Stages of Startup Development or 7 Pillars of Success. Growth Phases of a Startup Business Company | LITSLINK Blog (2024)

Being an entrepreneur involves quite a lot of risks. And almost all of them are difficult to foresee or overcome. That’s why it comes as no surprise that eight out of ten young companies fail in the first several years of their existence. One of the reasons why it happens is that you don’t have a clear picture of where your startup is heading. For that reason, you need to be aware of the gist of phases of a startup to see when is the right time to raise funds so as not to lose your company.


What is a startup company?

Main Stages of Startup Development

  1. Idea Stage
  2. Pre-seed Startup Stage
  3. Seed Startup Stage
  4. Early Stage Startup
  5. Growth Stage
  6. Exit Stage

Wrapping up

What is a startup company?

Before considering all the stages a young business goes through, let’s define what a startup actually is.

A startup is a company founded by an entrepreneur (or a group of them) to meet market demand (sometimes hypothetical) with the help of a product or services they provide under uncertain and volatile conditions.

As a rule, such companies are funded by founders, their families and other investors at different stages of startup development. Let’s have a closer look at them.

Main Stages of Startup Development

There’s no exact or universal classification of startup phases. Hence, you may find a lot of scattered information and definitions across the various sources and from different entrepreneurs. The reason behind is that stages of startup development are as volatile as startups themselves, and they can be convoluted and intertwined with one another to a certain degree. That’s why it’s difficult to draw a clear line where one stage finishes and another one starts.

Still, to ease the burden of this unclearness, we try to distinguish seven startup stages based on our experience:

  1. Friends & Family, and Angels Stage
  2. Pre-seed Startup Stage
  3. Seed Startup Stage
  4. Early Stage Startup
  5. Growth Stage
  6. Exit Stage

1. Idea Stage

Every entrepreneurial endeavor starts with an idea. No matter how you come up with it — during a brainstorm with your friends or colleagues, or you were just hit upon when you least expected it — it’s a cornerstone of every business. But unfortunately, not every “grand design” is neither new nor innovative.

To avoid making a mistake by launching a product or service that nobody needs or wants, make sure that your “million dollar” idea can indeed make a difference. Conduct thorough research to see if your idea is fresh and can bring real value to avoid creating yet another copycat or mediocre product/service.

At the idea stage you are most likely to use your own means as you’re your own investor here. By bootstrapping and without any external help, you can sustain your company and create a business plan, or which is better, to use a Business Model Canvas. It’ll help to “draw” a clear picture of who your customers are, what your unique proposition is, define your cost structure, revenue streams, and many other vital things.

What is a lean canvas model and how can startups use it? Click below to satisfy your curiosity!

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2. Friends & Family, and Angels Stage

Coming up with a worthwhile idea and sustaining it with your resources is only a beginning. You need to expand your business and for this, you’ll need more money as your sources are already drying up. This is when the Friends & Family, and also the Angels stage comes to the aid of your startup.

Usually, there are several comparatively reliable ways from where you can attract more investment — through your family and friends and angel investors.

Friends & Family is an investment round when the founder’s kith and kin provide funds for the startup. As a rule, these people are those, whom the founders already have long-standing and strong relationships. Simultaneously with the Friends & Family round, you can ask фngel investors (or just angels) to fund your business. They are a bit different from your friends and family members.

Angel investors or simply angels (or also known as private investors) are affluent individuals or a group of them, who have more than $1 million in cash (or assets) and can invest in startups in exchange for the company’s equity. They might be former entrepreneurs who want to invest their money in a promising venture.

As a rule, the Friends & Family, and Angels is an initial stage when the founder wants to bring their product to market but needs outside support. With a business plan in place and new financial support, you can now work on a clickable prototype of your product. It can be a demonstration video (as was the case with Dropbox), or something more interactive that can provide your customer with an idea of what your product will be and how people can benefit from it.

3. Pre-seed Startup Stage

The pre seed startup is a phase when the entrepreneur requires additional funds to support their startup. For instance, it’s highly important to conduct market validation. From this point of view, this stage is key because it provide answers to your questions:

  • Is your product something that your customers really need or want?
  • If not, how can you pivot? If yes, are there any essential features it lacks?

To answer all of them, you need to build a minimum viable product also known as MVP which is a proven tool to validate an idea.

MVP is a representation of your product with the necessary features to satisfy early adopters.

Minimum viable product provides you with an overall understanding of where your startup is heading and what should be changed or added right now and what works just fine in terms of your product. You can tweak it here and there, to pivot or to drop the idea for good. No matter what the outcome, the pre-seed startup stage helps answer a lot of relevant questions.

4. Seed Startup Stage

The name of the stage speaks for itself. You can imagine a startup to be a seed, which was planted to become a blossoming tree. This stage suggests that you’ve validated your idea.Your product is already generating revenue on a regular basis and your startup’s acquiring new customers. But if you want to grow faster, become bigger, and secure your position in the market, you might want to go for the Seed Stage.

Seed stage startups gravitate towards investment firms rather than individual investors. And business owners can attract investments with the help of these institutions. For example, VCs (or Venture Capitalists) can willingly provide money for startup companies. Moreover, they can provide you with valuable experience, human resources, office space, and even guide you through the next development stages of a startup.

In exchange for funding, they will get some share of your company’s equity.

5. Early-stage Startup

Early stage startups are companies that have already figured out what kind of business model works for them. They generate expected revenue, have customers, attract new ones, but they need to scale to satisfy an increasing market demand. At this stage, they can begin funding round series.

Early-stage startup stage includes Series A, Series B, and other series. They serve as important milestones for startups on their way to a sweeping success. During this phase, to attract funds, you need to provide investors proof that your startup has already had a steady flow of revenue, customers, and a strong business strategy in place.

During funding series, early-stage startups can rely on the substantial help of investors to reach new heights, satisfy market demand, or even conquer new markets.

6. Growth Stage

At the growth stage, companies bask in the glory of their success. Entrepreneurs have some new options of how to secure the next fund — investors, bank loans. Banks provide some good advantages, for instance, they can loan you money with low interest rates, and they don’t require your company’s equity in return.

7. Exit Stage

Your company has several offices, maybe even outside of your country. Your product or service has secured its positions in the market so strongly that for now it has become an integral part of your clients’ lives. And now it’s time for IPO or Initial Public Offering. It’s the final stage of startup development.

IPO is the very first time when a startup (private company) makes its corporate shares available to the public for purchase.

This allows startups to raise funds from public investors and it means that the companyэs private status becomes public and its shares become available to an unlimited number of investors. There are several reasons why you might want to consider this option for your startup. Initial public offering helps you attract long-term investment for your business, boost the company’s prestige, which provides you with high-profile partners and new clients. IPO allows the existing shareholders to sell their shares or you can sell your shares on favourable terms.

Whatever reasons you might have, you can always go for this option.

Stages of Startup Development or 7 Pillars of Success. Growth Phases of a Startup Business Company | LITSLINK Blog (1)

Wrapping Up

We’ve guided you through the seven startup stages of development. But it should be noted that not all startups should, need, or will follow the same phases. Some young companies end up at the pre-seed stage without moving to the next one, while others sell their company successfully and start a new venture. Each startup might have its own way of development.

But without proper funding , which is the main way of how startups survive, you won’t last long in the market. You’ll have to attract investment at least at the initial stages of startup development.

So, if you’re an entrepreneur with a fresh and brilliant idea in mind and you’re looking to get your startup off the ground, you might need some help — with your prototype, minimum viable product, or pitching to investors. LITSLINK is exactly the company that can help you turn dreams into a reality. Our expertise accelerates startups on their way to success through the seven pillars of startup development. Take a look at our outsourcing case studies. We’ve helped a lot of startups make their great ideas come alive, and we can help you to build a product that best meets your audiences’ expectations!

Stages of Startup Development or 7 Pillars of Success. Growth Phases of a Startup Business Company | LITSLINK Blog (2024)


What are the stages of development for a startup? ›

Stages of a startup
  • Pre-Seed Stage.
  • Seed Stage.
  • Early Stage.
  • Growth Stage.
  • Expansion phase.
  • Exit phase.
17 Feb 2021

What are the steps and phases of business growth? ›

4 Stages of Business Growth
  • Startup.
  • Growth.
  • Maturity.
  • Renewal or decline.

Which stage is the stage of startup of an industry? ›

Introduction Phase

The introduction, or startup, phase involves the development and early marketing of a new product or service. Innovators often create new businesses to enable the production and proliferation of the new offering.

What is the first stage in the process of business startup? ›

Before you can start planning your business, you first need to establish what kind of business you would like to start, according to online business resource Business know-how. Develop a list of business ideas, and then begin applying practical questions to determine which ideas offer the best opportunity.

What are the 7 areas of development? ›

We'll now take a brief look at each of these 7 areas and why they are important.
  • Communication and language development. ...
  • Physical development. ...
  • Personal, social, and emotional development. ...
  • Literacy development. ...
  • Mathematics. ...
  • Understanding the world. ...
  • Expressive arts and design.
3 Sept 2016

What are the steps in the business life cycle 7? ›

  1. Stages of the business lifecycle.
  2. Startup.
  3. Growth.
  4. Maturity.
  5. Transition.
  6. Succession.
9 Oct 2022

What are the 5 phases of growth? ›

The six growth phases are described below:
  • Phase 1: Growth Through Creativity.
  • Phase 2: Growth Through Direction.
  • Phase 3: Growth Through Delegation.
  • Phase 4: Growth Through Coordination and Monitoring.
  • Phase 5: Growth Through Collaboration.
  • Phase 6: Growth Through Extra-Organizational Solutions.

What do you mean by startup stage? ›

The term startup refers to a company in the first stages of operations. Startups are founded by one or more entrepreneurs who want to develop a product or service for which they believe there is demand.

How many stages could be seen in startups? ›

Stages of a Startup. Ideation and business formation. Proof of concept. Scaling the business.

What is a growth stage? ›

Growth stage or the growth and expansion stage is the second of five key phases in the business life cycle. The life cycle also includes launch, shake-out, maturity, and decline. During the growth stage, a startup will see sales increase rapidly. This is the phase in which businesses start to see profit.

What are the 5 stages in the creation of a business enterprise? ›

Every new business and start-up, big or small, goes through the five stages of business growth. These phases include existence, survival, success, take-off, and resource maturity.

What are the 3 pillars to initiate startup? ›

Capital, Product and Marketing are the three key pillars through which a startup can become a sustainable company in the long run. Many startups end up focusing only on one or, at most, two of these pillars, which negatively affects them sooner or later.

Who created the 7 stages of development? ›

Psychologist Erik Erikson developed his eight stages of development to explain how people mature. The stages clarify the developmental challenges faced at various points in life.

What are the 7 stages of development PDF? ›

  • Infant Development.
  • Toddler Development.
  • Preschooler Development.
  • Middle Childhood Development.
  • Adolescent Development.
  • Adult Development.

What are the 8 stages of growth and development? ›

Understanding Erikson's 8 Stages of Development

Toddler – Autonomy versus shame and doubt. Preschool-age – Initiative versus guilt. School-age – Industry versus inferiority. Adolescence – Identity versus identity confusion.

Why are the 7 areas of development important? ›

All of the areas are important as they are all interconnected. These 7 areas are used by early years settings to shape their education programmes and to determine what children should learn and how children's learning and development will be supported through each of these 7 areas.

What are the 6 stage of development? ›

Our new Thrive philosophy is born from six stages of human development: social-emotional, intellectual, moral, psychological, physical, and spiritual.

What are the 8 domains of development? ›

The CT ELDS cover 8 domains of growth and development:
  • Cognition.
  • Social and emotional development.
  • Physical development and health.
  • Language and literacy.
  • Creative arts.
  • Mathematics.
  • Science.
  • Social studies.
22 Mar 2021

What are the seven 7 factor to consider in starting business? ›

Well, there are some important factors to bear in mind when launching a business.
  • A great idea. “No business can develop in the absence of a great idea. ...
  • Funding and budget. ...
  • What is your business plan? ...
  • Legal documentation. ...
  • Passion. ...
  • Find the right equipment. ...
  • Know when you need help.

What are the 7 steps of organization and management? ›

Organizational Development Process: 7 Steps
  • This article throws light on the seven major steps in the organisational development process, i.e, (1) Initial Diagnosis, (2) Data Collection, (3) Data Feed.
  • Back, (4) Planning Strategy, (5) Intervention, (6) Team Building, and (7) Evaluation.

What are the 10 steps you should follow to start a business? ›

  • Conduct market research. Market research will tell you if there's an opportunity to turn your idea into a successful business. ...
  • Write your business plan. ...
  • Fund your business. ...
  • Pick your business location. ...
  • Choose a business structure. ...
  • Choose your business name. ...
  • Register your business. ...
  • Get federal and state tax IDs.

What are the 4 main types of growth and development? ›

Human development is a lifelong process of physical, behavioral, cognitive, and emotional growth and change.

What are the 4 types of business growth? ›

4 Types of Business Growth
  • Organic business growth. This type is considered the easiest but most effective way of business growth. ...
  • Strategic business growth. This approach works well for long-term goals and companies that have gone through organic growth. ...
  • Internal business growth. ...
  • Partnership or merge business growth.
1 Dec 2022

What are the most important stages of growth? ›

Recent brain research indicates that birth to age three are the most important years in a child's development. Here are some tips to consider during your child's early years: Be warm, loving, and responsive.

What are the 6 types of startups? ›

6 Types of Startups
  • Scalable startups.
  • Small business startups.
  • Lifestyle startups.
  • Buyable startups.
  • Big business startups.
  • Social startups.
1 Dec 2022

What are the 11 steps to create a startup company? ›

How to start a business in 11 steps
  • Discover your big idea.
  • Research your product and audience.
  • Calculate your startup costs.
  • Source products.
  • Figure out your shipping strategy.
  • Develop a brand strategy and brand identity.
  • Build and launch your website.
  • Register your business.
30 Sept 2022

What are the common stages of startup funding? ›

Stages of Startup Funding - Self, Seed, VC, Series A, B,C, IPO - Explained.

How many stages are there in a successful business model? ›

The business life cycle is the progression of a business in phases over time and is most commonly divided into five stages: launch, growth, shake-out, maturity, and decline.

What are the 9 stages of growth and development? ›

The average human life span falls into nine stages:
  • prenatal development.
  • infancy and toddlerhood.
  • early childhood.
  • middle childhood.
  • adolescence.
  • early adulthood.
  • middle adulthood.
  • late adulthood.

What is the example of growth stage? ›

Examples of products currently in the growth stage include artificial intelligence, smartphones, and electronic cars. A common reaction for companies with products in the growth stage is to expand the supply chain distribution of the product.

Why is growth stage important in business? ›

The growth stage is the period in a product's life cycle when it starts to gain popularity in the market. At this stage, more buyers accept the product as one of their top choices and it develops a loyal customer base. As a result, demand for the product increases, improving sales and revenue numbers.

What are the 5 pillars of business process management? ›

The BPM lifecycle consists of five different stages including design, model, execute, monitor, and optimize.

What are the six 6 business process management phases? ›

The steps of business process management (BPM) commonly include six phases: plan, design, model, implement, monitor, and optimize. These steps provide a structured, cyclical approach for business process improvement, including streamlining manual processes through workflow automation.

What are the 5 key elements of a startup? ›

Let's go through the eight most important elements that we look for in startups.
  • 1 — A financially viable business model. ...
  • 2 — A compelling business plan. ...
  • 3 — An authentic brand story. ...
  • 4 — A strong team. ...
  • 5 — A dynamic market opportunity. ...
  • 6 — A competitive edge. ...
  • 7 — A clear investment structure. ...
  • 8 — A shared vision.
25 Mar 2021

What are the 5 factors to start up success? ›

Top 5 Key Factors That Lead To Successful Startups
  • Startup Idea. For the success of a startup, the significant factor is an idea and the passion to get started. ...
  • Business Model. ...
  • Startup Team. ...
  • Market Timing. ...
  • Startup Funding.
7 Sept 2021

What are the 4 key components of a successful startup? ›

There are four components that startup founders and entrepreneurs must pay attention to. These include market acquisition, human resources, intellectual property, and efficient capital management.

What are the 5 basic stages of development? ›

Five Stages of Child Development
  • Newborn. During the first month of life, newborns exhibit automatic responses to external stimuli. ...
  • Infant. Infants develop new abilities quickly in the first year of life. ...
  • Toddler. ...
  • Preschool. ...
  • School age.
26 Sept 2018

What are the 5 steps of the development process? ›

The following 5 steps describe such a process:
  • Idea Generation.
  • Screening.
  • Idea Evaluation.
  • Development (of product and marketing mix)
  • Commercialization.
7 Feb 2015

What are the 5 steps of start up life cycle? ›

The 5 stages of a startup
  • Solving the problem. Running a successful business is all about producing something that solves a problem. ...
  • 2. Development. This is where it starts getting serious. ...
  • Entering the market. ...
  • Scaling. ...
  • Maturity.

What are the 5 stages of enterprise development? ›

Every new business and start-up, big or small, goes through the five stages of business growth. These phases include existence, survival, success, take-off, and resource maturity.

What are the 8 stage of development? ›

Understanding Erikson's 8 Stages of Development

Preschool-age – Initiative versus guilt. School-age – Industry versus inferiority. Adolescence – Identity versus identity confusion. Young adulthood – Intimacy versus isolation.

What are the most important stages of development? ›

Recent brain research indicates that birth to age three are the most important years in a child's development. Here are some tips to consider during your child's early years: Be warm, loving, and responsive.

What are the 4 methods of development? ›

These four methods of development—cause and effect, problem-solution, chronology or narrative, and comparison and contrast—are just a few ways to organize and develop ideas and content in your essays.

What are the 4 processes of development? ›

Sensorimotor stage (0–2 years old) Preoperational stage (2–7 years old) Concrete operational stage (7–11 years old) Formal operational stage (11 years old through adulthood)

What are the stages of development planning? ›

Four Key Steps to Effective Development Plans
  • Identify areas of improvement.
  • Define, set and manage goals.
  • Establish a plan of action.
  • Follow-up and re-assess.
17 Mar 2021

What are the 4 steps of the startup path? ›

Most startups go through these four basic stages as they strive to succeed:
  • idea,
  • launch,
  • growth and.
  • maturity.

What are the 4 stages of the business life cycle? ›

The company life cycle is generally broken up into stages, and while there is disagreement over what exactly these stages are, they have four common phases that most agree on: startup, growth, shake-out, and maturity.

What are the four pillars of business development? ›

Every business needs a handle on the four pillars of business: management, marketing, operations and finance.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.