The French way of table setting | Voilah! (2024)

In 2010, UNESCO declared the gastronomic meal of the French a “World Intangible Heritage”. It is described as “a festive meal bringing people together for an occasion to enjoy the art of good eating and drinking”. It is also stated that “the setting of a beautiful table” is one of the major elements of the French meal.

In short : a great meal is a combination of good eating and drinking, as well as a nice table setting. Good food, a pleasant conversation, a great interaction between guests are some of the many factors contributing to a successful dinner. Table setting is definitely a large determining factor too.

Setting the scene for what has been cooked is undoubtedly an integral part of the meal and establishes the tone of a party. Make a table a feast for the eyes and an inviting setting for the guests to enjoy the food.

When it comes to table setting, it is crucial to set a table according to the situation or the occasion. There is a table setting for every occasion: a business elegant dinner, an informal dinner with family, a casual dinner with friends or a romantic date.

Here are a few basic tips to set a dining table the French way:

  • One way to approach a table setting is to evaluate what tableware you have already in your cupboards. The current vogue is very much to ‘mix and match’ so don’t feel like you have to restrict yourself to formal matching tableware. You can experiment.
  • Each dinner plate should be remotely centred in front of a chair, and lined up with the one across from it. There should be about 50 to 60 cm between each plate, so that your guests have ample space to manipulate their cutlery.
  • Knives are to be placed on the right side of the plate together with the soup spoon if any. Forks are to be placed on the left side of the plate while the cheese knife and dessert spoon go on top of the plate. The knife blade should be turned inside/towards the plate and fork teeth facing down. The British however place the forks with teeth up. The reason for French and British operating differently here is due to ancient traditions, the French having their family crests engraved on the back of the cutlery while the British used to engrave them on the opposite side.
  • You may want to add a bread-and-butter plate which will have to sit above the forks, to the left of the place setting
  • Glasses are placed on the top right hand corner of the plate, from the smallest to the tallest, with a 45 degree angle.
  • Napkins have to be placed on the left of the fork/plate, folded in rectangle. No napkins in glasses!
  • Use cangle lights to create a warm atmosphere. You may want to lower the intensity of the electric lighting around you as well.
  • Flowers. Get some fresh flowers and display them in a vase in the centre of your table, Or display smaller stem vases in various locations of your table.

Get more ideas on and shop timeless chic tableware, table linens, cutlery, glasses and more.

The French way of table setting | Voilah! (1)

Photo credit Pinterest and Pezcame

The French way of table setting | Voilah! (2024)


What is the French way of setting a table? ›

Knives are to be placed on the right side of the plate together with the soup spoon if any. Forks are to be placed on the left side of the plate while the cheese knife and dessert spoon go on top of the plate. The knife blade should be turned inside/towards the plate and fork teeth facing down.

How is the table set in France? ›

When it comes to cutlery, the rules for a French table are relatively simple. They are placed on either side of each plate, with the fork on the left (tines towards the table), the knife on the right (edge of the blade towards the plate) and the soup spoon to the right of the knife (curved part towards the sky).

What is the manner of the table in France? ›

At the French table, you should keep your hands on the table, on each side of the plate, in a relaxed manner. Palms may be down, or your hands can be on the side, but both hands should be on the table, never under the table on your lap.

What is the French style of table service? ›

In the more formal style of French service, a server presents a dish of food individually to each guest and the guest helps themselves onto their plate. Sometimes the food will be pre-cooked in the kitchen and finished off at the table in front of the guests.

What is the French way of sitting? ›

The most important guest will be seated immediately to the right of the primary host, the next most important person to the left. If you are a couple married for less than one year you may be sat next to each other, if you are married for more than one year you will be sat apart.

What is the difference between French table and English table? ›

In France, you absolutely have to put your hands and forearms (never the elbows though!) on the table (you never know what could happen under the table!). Britons usually sit with one hand on the table and the other on their knees (more comfortable).

What is the difference between French and British table setting? ›

The French table setting involves placing the fork tines pointing down on the table on the left hand side of the plate. This was done to show the coat of arms that was traditionally on that side contrary to Germany or the United Kingdom. In the United Kingdom, the fork tines face upward while sitting on the table.

How do the French hold a fork? ›

1:00:00 In France most people hold their fork with the left hand, cut with the right hand and eat with the left hand. In America most people in formal situations cut with their dominant hand, then put down the knife, then switch the side of utensils and eat with their fork in their dominant hand.

What are the table manners in France vs America? ›

Americans tend to eat with their dominant hand (usually, but not always, the right hand), and keep the left hand resting in the lap. In France, both hands are kept visible, even if one hand isn't doing anything in particular. Americans tend to be louder at the table than French people.

How do the French eat salad? ›

Do not cut salad with a knife and fork. Fold the lettuce on to your fork. Peel and slice fruit before eating it. You can serve yourself water but wait for wine to be poured for you.

What is considered bad manners in France? ›

Elbows on the table is considered bad manners in France, just as in America. However, the French keep both hands on the table, rather than in the lap. Women do not pour wine for themselves; the man sitting next to them does. Sit up straight, chew quietly and don't laugh or speak too loudly.

Do waiters serve food from the left or right? ›

How to serve food in a fine dining restaurant. Do you serve from the left or right? The general rule is to serve from a guest's left using your left hand. You or your servers never want to reach across a guest to reach the table, and it's best practice to take the plate from the closest point.

How do you serve a French meal? ›

A French dinner traditionally follows this order: apéritif, entrée (starter), plat de résistance (main course), fromage (cheese), dessert, café, and finally digestif—all of which will be covered later in this piece!

Where does the cheese knife go on a table setting? ›

Above the plate place the cheese knife, handle to the right and blade downwards, next the dessert fork, handle towards the left and dessert spoon at the top, handle to the right. On either side of the plate place the main course silverware nearest, then the fish course, finally the appetiser or soup spoon.

What is the European way to set a table? ›

A five course meal in Europe usually consists of soup, fish course, main course, salad, and dessert. Starting from left to right, you would have the fish fork, dinner fork, salad fork, plate with napkin (and possibly name card), salad knife, dinner knife, fish knife and soup spoon.

What is the French term of set menu? ›

Many establishments in France including some of the finest restaurants in the country offer a set menu. This is known as a le menu du jour or la formule.

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