Local Property Tax (LPT) (2024)

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  • Introduction
  • Who must pay Local Property Tax?
  • How much is the Local Property Tax?
  • Do I have to submit a Local Property Tax return?
  • How to submit a Local Property Tax return
  • More information


An annual Local Property Tax (LPT) is charged on residential properties in Ireland.

You are liable for LPT in 2024 if you own a residential property on 1 November 2023.

If you paid LPT for 2023

If you paid LPT for 2023 with a repeating payment method, such as a direct debit, the payment will continue in 2024 unless you choose a different way to pay. Repeating methods include LPT deductions from your salary, pension or social protection payment. If you have changed bank, you may need to update your direct debit.

If you paid LPT for 2023 with a type of payment that does not automatically repeat, you need to choose how you want to pay LPT for 2024. You can do this in your Revenue property record.

You should have confirmed your payment method with Revenue by:

  • 1 December 2023, if you choose to spread the payments over the year
  • 10 January 2024, if you choose to pay in a single payment

If you did not pay 2023 LPT

If your property was not liable for LPT on 1 November 2022 but is liable on 1 November 2023, you should submit an LPT return by 1 December 2023. Even if you own a property that is exempt, you must still make a Local Property Tax return to claim an exemption.

If you were liable for 2023 LPT but did not submit an LPT return you should do so now.

You may be able to defer payment of the LPT in certain circ*mstances.

Who must pay Local Property Tax?

If you own residential property on 1 November, including rental property, you must pay LPT. This date is called the liability date.

If there is more than one owner, you need to agree on who will pay the tax, otherwise, Revenue can collect it from any of the owners.

In some cases, you must pay the LPT if you are not the owner:

  • If you are a tenant with a long-term lease of more than 20 years or
  • If you have a right to live in the property for life or for more than 20 years or a right to live there ‘to the exclusion of all others’

If a property is rented on a normal short-term lease (less than 20 years), the landlord pays the LPT.

How much is the Local Property Tax?

The tax you pay is based on the market value of the property on the valuation date. The valuation date for LPT is 1 November 2021. The value of your property on that date will be used to calculate your LPT for the years 2022 to 2025.

The LPT is a self-assessment tax, so you calculate the tax due based on your own assessment of the market value of the property. Read about how to value your property for Local Property Tax.

There are different rates of LPT depending on which range, or valuation band, your property value is in.

Local Property Tax

Valuation bands and basic rates for valuation period 2022–2025

Valuation band numberValuation band €LPT Charge basic rate €
10 – 200,00090
2200,001 – 262,500225
3262,501 – 350,000315
4350,001 – 437,500405
5437,501 – 525,000495
6525,001 – 612,500585
7612,501 – 700,000675
8700,001 – 787,500765
9787,501 – 875,000855
10875,001 – 962,500945
11962,501 – 1,050,0001,035
121,050,001 – 1,137,5001,189
131,137,501 – 1,225,0001,408
141,225,001 – 1,312,5001,627
151,312,501 – 1,400,0001,846
161,400,001 – 1,487,5002,064
171,487,501 – 1,575,0002,283
181,575,001 – 1,662,5002,502
191,662,501 – 1,750,0002,721
For properties worth more than €1.75 million, see below.

In 2022, the valuation bands were widened, and the tax rate was lowered. For previous rates, see 'More information' below.

Properties worth more than €1.75 million

Properties worth more than €1.75 million are assessed on the actual value of the property rather than from a valuation band.

The LPT charge for these properties is the total of:

  • 0.1029% of the first €1.05 million of market value of the property
  • 0.25% of the portion between €1.05 million and €1.75 million
  • 0.3% of the portion above €1.75 million

The local adjustment factor

Local authorities can vary the basic LPT rate on residential properties in their area. These rates can be increased or decreased by up to 15%. This is known as the local adjustment factor.

Residential properties of the same value in different local authority areas may pay different amounts of LPT, depending on whether the local authority has applied a local adjustment factor or not.

There is a list of local authority LPT adjustments on revenue.ie. Revenue also has an online LPT calculator that calculates the tax after the local adjustment factor.

Do I have to submit a Local Property Tax return?

If you submitted an LPT return for 2023 for your property, you do not need to make another return for 2024. You may need to arrange to pay the LPT for 2024.

For the years 2022 to 2025, the LPT is based on the value of your property on 1 November 2021. This is called the valuation date.

You do need to submit an LPT return for 2024 if you have a property that has become liable since the valuation date and you have not submitted a return for it. For example, you may have a property that has been built or become residential after 1 November 2022 and so is a liable property on 1 November 2023. If you have a property that is newly built or renovated, you should assess the value it would have had on 1 November 2021 if it had been completed then.

You must assess the market value of your property and submit your LPT return by 1 December 2023.

You are required to submit your LPT return even if:

How to submit a Local Property Tax return

If your property has never been registered for stamp duty or LPT, you first need to register the property with Revenue.

To view your LPT record and make your LPT return online, you can use your existing login details for myAccount or Revenue Online Service (ROS). Alternatively, you can log in directly to the LPT online service.

To log in to the LPT online service, you will need your Property ID and PIN which you can find on any LPT correspondence you have received from Revenue. You will also need your Personal Public Service Number (PPSN) or Tax Reference Number.

If you do not have your Property ID and PIN, you can use the LPT online service to request them.

Revenue has a short video that explains how to submit your LPT return online.

You can contact the LPT helpline for help with the Local Property Tax. You can also send queries to Revenue through MyEnquiries.

More information

Previous rates that applied from 2013 to 2021

Local Property Tax

Valuation bands and basic rates for valuation period from 2013 to 2021

Valuation band numberValuation band €LPT Charge basic rate €
10 – 100,00090
2100,001 - 150,000225
3150,001 - 200,000315
4200,001 - 250,000405
5250,001 - 300,000495
6300,001 - 350,000585
7350,001 - 400,000675
8400,001 - 450,000765
9450,001 - 500,000855
10500,001 - 550,000945
11550,001 - 600,0001,035
12600,001 - 650,0001,125
13650,001 - 700,0001,215
14700,001 - 750,0001,305
15750,001 - 800,0001,395
16800,001 - 850,0001,485
17850,001 - 900,0001,575
18900,001 - 950,0001,665
19950,001 - 1,000,0001,755
Properties worth more than €1 million are assessed on the actual value at 0.18% on the first €1 million and 0.25% on the portion above €1 million.


In general, because LPT is a self-assessed tax, formal appeals only arise in a small number of situations.

If you do not agree with a Revenue estimate you can replace it by submitting a return with your own self-assessment.

Since Revenue has compiled a register of residential properties from various sources, there may be errors about ownership of some properties. If you got a LPT return form and you do not think you are liable for that property you should contact Revenue within 30 days of getting the letter. You should include an explanation of why you are not liable, the details who you think is the liable person (name, address, and PPS Number) and supporting documentation. It is important that you contact Revenue because if the error is not corrected you are liable to pay the tax. Revenue will use the information you supply to make a decision on whether you are a liable person. If you do not agree you can appeal this decision to the Tax Appeal Commission.

Appeals relating to the valuation of properties are decided by the Land Values Reference Committee.

If you disagree with Revenue on other matters (for example, whether the property is residential or whether you can defer payment) and the matter cannot be resolved, Revenue will issue a formal Notice of Assessment or a formal decision on the matter to you. Your right to appeal to the Appeal Commissioners will be set out clearly on the notices. However, you must make a return and pay any tax due before you can appeal the Notice of Assessment or any other Revenue decision.

The Household Charge and Non-Principal Private Residence Charge

The Local Property Tax replaced the Household Charge which was abolished from 1 January 2013. Household Charge arrears that were not paid by 1 July 2013 were converted into LPT and are now collected by Revenue through the LPT system.

The Non-Principal Private Residence (NPPR) charge on second homes was introduced in 2009 and paid to the relevant local authority. From 2014 onwards, the NPPR is no longer charged, but outstanding liabilities and payments will still be collected. If you are selling your house and need to prove that you have paid the NPPR, you can request a certificate of discharge from the Local Authority.

After 12 years the charges expire and so are no longer due to be paid. If there was an NPPR charge on a property for 2009, it expired on 1 August 2021. Charges for the years 2010–2013 expire on 1 April. An NPPR charge for 2010, for example, expired on 1 April 2022 and the charge for 2013 will expire on 1 April 2025. For more information, see nppr.ie.

Page edited: 6 November 2023

Related documents

  • Deferring payment of the Local Property Tax

    The Local Property Tax is a tax payable on residential property. This document gives information about who qualifies for deferral and how to defer payment of the tax.

  • Exemptions from Local Property Tax

    The Local Property Tax is a tax payable on residential property. This document gives information about properties that are exempt from the tax.

  • How to value your property for Local Property Tax

    Local Property Tax is a self-assessment tax. There are tools and information sources that you can use to help you assess the value of your residential property.

Contact Us

If you have a question about this topic you can contact the Citizens Information Phone Service on 0818 07 4000 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 8pm).

You can also contact your local Citizens Information Centre.

Local Property Tax (LPT) (2024)


How is local property tax calculated? ›

How much is the Local Property Tax? The tax you pay is based on the market value of the property on the valuation date. The valuation date for LPT is 1 November 2021. The value of your property on that date will be used to calculate your LPT for the years 2022 to 2025.

How are local property tax amounts determined? ›

Your tax is determined using the purchase price of the property since the purchase price usually equates to the assessed value. From here on out, your assessed value sees an increase annually based on the inflation rate. The inflation rate comes from changes in the California Consumer Price Index.

Do you pay local property tax every year? ›

Payment of your LPT is due by the 1st January every year. As with all taxes, there is a deadline that you cannot let slide without incurring the wrath of the Revenue Commissioner. The deadline date for payment by Single Debit Authority (i.e paying it all in one go) is the 21st of March.

Is property tax the same as local tax? ›

Local taxes come in many forms, from property taxes and payroll taxes to sales taxes and licensing fees. They can vary widely from one jurisdiction to the next. Taxes levied by cities and towns are also referred to as municipal taxes.

How taxes are calculated? ›

How Income Taxes Are Calculated. First, we calculate your adjusted gross income (AGI) by taking your total household income and reducing it by certain items such as contributions to your 401(k). Next, from AGI we subtract exemptions and deductions (either itemized or standard) to get your taxable income.

Who is responsible for Local Property Tax? ›

Property taxes are collected by the county and distributed to local agencies within the county based on a statutory formula.

Who controls local property taxes? ›

The county assessor determines who owns which properties, sets a taxable value that informs the owner how much will be owed, applies legal exemptions and considers other contributing factors, then completes a tax roll to show the assessed values.

What is the purpose of the local property tax? ›

The LPT was introduced in 2013 to provide a stable funding base for local authorities and to deliver significant structural reform by broadening the tax base in a manner that did not directly impact on employment.

What happens if you don't pay local property tax? ›

Where LPT (including any interest) remains unpaid, it becomes a charge on the property. This means you cannot sell or transfer the property unless you pay the outstanding amount of LPT tax and interest.

Are local property taxes still deductible? ›

The categories of deductible taxes are: State, local, and foreign income taxes or state and local general sales taxes in lieu of state and local income taxes. State and local real property taxes, and. State and local personal property taxes.

Do 65 year olds pay property taxes in California? ›

The State Controller's Property Tax Postponement Program allows homeowners who are seniors, are blind, or have a disability to defer current-year property taxes on their principal residence if they meet certain criteria, including at least 40 percent equity in the home and an annual household income of $49,017 or less ...

Who can citizens contact if they believe their property taxes are too high? ›

The county assessor is the place to start and the only thing you can dispute is the assessed value. If your rate really is different from your neighbors, it would be for one of two reasons. 1. They are actually in a different taxing district.

At what age do you stop paying property taxes in FL? ›

Senior Citizen Exemption – Property tax benefits are available to persons 65 or older in Florida. Seniors may qualify for an extra exemption for an additional $50,000 of home value.

What is a local residential property tax? ›

Property tax is a tax levied by your local and state governments. It's based on the value of your property. The tax proceeds are used to cover taxpayer services, like public schooling and fire, police and public safety.

How much is local property tax in Texas? ›

The property tax rate in Texas varies by location, with an average of 1.81%. In 2024, this rate is expected to remain the same, meaning homeowners can expect to pay approximately 1.81% of their property's appraised value in taxes.

How often is local property tax paid? ›

You can pay your LPT in regular payments that are spread throughout the year. You can pay the instalments by: Monthly direct debit. Monthly or weekly cash payments through an approved Payment Service Provider.

Who pays local property tax? ›

You are liable for LPT if you are the owner, or joint owner, of a residential property.

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