The Future of Value-Based Care: 2019 Survey Results (2024)

The U.S. healthcare industry continues to inch toward value-based care and away from fee-from-service. Over the past eight years, the number of U.S. states and territories that have implemented VBC programs has spiked – rising from three states in 2011 to 48 as of 2018.

To stay abreast of this movement, in the month of August, Definitive Healthcare polled 1,090 healthcare leaders across the provider, biotech, financial services, staffing, life sciences, IT, and consulting verticals to determine predictions for the future of the value-based care landscape in 2019 and beyond. With 791 total responses, these healthcare leaders helped identify:

1. The biggest barriers when moving toward a value-based care system
2. Factors accelerating the adoption of value-based programs
3. Benefits of value-based care programs
4. How the value-based care landscape will shift in 2020

Read on to learn more about the results of Definitive Healthcare's first-annual value-based care trends survey:

Biggest barriers when moving to a value-based system

The Future of Value-Based Care: 2019 Survey Results (1)

  1. Changing regulations/policies: The shift from fee-for-service healthcare to value-based care has been underway since the passing ofMIPPA in 2008, though the incentives from the Centers from Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) didn’t become mainstream until the Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Program began in 2012, which is why regulations and policies are significant barriers (16.2%) to implementing these value-based programs. Ever since, CMS has been introducing and modifying value-based incentive programs and these changes continue to be one of the biggest catalysts for the shift.
  2. Trouble with collecting and reporting patient information (i.e.: gaps in care): If patient data is inaccessible to providers, it is essentially useless in terms of care coordination and preventative medicine. But with only 14.8% of the votes, it's clear that there are bigger barriers in place.
  3. Unpredictability of revenue stream and complexity of financial risk: Respondents said that one of the biggest barriers (17%) to adoption of value-based payments, in terms of practice sustainability, was the unpredictability of revenue stream and the difficulty understanding the complexity of financial risk involved in these programs.
  4. Lack of resources (short-staffed, insufficient healthcare IT software, etc.): With the majority of the votes (25.3%), it's clear that providers are challenged by staffing shortages and may need to learn how to capitalize on rising opportunities such as implementing health IT systems to handle population health initiatives.
  5. Gaps in interoperability, internally and externally: With the second-highest number of votes (19.7%), it's clear that interoperability continues to be a challenge for providers. Value-based care requires an unprecedented amount of healthcare data exchange and analytics, so adopting technology solutions like interoperable EHR systems, patient and provider engagement technologies (like telehealth technologies), and core operational and financial applications will be critical.
  6. (7%) 'Other' response examples

"It's not "there" yet. It seems to be a mythical creature in many markets."

"Time, and will, to 'gather everybody at the table.'"

"We are in a transition period. Tough to implement when [an] organization is 30% value-based care [and] 70% fee-for-service."

"Not a technical integration issue. Rather, once patients are identified at-risk, they need collaborative care in the communities where they live - including non-medical care such as social and spiritual. EHR platforms are not designed for this purpose, thus coordinated care is very limited in virtually all cases."

"Complexity. Many constituentswith competition priorities. Not easy and many hurdles."

"Lack of clear financial incentives for providers."

Factors accelerating the adoption of value-based care

The Future of Value-Based Care: 2019 Survey Results (2)

  1. Appropriate provider compensation and incentives: By a landslide (44.8%), respondents cite provider compensation and incentives as the best way to accelerate the adoption of value-based care. Under the current system, providers can opt into value-based purchasing initiatives, receiving bonuses for performing above average and being penalized for performing below average. However, more clarity may be needed to entice providers to jump on board the value-based train.
  2. Policy requirements: With 16.1% of the votes, it's evident that policy may be an accelerating factor as well. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) continues to encourage value-based care reimbursem*nt, but may need to continue ramping up efforts for providers through policy changes and updates.
  3. An increase in risk-sharing models like ACOs: In last place, at 11.9% of the votes, providers see a slight benefit to increasing risk-sharing models. Full financial risk sharing in healthcare may not be widely adopted yet. But evidence shows that the greater level of financial risk sharing, the greater care quality and costs benefits.
  4. Consolidating market, mergers and acquisitions, moving more providers into the VBC model: With the second highest number of votes (18.9%), it's clear that industry consolidation is accelerating the implementation of value-based care programs. Small, independent physician practices are becoming less prevalent as healthcare's transition toward VBC gains traction. In fact, the past few years have seen the highest level of healthcare provider consolidation in U.S. history. Last year, the number of accountable care organizations increased from 923in 2017 to 1,011 by the start of 2018, and it is likely this number will only continue to grow.
  5. (8.3%) 'Other' response examples

"Anything that 'forces' each stakeholder, through incentives, to pay attention and devote brain power, time, and resources to the problem."

"Use of common guidelines to care and expected outcome achievements."

"Cooperation and communication internally (within Providers) and external (Payers)."

"No one will take-on extra work efforts (normally) without incentives (intrinsic or extrinsic). Thus, there has to be a sufficient motivating parameter that both: a) starts this process, &, b) sustains it. This demands physician interaction overlaid with departmental leaders to develop a pragmatic solution."

Biggest benefits of value-based purchasing in healthcare

The Future of Value-Based Care: 2019 Survey Results (3)

  1. Reduced costs: 28.4% of respondents see the cost benefits associated with value-based payments. Value-based payments reward clinicians for providing proactive, preventative, and efficient care using data and technology to understand emerging needs. This and other value-based care programs create a more integrated approach to managing people's wellness, instead of treating illness and disease as it occurs, which saves money in the long-term
  2. Increased patient satisfaction: Patient satisfaction is an important benchmark that health care administrators use to measure organizational performance, but, with only 17.6% of the votes, it's clear that reduced costs and better outcomes are most important to this set of healthcare leaders.
  3. Fewer medical errors/better outcomes: By a landslide (48%), respondents see fewer medical errors and better outcomes as the biggest benefit of value-based purchasing in healthcare. With value-based care programs, providers can spend more time focusing on preventative medicine and population health issues rather than struggling to keep up with high patient demand and readmissions.
  4. (6%) 'Other' response examples

"A few things, most importantly patient satisfaction, communication, staff engagement, sustainability and at a decent price."

"A shift towards a population of wellness with preventative medicine to benefit our citizens, rather than 'fixing issues' when they arise after individuals are sicker, likely with more than one chronic condition."

"Accountability from the clinician side. That will have a direct impact on patient satisfaction, thus driving the intrinsic value of value-based purchasing."

"I believe a big benefit of VBC is that it forces providers (and patients) to focus more on 'preventive' care management rather than reactionary, episodic care."

How value-based care programs will shift in 2020

The Future of Value-Based Care: 2019 Survey Results (4)

  1. Shift away from voluntary programs in favor of mandatory participation (stricter limits on fee-for-service models): Without a fundamental paradigm shift, it will be difficult for value-based care to become the go-to-standard. That's why 27.6% of respondents anticipate a greater movement away from fee-for-service models as a result of mandatory regulations. For instance, the 2020CMS Primary Cares Initiative aims to reduce administrative burden for providers, while incentivizing clinicians to spend more time with patients and focus on preventive care. And, HHS Secretary Alex Azar told a crowd of stakeholders at the American Medical Association in Washington in April 2019 that the CMS projects the new voluntary programs will shift at least a quarter of people in traditional Medicare out of fee-for-service.
  2. ACOs and bundled payment arrangements will continue to evolve: The majority of the votes (31.1%) went to the evolution of ACOs and bundled payment arrangements. According to Definitive Healthcare ACO data, there are nearly 1,400 active ACOs in the U.S., with approximately 560 participating in theMedicare Shared Savings Program. As these payment programs continue to evolve and become easier to understand, the more likely providers will make the shift toward value-based care.
  3. Market consolidation: new partnerships and networks to capture market share: In last place, 18% of respondents believe that market consolidation (i.e.: mergers and acquisitions) will influence value-based care programs in 2020.
  4. Providers will be more focused on benchmarking their success against that of their competitors: With 21.3% of the votes, benchmarking success will be a big factor in 2020 and years to come. According to Definitive Healthcare data, in 2019, 56% of hospitals participating in value-based purchasing received a positive adjustment, which means more than half of hospitals are performing "above average." Many providers may be ill-equipped to benchmark performance, understand how payors stack up against each other, and lack a real sense of the competitive market. Software platforms like Definitive Healthcare can help providers understand important industry benchmarks and foundational data, including length of stay, cost, volume, quality, and patient statistics.
  5. (2%) 'Other' response examples

"APM, shared business models between payer/provider."

"Any major shift in behavior or practice in healthcare has required regulatory incentives focused on tightening reimbursem*nt. VBC could have been instituted decades ago - yet only CMS reimbursem*nt policy has driven the program forward."

"There is a change but in this market, it will move over a few years - not one. I find that there are a collaboration of decision makers in the sales process."

"Inability of 'most' to do what is required with force lead to the 'least common denominator' consolidation. However, that is just a band-aid; it will only help short-term."

Learn More

Want to understand how many members a given accountable care organization has, or how large the ACO's patient population is? Definitive Healthcare can enable you search for, and fully understand, which hospitals and providers are participating in value-based care programs across the U.S., and benchmark your progress against competitors with:

  • Detailed hospital financial, clinical, and quality metricsfor your practice, and that of competitors
  • Affiliations with hospitals, ACOs, GPOs, HIEs and other institutions
  • Population health analytics
  • Physicians data, quality metrics, and referral patterns to specialists
  • Hospital and physicianprocedure volumesand complexity analysis
  • Merger and acquisition activity, new hospital services, and other provider developments
The Future of Value-Based Care: 2019 Survey Results (2024)


What is the future of value based healthcare? ›

The future of healthcare should include widespread adoption of value-based care, with a focus on improving data interoperability and supporting clinicians in providing high-quality care, Reyna emphasized throughout the discussion with Healthcare Strategies.

How do you measure success of value-based care? ›

The following metrics can be leveraged to ensure the delivery of quality care, which is tied to revenue in the VBC model.
  1. Efficiency and Effectiveness. ...
  2. Timeliness and Ease of Access. ...
  3. Safety. ...
  4. Focus on the Patient. ...
  5. Equitability.
Dec 19, 2022

Does value-based care improve outcomes? ›

In value-based care, health care providers recognize that each person is unique and can experience improved health outcomes through person-centered, coordinated care.

What is the growth rate of value-based care? ›

Value Based Healthcare Market size is expected to be worth around USD 174.0 Bn by 2032 from USD 29.9 Bn in 2022, growing at a CAGR of 19.8% during the forecast period from 2023 to 2032.

How does value-based care improve patient outcomes? ›

Better patient outcomes

Value-based care encourages building stronger relationships with patients through preventive care, early interventions, and comprehensive chronic disease management.

What are the negatives of value-based healthcare? ›

Four Cons of Value-based Care
  • Complex Implementation. Shifting from fee-for-service to value-based health care requires significant changes in delivery, payment models, data management, and mindset. ...
  • Data and Technology Challenges. ...
  • Measurement and Outcome Challenges. ...
  • Potential for Unintended Consequences.
Sep 13, 2023

How do you evaluate value-based healthcare? ›

What are the measures of success that providers are held accountable for?
  1. effectiveness: care is based on evidence and is designed to get results.
  2. efficiency: providers don't use resources that are not needed.
  3. equity: care does not vary in quality based on personal characteristics such as race, gender, and income.
Feb 7, 2023

What are the metrics for value-based care model? ›

Some of the most important quality metrics for value-based care include effectiveness and efficiency, timeliness, safety, patient focus, and equitability.

What is the value-based care formula? ›

The National Academy of Medicine defines value-based care (VBC) as safe, timely, efficient, equitable, effective, and patient-cen- tered — or STEEEP. 1 The University of Utah Health offers a more practical definition, the value equation:2 Value = (Quality × Patient Experience) / Cost.

What is needed to improve value-based care? ›

From a healthcare provider perspective, here are five key strategies to implement and improve value-based care:
  • Identify patients with the highest risk.
  • Address patients who need care.
  • Encourage annual wellness visits.
  • Keep open communication with provider-relation reps.
  • Be open-minded to succeed at value-based care.
Jan 18, 2023

What is the primary goal of value-based care? ›

Value in health care is the measured improvement in a patient's health outcomes for the cost of achieving that improvement. The goal of value-based care transformation is to enable the health care system to create more value for patients.

What are the strengths of care value base? ›

Value-based care allows providers to implement the changes they need with financial support. You might be able to improve communication with other providers, implement detailed patient education plans or provide regular check-ins to monitor the patient's condition.

How big is the value-based care market? ›

According to the report, the global value-based healthcare market was valued at US$ 12.18 Bn in 2023 and is expected to reach US$ 43.39 Bn by 2031, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.6% from 2024 to 3031, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights.

How does value-based care save money? ›

Wellness and prevention are also stressed in value-based care. Prevention of health (through quitting smoking, dietary and lifestyle changes, exercise, etc.) reduces the need for expensive tests, procedures, and medications.

What is the CAGR for value-based care? ›

Value-based Healthcare Services Market Analysis

The Value-based Healthcare Services Market size is estimated at USD 1.63 trillion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 3.77 trillion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 18.23% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

What is driving the shift to value-based care? ›


Due to concerns about rising costs and poor performance on quality indicators, employers, health plans, and government purchasers of health care are pushing for a transition to value-based payment models.

How big is the value-based healthcare market? ›

According to the report, the global value-based healthcare market was valued at US$ 12.18 Bn in 2023 and is expected to reach US$ 43.39 Bn by 2031, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.6% from 2024 to 3031, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights.

What is the future growth of healthcare? ›

The fastest growth in healthcare may occur in several segments. We estimate that healthcare profit pools will grow at a 7 percent CAGR, from $583 billion in 2022 to $819 billion in 2027.

How will healthcare evolve in the next 10 years? ›

Tech-enabled health and well-being offerings will allow consumers to engage in their care in more meaningful ways. Increased data interoperability and rapid advancements in artificial intelligence will allow healthcare organizations to improve their insights, automate processes, and drive down costs.

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

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Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.