  • ICT Business and Systems Analysts.
  • Software and Applications Programmers.
  • Electricians.
  • Chefs.
  • Child Carers.
Aug 30, 2022

What jobs will be in demand forever? ›

  • Actuary.
  • Industrial Engineer.
  • Data Scientist.
  • Information Systems (IS) Manager.
  • Information Security Analyst.
  • Financial Manager.
  • Registered Nurse (RN)
  • Physician Assistant (PA)
Jan 24, 2022

What is the fastest growing career? ›

Fastest-Growing Careers
RankOccupationPercent Change
1Nurse Practitioners46%
2Wind Turbine Service Technicians44%
3Ushers, Lobby Attendants, and Ticket Takers41%
8 more rows

Is high turnover a red flag? ›

High turnover for a role is a major red flag, suggesting the company has a toxic culture or — more specifically — the position's manager is very difficult to work with.

What are the 3 types of turnover? ›

You can calculate involuntary turnover, voluntary turnover and total turnover. Example: Say you start off the year with 100 employees.

Can you have 100% turnover? ›

To get the percentage of turnover, you take the number of people who left your company during a period divided by the average headcount for that same period and multiply it by 100. It is possible for your turnover rate to be more than 100%. This means that you replaced your entire workforce during that time period.

Is high employee turnover a weakness? ›

Turnover can increase recruitment costs, which will be a huge cost to one's business. It could mean having to hire and train new employees, paying them higher salaries for a longer time before they become as efficient as their experienced counterparts.

Is high employee turnover a threat? ›

High employee turnover has a direct impact on company revenue and profitability. The impact of high staff turnover includes decreased productivity, increased recruitment costs, avoidable time spent on training new employees, and lost sales.

Is high employee turnover a threat or weakness? ›

Weaknesses can include debt, lack of capital, or high staff turnover.

What is the average employee turnover rate in 2022? ›

With a minimum of 5.57% and a max of 17.71%, the average employee turnover rate across all industries for 2022 is 10.87%.

Why is low staff turnover good? ›

There's nothing wrong with having a low worker turnover. In fact, a small number of leavers can be beneficial as it'll bring in new people who are bursting with enthusiasm and fresh ideas. But it's important to look at who's leaving your company.

Is it better to have a low or high turnover rate? ›

Turnover refers to the rate at which employees leave a job and new employees are hired for the same job. High turnover rates can lead to inconsistency within a company, poor productivity, and a lost sense of unity within a company. Likewise, having a low turnover can reverse these negative effects.

What is the best solution to reduce turnover? ›

5 secrets for reducing employee turnover
  1. Study your turnover. Take a close look at why employees left in the past few years. ...
  2. Be a great place to work. Having a positive culture and engaged workforce is key to keeping staff. ...
  3. Improve your hiring. ...
  4. Review pay and benefits. ...
  5. Train and promote employees.

What are the top 7 reasons for turnover? ›

7 common causes of high employee turnover
  • Employees are overwhelmed by amount work. ...
  • Lack of recognition. ...
  • Company culture. ...
  • Poor relationship with Manager. ...
  • Lack of flexibility. ...
  • Remuneration and benefits. ...
  • Poor learning and development opportunities.

What are the consequences of turnover that's too fast? ›

If turnover rates are high, the immediate consequences are severe: loss of valuable knowledge and experience, loss of morale for those left, and loss of belief in the team's competence and ability to perform. None of those are quick or easy to replace.

Is it good to join a company with high attrition rate? ›

If they're a poor cultural fit for the business or their job it can reduce productivity and morale across the business. It may be a good thing if they leave. In most cases, though, a high attrition rate is usually bad.

How long should you stay in a company? ›

In general, three to five years in a job without a promotion is the optimal tenure to establish a track record of success without suffering the negative consequences of job stagnation. That, of course, depends on the job, the level you are at, and the organization you work for.

What motivates you to stay longer in a company? ›

What are the reasons why employees stay in the company? Exceptional and talented employees stay in a company for many reasons. It may be because they feel as though they are respected, recognized and valued or simply because they are being paid well.

What is Amazon's turnover rate? ›

An investigation from the New York Times found that, among hourly employees, Amazon's turnover was approximately 150 percent annually, while work from the Wall Street Journal and National Employment Law Project have both found turnover to be around 100 percent in warehouses — double the industry average.

What does employee turnover rate tell you? ›

Employee turnover refers to the total number of workers who leave a company over a certain time period. It includes those who exit voluntarily as well as employees who are fired or laid off—that is, involuntary turnover. Turnover is different from attrition.

What time of year do most employees quit? ›

Well, according to our research: Throughout 2021, an average of 3.98 million people quit their jobs every single month. The month with the most resignations was November, with 4.5 million people leaving their jobs, while January had the least number of resignations at 3.3 million.

How long is the minimum you should stay in a job? ›

How long should you stay at a job? As a very general overview, you should try to stay in each job for a minimum of two years with continued career progression. If you have a horrible boss, severe workplace stress, or simply a change of heart, there's no harm getting out of there.

How long do Millennials stay at a job? ›

According to Zippia, on average, a millennial will stay at their job for 2.75 years. And according to a Gallup report on the millennial generation, 21% of millennials surveyed report changing jobs within the past year – more than three times the rate of other generations.

What turnover is considered high? ›

Typically, high turnover means 28% of your new employees quit within the first 90 days of their employment. (Again: this presents an enormous cost to companies because they have to constantly repeat a cycle of recruitment, hiring, and training new people.)

What industry has the highest turnover rate? ›

Industries with the highest turnover rates are tech (software), retail and media. The industries with the highest turnover rates are: Technology (software), 13.2% Retail and Consumer Products, 13%

What jobs have the highest turnover rate? ›

Industries With The Highest Turnover Rates
  • Food services and drinking places have the highest turnover rates, with workers staying on average only 1.8 years.
  • Food prep and serving related jobs (only 1.9 years)
  • Employees in the utilities industry (7.4 years) experience the longest tenure in the private sector.
Jul 13, 2022

What is a good new hire turnover rate? ›

New hire turnover is common. About 20% of employees leave within their first 45 days of employment. Although there's no explicit definition, “new hire turnover” usually refers to the number of employees who leave a company within their first year on the job.

Which job has the lowest turnover rate? ›

There are also sectors with historically low turnover rates, including manufacturing, construction, information technology, financial services, education and government. These jobs typically provide stability, strong organization and career growth, factors that promote longer-term employment.

Which industry has lowest turnover? ›

  • The industry with the highest rate of employee turnover is accommodation and food service at 130.7% as of 2020. ...
  • The industry with the lowest rate of employee turnover is the state and local sector, excluding education professions at 21.2% as of 2020.
Aug 30, 2022

What are unpopular jobs that pay well? ›

With that in mind, here are 15 weird jobs that pay weirdly well, too.
  • Elevator inspector. ...
  • Nuclear power reactor operator. ...
  • Sommelier. ...
  • Bingo manager. ...
  • New York City hot dog vendor. ...
  • Ice cream taster. ...
  • Body part model. ...
  • Genetic counselor.
Aug 25, 2022

What is the least stressful industry to work in? ›

Some low-stress jobs come with good to excellent annual salaries.
  • Diagnostic Medical Sonographer. ...
  • University Professor. ...
  • Hair Stylist. ...
  • Compliance Officer. ...
  • Audiologist. Median salary: $78,950. ...
  • Jeweler. Median salary: $46,640. ...
  • Operations Research Analyst. Median salary: $82,360. ...
  • Pharmacy Technician. Median salary: $36,740.

What is the fastest declining occupation? ›

Fastest declining occupations
2021 National Employment Matrix title2021 National Employment Matrix codeEmployment change, 2021–31
Nuclear power reactor operators51-8011-1.3
Print binding and finishing workers51-5113-10.5
Watch and clock repairers49-9064-0.5
Data entry keyers43-9021-38.5
28 more rows
Sep 8, 2022

What are the easiest industries to break into? ›

Sales, nursing, home health, and manufacturing are all sectors with opportunities for job seekers.

Which companies don t fire employees? ›

7) HSBC--- This is the most secure company. It has never fired any employee, even when they know that the employee is showing fake experience.

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.