What is the difference between GMV and revenue which is more important from a marketplace perspective? (2024)

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What is the difference between GMV and revenue?

Is Gross Merchandise Value the Same as Revenue? Depending on the type of e-commerce site, GMV is the same as gross revenue. However, for sites like eBay, it is a reflection of the total value of goods sold, but not the actual revenue the company makes, as a portion of those revenues is for the sellers of the goods.

(Video) What GMV Is and Why It's Important For Marketplaces
What metrics do you think are most important to track the performance of a marketplace?

The three most important metrics are liquidity, provider-to-customer ratio, and repeat purchase ratio. Business metrics tell you how you are doing financially and whether your business model is actually working.

(Video) Ben Narasin (NEA): Does GMV (vs. Net Revenue) Really Matter?
(Marketplace Conference)
What is revenue for marketplace?

When the customer pays the supplier, the marketplace charges a percentage or a fixed fee for its services. The platform may charge either the seller or the buyer. Another scenario is taking a commission from both of them. This marketplace revenue model is the most common since the fee is justified.

(Video) Price to Earnings (PE) or GMV Multiple? Which is a better valuation tool?
(Saket Mehrotra)
Is GMV a good metric?

Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) is a metric used to determine the total value of your sales over a given period. GMV is a good indicator of your eCommerce store's growth because it measures your sales volume and value—revealing how well your store is performing over time.

(Video) eBay Fudged $40B in GMV Sales Numbers on Earnings Reports 😬
What is the difference between GMV and GTV?


For example, provided your business model is based on commission, you had better track the GTV (Gross Transaction Value). GMV is the total dollar value of everything sold through a marketplace in a given period of time.

(Video) How to measure marketplace size using GMV | Eric Andrews clips
(Eric Andrews Clips)
What is the most important metric in marketing?

Return on Investment (ROI)

Return on investment is one of the most important metrics to track in order to know if your marketing strategies performed well or not.

(Video) Marketplace Metrics Template
What are the 3 key metrics that Facebook uses to measure ads performance?

Delivery Metrics
  • Impressions. Impressions are the number of times your ads were on screen in front of your audience. ...
  • CPM (Cost Per 1000 Impressions) CPM (Cost per Mille) is the cost to achieve 1000 impressions. ...
  • Frequency. Frequency is the average number of times a person has seen your ad.
28 Feb 2022

(Video) Jonathan Golden (NEA): 4 questions every marketplace needs to answer
(Marketplace Conference)
How do you measure marketplace success?

How To Measure Your Marketplace Growth and Success
  1. Monthly Active Users. The easiest way to track your users activity is through monitoring your monthly active users. ...
  2. Repeat purchase ratio. Another useful metric to observe is the proportion of returning customer who place repeat orders. ...
  3. Liquidity. ...
  4. Time Spent on Site.
6 Apr 2022

(Video) The Great Debate: DTC vs Marketplaces
How do you value a marketplace company?

There are several metrics investors look for when valuing a marketplace, but here are the most important.
  1. GMV, Gross Merchandise (or Market) Volume. GMV is the Holy Grail of marketplace metrics. ...
  2. Revenue. ...
  3. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) for Supply. ...
  4. Network Effects. ...
  5. Barriers to entry.
10 Nov 2015

(Video) Own the Disruption: How to Drive Scalable Profit with a Retail Marketplace
(McFadyen Digital)
What is marketplace performance?

Marketplace performance management is knowing which metrics are key to success and which levers to pull in order to grow those metrics.

(Video) Startup Metrics & KPIs | Top 10 Metrics Used by VCs
(Eric Andrews)

What is marketplace liquidity?

Marketplace liquidity is a metric that defines how successful your marketplace is and can be explained as the probability that each user on your marketplace, whether on the supply or demand side, can get what they came for.

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(SaaS Ecosystem Alliance )
How do marketplaces generate revenue?


With the commission model, a marketplace gets money from each transaction it processes on the platform. You can charge either the seller, the buyer, or both, collecting either a percentage from each deal or a flat fee. The commission model is one of the most widespread.

What is the difference between GMV and revenue which is more important from a marketplace perspective? (2024)
What is the importance of revenue market?

Revenue management leads to innovation – in both the creation of new products and services and their pricing. This innovation leads to increases in revenue from sources companies may not have previously explored. For example, a sit-down restaurant might add delivery, pick-up and catering revenue streams.

What is the business model of a marketplace?

It describes the manner in which a product or service is created, how it's sold, who it's sold to, the products' profit margins, and how the business is competitive in the marketplace. Though they aren't the same, a business model is similar to a business plan.

How can I improve my GMV?

Giving consumers the option to bundle their products can help you boost your company's GMV by increasing the number of goods sold. Typically, bundles come with a discount, which will make your customers happy and help you get rid of more inventory. Bundling can also increase your AOV.

Is GMV a vanity metric?

Turner said one of the most common vanity metrics he encounters is gross merchandise volume (GMV), or the total dollar value of a retail company's sales over a given period.

What is Amazon GMV?

Amazon's growth in a relatively short period is only continuing to prove that it is a retailer like no other. Amazon's gross merchandise volume (GMV) for 2021 is predicted to be $600 billion worldwide.

Is GTV the same as revenue?

GTV does not represent revenue earned by us. Gross Transaction Volume or “GTV” means the total dollar value of transactions processed through our cloud-based SaaS platform in the period, net of refunds, inclusive of shipping and handling, duty and value-added taxes.

Which metrics are most important?

What are your Most Important Metrics?
  • Gross Revenue.
  • Net Revenue.
  • Profit Margin.
  • Conversion Rate.
  • Leads Generated.
  • Customer Retention Rate.
  • Website Traffic.
  • Cost-Per-Conversion.

What is the most important metric for a business?

1. Sales Revenue. We chose to put this metric first as it can tell a lot of things about your company. Month-over-month sales results show whether people are interested in buying your product/service, are your marketing efforts paying off, are you still in the competition, and much more.

Which metric is the best indicator of a successful business?

Net income ratio

The net income ratio, or profit, is the money left over when a company subtracts its expenses from its revenue. Businesses have traditionally viewed this metric for measuring value and it can be a quick indicator of whether your company is thriving.

What is the most important metric for Facebook?

As a summary to this talk, these are the most important Facebook metrics your brand needs to track in 2022:
  • Engagement.
  • Reach.
  • Impressions.
  • Followers growth.
  • CTR.
  • CPC.
  • CPM.
  • Best time to post.
19 Jul 2022

What is the most important KPI in Facebook?

Here is the complete list of the most important Facebook KPIs and metrics, that we will discuss in this article in every detail:
  • Number of Fans.
  • Follower Demographics.
  • Page Views by Sources.
  • Actions on Page.
  • Reach by Post Type.
  • Post Engagement Rate.
  • Click-Through-Rate (CTR)
  • Ad Impressions & Frequency.

What are the 4 key metrics to measuring digital marketing?

4 Key Digital Marketing KPIs to Monitor for Campaign Success
  • Total Cost of Digital Marketing. Total Revenue Attributed to Digital Marketing - Total Cost of Digital Marketing.
  • Cost Per Lead. Total Spent on Campaign / Total Number of Leads.
  • Revenue Per Lead. Total Attributable Revenue / Total Number of Leads.

How does Marketplace algorithm work?

Facebook Marketplace algorithm

“ For buyers, we use computer vision and similarity searches to recommend visually similar products (e.g., suggesting chairs that look similar to the one the buyer is viewing) and the option to have listings translated into their preferred language using machine translation.

What are the 3 methods for valuing a company?

What are the main valuation methods? When valuing a company as a going concern, there are three main valuation methods used by industry practitioners: (1) DCF analysis, (2) comparable company analysis, and (3) precedent transactions.

What are the three main ways of valuing companies?

Three main types of valuation methods are commonly used for establishing the economic value of businesses: market, cost, and income; each method has advantages and drawbacks.

What are the 3 types of marketplace?

Marketplaces fall into three main categories when grouped by their target audience: business-to-business (B2B), business-to-customer (B2C), and peer-to-peer (P2P), sometimes referred to as customer-to-customer (C2C). Let's look closely at each type to learn its concept, business models, and common challenges.

What is marketplace Optimization?

Marketplace Optimisation

Marketplace Optimization is to online marketplaces as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is to search engines. While SEO helps you rank higher in search engine results such as on Google, Marketplace Optimization helps your product rank better to relevant buyers in marketplace searches.

How do you measure market liquidity?

They estimate the liquidity measure as the ratio of volume traded multiplied by the closing price divided by the price range from high to low, for the whole trading day, on a logarithmic scale. The authors use the price at the end of the trading period because it is the most accurate valuation of the stock at the time.

Why is the liquidity market so important?

Why is market liquidity so important? Market liquidity is important for a number of reasons, but primarily because it impacts how quickly you can open and close positions. A liquid market is generally associated with less risk, as there is usually always someone willing to take the other side of a given position.

What are the three types of liquidity?

The three types of liquidity ratios are the current ratio, quick ratio and cash ratio.

What is the best platform for marketplace?

10 Best Ecommerce Marketplace Platforms For Online Selling In...
  • WCFM Marketplace. ...
  • Pepperi. ...
  • Ultra Commerce. ...
  • Mirakl. ...
  • Aleran Connected Commerce. ...
  • Paragon Commerce. Best for people-driven commerce. ...
  • VTEX. Best for B2C digital ecommerce. ...
  • Spryker. Best for a headless, cloud marketplace platform.
27 Jul 2022

How do you build a marketplace strategy?

5 Elements to Building a Successful Marketplace Strategy
  1. Serve a viable industry. Most marketplace founders make the mistake of focusing on a small niche and hoping it will blow up. ...
  2. Define your offer. ...
  3. The right business model. ...
  4. Build a 10x better product. ...
  5. Build trust and grow.
18 Oct 2022

How do you ensure your sales grow in all marketplaces?

5 Ways to Increase Revenue on Marketplaces
  1. Use Product Data Of High Quality. Using accurate and descriptive product descriptions is key to make your brand popular. ...
  2. Categorize Products in Marketplace. ...
  3. Include Product Reviews. ...
  4. Customer Service. ...
  5. Product Listings. ...
  6. Benefits-
13 Aug 2022

Is revenue the most important?

Revenue is often called “the top line” because it is the big number at the top of the business's profit and loss statement. This number is extremely important to business owners and managers.

What is revenue and why is it important to a business?

Sales is the income a company generates by selling its goods and services. Meanwhile, revenue is a business's income from all sources, including sales. For example, a company can have $10 million in sales but $12 million in revenue if nonoperating income totals $2 million.

Why revenue is important in business forecasting?

Revenue forecasting is an important part of any business plan, because it can help strategize how much and how quickly you intend on growing your company. That said, it is also the most difficult to estimate. This is counter to things like costs and funding, which are far more under your own control.

What are the five core marketplace concepts?

We examine five core customer and marketplace concepts: (1) needs, wants, and demands; (2) market offerings (products, services, and experiences); (3) value and satisfaction; (4) exchanges and relationships; and (5) markets.

What are the components of a marketplace?

The major components and players in a marketspace are customers, sellers, goods and services (physical or digital), infrastructure, a front end, a back end, intermediaries and other business partners, and support services.

Are marketplaces B2B or B2C?

While the most common type of marketplace is based on the B2C (Business to Customer) model, there are in fact other marketplace models including B2B (Business to Business) and C2C (Customer to Customer). The difference between B2B, B2C and C2C relates to the parties that interact on each of these platforms.

What is difference between revenue and turnover?

Definition: Revenue looks at the quantity of a product sold in relation to its price. Turnover refers to the number of times a business goes through a component that can generate income.

Is GTV same as revenue?

GTV does not represent revenue earned by us. Gross Transaction Volume or “GTV” means the total dollar value of transactions processed through our cloud-based SaaS platform in the period, net of refunds, inclusive of shipping and handling, duty and value-added taxes.

What is difference between revenue and profit?

Both represent an important way to understand your business. Revenue describes income generated through business operations, while profit describes net income after deducting expenses from earnings. Revenue can take various forms, such as sales, income from fees, and income generated by property.

Is net sales and gross margin the same?

Key Takeaways. Gross margin equates to net sales minus the cost of goods sold. The gross margin shows the amount of profit made before deducting selling, general, and administrative (SG&A) costs.

Which is bigger turnover or revenue?

Revenue is the money a company earns by selling its products and services, whereas turnover is the number of times a company creates or burns through assets. Thus, revenue has an impact on a company's profitability, but turnover has an impact on its efficiency.

Can turnover be higher than revenue?

Tip. Revenue and turnover sometimes refer to the same thing, such as when a company earns revenue through sales. However, a business can also generate revenue without having turnover and it can have turnover without bringing in revenue. Inventory turns over when it is sold or outlives its useful life.

What is it meant by revenue?

Revenue is the total amount of income generated by the sale of goods or services related to the company's primary operations. Revenue, also known as gross sales, is often referred to as the "top line" because it sits at the top of the income statement.

Why is GMV important?

GMV can be used to determine the overall health of an eCommerce business, and a good indicator of growth. This is because it measures the volume and value of merchandise sold or the number of transactions handled. So if your GMV is up, business should be good!

How is marketplace revenue calculated?

GMV = Number of transactions × Average Order Value (AOV)

And the reasons are twofold: discounts, cash-backs, returns, and cancellation are not included in the equation. GMV is an indicator of the volume of money transacted within the platform, but not how much money it actually makes (i.e. revenue).

Why is revenue so important?

Why is revenue important? Revenue is what keeps your business alive. Beyond being a lifeline, revenue can give you key insights into your business. If you want to increase your business profits, you need to increase your revenue.

Why is revenue more important than profit?

Revenue only includes income from primary business activities. Revenue is often called “the top line” because it is the big number at the top of the business's profit and loss statement. This number is extremely important to business owners and managers.

Do investors value revenue or profit more?

“Do public market investors prefer profitability or growth?” While the answer to that question is not simple, the recent trends in the data are clear. In 2021, profitability — measured by free cash flow (FCF) margins — not revenue growth, had the higher correlation to positive stock returns in the software sector.

Should gross sales be higher than net sales?

The value of the gross sales will always be higher or equal when compared with the company's net sales during the same period because it is calculated after subtracting the returns, discounts, and allowances from the gross sales.

Should I use gross sales or net sales?

What's the difference between gross sales and net sales? Gross sales do not factor in deductions, while net sales take into account all the costs incurred during the sales process. Net sales are a better measure of how much a business is making through sales.

Why would net sales be higher than gross sales?

The gross sales formula is calculated by totaling all sale invoices or related revenue transactions. However, gross sales do not include the operating expenses, tax expenses, or other charges—all of these are deducted to calculate net sales.

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Author: Carmelo Roob

Last Updated: 26/02/2024

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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.