What Are Debits and Credits? (2024)

Definition and Examples of Debits and Credits

ByRosemary Carlson

Updated on August 6, 2020

What Are Debits and Credits? (1)

Debits and credits form the basis of the double-entry accounting system of a business. Debits represent money that is paid out of an account and credits represent money that is paid into an account. Each financial transaction made by a business firm must have at least one debit and credit recorded to the business's accounting ledger in equal, but opposite, amounts.

Bookkeepers and accountants use debits and credits to balance each recorded financial transaction for certain accounts on the company's balance sheet and income statement. Debits and credits, used in a double-entry accounting system, allow the business to more easily balance its books at the end of each time period.

What Are Debits and Credits?

Debits, abbreviated as Dr, are one side of a financial transaction that is recorded on the left-hand side of the accounting journal. Credits, abbreviated as Cr, are the other side of a financial transaction and they are recorded on the right-hand side of the accounting journal. There must be a minimum of one debit and one credit for each financial transaction, but there is no maximum number of debits and credits for each financial transaction.

The business's Chart of Accounts helps the firm's management determine which account is debited and which is credited for each financial transaction. There are five main accounts, at least two of which must be debited and credited in a financial transaction. Those accounts are the Asset, Liability, Shareholder's Equity, Revenue, and Expense accounts along with their sub-accounts.

A debit increases both the asset and expense accounts. The asset accounts are on the balance sheet and the expense accounts are on the income statement. A credit increases a revenue, liability, or equity account. The revenue account is on the income statement. The liability and equity accounts are on the balance sheet.

How Debits and Credits Work

When you pay a bill or make a purchase, one account decreases in value (value is withdrawn, which is a debit), and another account increases in value (value is received which is a credit). The table below can help you decide whether to debit or credit a certain type of account.

Table 1
Shareholder's EquityCreditDebit

Consider this example. A business receives its monthly electric utility bill in the amount of $550. You would debit, or increase, your utility expense account by $550, and credit, or increase, your accounts payable account by $550. Utility expense is a sub-account of the expense account on the income statement. Those are equal and opposite journal entries. The accounting entry you would make in your accounting journal would be the following:

Table 2
DateAccount NameDebitCredit
May 1Utility Expense$550
Accounts Payable$550

In an accounting journal, debits and credits will always be in adjacent columns on a page. Debits will be on the left, and credits on the right. Entries are recorded in the relevant column for the transaction being entered.

Determining whether a transaction is a debit or credit is the challenging part. This is where T-accounts become useful. T-accounts are used by accounting instructors to teach students how to record accounting transactions.

How Do You Record Debits and Credits?

For Journal Entries

Each T-account is simply each account written as the visual representation of a "T. " For that account, each transaction is recorded as debit or credit. This informationcan then be transferred to the accounting journalfrom the T-account. The T-accounts for the example of the electric utility payment in Table 2 would look like this:

Utility Expense (expense account)
Increases an expense accountDecreases an expense account
Received $550Paid


A business owner can always refer to the Chart of Accounts to determine how to treat an expense account.

To complete this transaction, here is the T-account for the other side:

Accounts Payable (a liability account)
Decreases a liabilityIncreases a liability
Pays a billBill Due $550

Now you make the accounting journal entry illustrated in Table 2.

Asset Accounts

Assets consist of items owned by a company, such as inventory, accounts receivable, fixed assets like plant and equipment,and any other account under either current assets or fixed assets on the balance sheet.

Debits are increases in asset accounts, while credits are decreases in asset accounts.In an accounting journal, increases in assets are recorded as debits. Decreases in assets are recorded as credits.

Here's an example. A company buys a large quantity of inventory to gear up for holiday sales. Inventory is a current asset, and the company pays for the inventory with cash. The company purchases $10,000 in inventory. The journal entry would look like this:

Example of an Accounting Journal Entry
DateAccount NameDebitCredit
May 1Inventory$10,000

Inventory is an asset account. It has increased so it's debited and cash decreased so it is credited.

Here is a tip about how to handle the cash account:


When cash is received, the cash account is debited. When cash is paid out, the cash account is credited.

If the company decided to sell a building for $250,000 and it received cash for the property, the journal entry would look like this:

Example of an Accounting Journal Entry
DateAccount NameDebitCredit
May 1Cash$250,000
Fixed Assets$250,000

Cash, an asset, increased so it would be debited. Fixed assets would be credited because they decreased.

Liability Accounts

Liabilities are what the company owes to other parties. Theycan be current liabilities, like accounts payable and accruals, or long-term liabilities,like bonds payable or mortgages payable.


Here's the rule for liability and equity accounts. Increases are debits and decreases are credits.

If a company has a bank loan and makes a $5,000 payment, here is an example of the journal entry:

Example of an Accounting Journal Entry
DateAccount NameDebitCredit
May 1Notes Payable$5,000

You would debit notes payable because the company made a payment on the loan, so the account decreases. Cash is credited because cash is an asset account that decreased because cash was used to pay the bill.

Owner's Equity Accounts

The owner'sequity accounts are also on the right side of the balance sheet like the liability accounts. Examples are common stock and retained earnings. They are treated exactly the same as liability accounts when it comes to accounting journal entries.

Here is an example of a journal entry for the owner's equity account. A business has two owners and one owner wants to invest an additional $50,000 in the business. The common stock of the business is selling at its par value. Here'sthe resulting journal entry:

Example of an Accounting Journal Entry
DateAccount NameDebitCredit
May 1Cash$50,000
Common Stock$50,000

According to Table 1, cash increases when the common stock of the business is purchased. Cash is an asset account, so an increase is a debit and an increase in the common stock account is a credit.

Expense Accounts

Expense accounts are items on an income statement that cannot be tied to the sale of an individual product. Of all the accounts in your chart of accounts, your list of expense accounts will likely be the longest.

Expense accounts run the gamut from advertising expenses to payroll taxes to office supplies. It's imperative that you learn how to record correct journal entries for thembecause you'll have so many.

Here's an example of a business transaction involving an expense account and the resulting journal transaction. A company purchases $750 in office supplies using cash. Here's the resulting journal entry:

Example of an Accounting Journal Entry
DateAccount NameDebitCredit
May 1Office Supplies Expense$750

Office supplies is an expense account on the income statement, so you would debit it for $750. Cash is an asset account. You credit an asset account, in this case, cash, when you use it to purchase something.

Revenue or Income Accounts

Revenue accounts are on a company's income statement. A company's revenue usually includes incomefrom both cash and credit sales.

A company can also have revenue from investments. Larger companies sometimes invest in other companies. Smaller firms invest excess cash in marketable securities which are short-term investments.

Here is a sample journal entry for a revenue transaction. Asmall business has $5,000 in cash sales on a given day. Here's how those sales, which are revenue for the firm, would be recorded:

Example of an Accounting Journal Entry
DateAccount NameDebitCredit
May 1Cash$5,000
Sales Revenue$5,000

Sales revenue is posted as a credit. Increases in revenue accounts are recorded as credits as indicated in Table 1. Cash, an asset account, is debited for the same amount. An asset account is debited when there is an increase.

These steps cover the basic rules for recording debits and credits for the five accounts that are part of the expanded accounting equation.

Key Takeaways

  • For each financial transaction made by a business firm that uses double-entry accounting, a debit and a credit must be recorded in equal, but opposite, amounts.
  • The Chart of Accounts established by the business helps the business owner determine what is a debit and what is a credit.
  • The best way to learn how to record debits and credits is to use T-accounts then turning them into accounting journal entries.
  • The information from the T-accounts is then transferred to make the accounting journal entry.

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  1. Fresh Books Cloud Accounting. "What is a Debit and Credit?" Accessed August 5, 2020.

  2. Accounting Tools. "Debits and Credits." Accessed August 5, 2020.

  3. Fresh Books Cloud Accounting. "What is a Debit and a Credit?" Accessed August 5, 2020.

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What Are Debits and Credits? (2024)


What Are Debits and Credits? ›

The individual entries on a balance sheet are referred to as debits and credits. Debits (often represented as DR) record incoming money, while credits (CR) record outgoing money. How these show up on your balance sheet depends on the type of account they correspond to.

What is meant by debit and credit? ›

On a balance sheet or in a ledger, assets equal liabilities plus shareholders' equity. An increase in the value of assets is a debit to the account, and a decrease is a credit.

What is an example of a debit and credit? ›

Debits and Credits Example: Getting a Loan

(Remember, a debit increases an asset account, or what you own, while a credit increases a liability account, or what you owe.) Sal records a credit entry to his Loans Payable account (a liability) for $3,000 and debits his Cash account for the same amount.

What is debit in simple words? ›

to take money out of an account or keep a record of this: The bank debited my account. The bank debited the money from my account.

Is debit money in or out? ›

A debit to your bank account occurs when you use funds from the account to buy something or pay someone. When your bank account is debited, money is taken out of the account. The opposite of a debit is a credit, in which case money is added to your account.

What is a debit vs credit for dummies? ›

Debits and credits indicate where value is flowing into and out of a business. They must be equal to keep a company's books in balance. Debits increase the value of asset, expense and loss accounts. Credits increase the value of liability, equity, revenue and gain accounts.

What is credit in simple words? ›

Credit is an agreement between a lender and a borrower that allows the borrower to obtain funds, goods or services now and repay them later. Credit can also refer to your history of borrowing and repaying money.

How do you know if its debit or credit? ›

Debits are always on the left side of the entry, while credits are always on the right side, and your debits and credits should always equal each other in order for your accounts to remain in balance. In this journal entry, cash is increased (debited) and accounts receivable credited (decreased).

How do you remember debits and credits? ›

  1. An increase to the left side of the equation is a debit (debit means left), and an increase in the right side of the equation is a credit (credit means right).
  2. It's best that you don't try to memorize the normal balance for every single account, that would be too tedious. ...
  3. Assets live on the left side of the equation.

How to understand debits and credits in accounting? ›

Debits increase as credits decrease. Record on the left side of an account. Debits increase asset and expense accounts. Debits decrease liability, equity, and revenue accounts.

Is debit good or bad? ›

Debits and credits are accounting entries that record business transactions in two or more accounts using the double-entry accounting system. A very common misconception with debits and credits is thinking that they are “good” or “bad”. There is no good or bad when it comes to debits and credits.

Is debit a good thing? ›

Using a debit card may prevent you from making large, impulse purchases that you can't afford. They don't charge interest. Since debit card payments take money out of your account right away, you don't accumulate a balance that you have to pay interest on.

Does debit mean charge? ›

A debit is a payment made or charged, or the notation of the amount charged.

Is a debit owing? ›

A debit may sound like something you owe. But in truth, it is quite the opposite. Debit and credit are essential in balancing a company's accounts. A debit is an accounting entry that is created to indicate either an increase in assets or a decrease in liabilities on the business's balance sheet.

What goes out is debit? ›

The golden rule for real accounts is: debit what comes in and credit what goes out. In this transaction, cash goes out and the loan is settled.

Is paying rent a debit or credit? ›

Answer and Explanation:

Rent expense is a debit in accounting because it is an example of expense. In debit and credit rules, all expenses are said to be debit accounts because the increase in its value is journalized through a debit entry.

Is debit positive or negative? ›

A Mathematical Understanding of Debits & Credits

Another way to understand debits and credits in business accounting is to look at them mathematically. A simple way to distinguish between the two is to know that a debit entry always adds a positive number to the ledger, and a credit entry always adds a negative number.

Is it better to use credit or debit? ›

Credit cards often offer better fraud protection

With a credit card, you're typically responsible for up to $50 of unauthorized transactions or $0 if you report the loss before the credit card is used. You could be liable for much more for unauthorized transactions on your debit card.

Is a bank account a debit or credit? ›

The accounts carrying a debit balance are Bank Account, Bank Loan, Interest Expense, and Office Supplies Expense. The Owner Equity account is the only account carrying a credit balance.

Why do they say debit or credit? ›

When store clerks ask you "credit or debit," they're really referring to which network your transaction will run through and what documentation will be requested to prove you have the right to use that card.

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