How to Install RPM Files on Fedora and Red Hat Linux (2024)

This beginner article explains how to install RPM packages on Fedora and Red Hat Linux. It also shows you how to remove those RPM packages afterwards.

When you start using Fedora Linux in the Red Hat domain, sooner or later, you’ll come across .rpm files. Like .exe files in Windows and .deb files in Ubuntu and Debian, .rpm files enable you to quickly install a software from it on Fedora.

You could find and install plenty of software from the software center, specially if you enable additional repositories in Fedora. But sometimes you’ll find software available on their website in RPM format.

Like .exe files in Windows, you download the .rpm file and double click on it to install it. Don’t worry, I’ll show you the detailed steps.

Installing RPM files on Fedora and Red Hat Linux

I’ll be showing you three ways to install RPM files:

  • Install RPM files with software center (GUI method)
  • Install RPM files using DNF command (CLI method)
  • Install RPM files using Yum command (CLI method for Red Hat)

Method 1: Use software center

The simplest method is to use the default software center in Fedora. It’s really simple. Go to the folder where you downloaded the .rpm file. It is usually the Downloads folder.

Just double click on the RPM file and it will be opened in the software center.

Alternatively, you can right click on the file and choose to install it via Software Center.

How to Install RPM Files on Fedora and Red Hat Linux (1)

When it is opened in the software center, you should see the installation option. Just hit the install button and enter your account’s password when prompted for it.

How to Install RPM Files on Fedora and Red Hat Linux (2)

It’s easy, right?

Method 2: Use DNF command to install RPM file

This is the command line method. Fedora uses the new DNF package manager and you can use it to install downloaded RPM files as well.

Open a terminal and switch to the directory where you have the RPM file downloaded. You can also provide the path to the RPM file. Use the DNF command like this:

sudo dnf install rpm_file_name

Here’s a screenshot where I installed Google Chrome on Fedora with dnf command:

How to Install RPM Files on Fedora and Red Hat Linux (3)

Method 3: Install RPM files in Red Hat using Yum command

Unlike Fedora, Red Hat still uses the good old Yum package manager. You won’t find the DNF command here, yet.

The process is the same as DNF command. You go to the directory where the RPM file is located or provide its path.

sudo yum install path_to_RPM_file

That’s it. Nothing fancier.

How to remove RPM packages

Removing a RPM package isn’t a big deal either. And no, you don’t need the original rpm file that you used to install the program.

You may find the installed package in the software center and remove application from there.

How to Install RPM Files on Fedora and Red Hat Linux (4)

Alternatively, you can use the DNF or YUM command with remove option.

With DNF, use this command:

sudo dnf remove rpm_package_name

With Yum, use this command:

sudo yum remove rpm_package_name

You probably won’t remember the exact package name and that’s fine. What you can do is to type the first few letters of the package and then hit tab. This is assuming that you have tab completion enabled which usually is.

And that’s all you need to do here. Pretty simple, right? Being a beginner, you may struggle with a simple task like this and I hope you feel more confident with Fedora thanks to quick tutorials like this.

How to Install RPM Files on Fedora and Red Hat Linux (2024)


Can Fedora run RPM files? ›

Red Hat Package Manager or RPM is a free and open-source package management system for Linux. The RPM files use the . rpm file format. RPM package manager was created to use with Red Hat Linux, but now it is supported by multiple Linux distributions such as Fedora, OpenSUSE, Ubuntu, etc.

Can I use Fedora RPM on redhat? ›

Installing Fedora rpms in RHEL can break it as they may have dependencies which you'll also have to install and that can cause dependency hells because other packages will be looking for the RHEL version but you'll have the Fedora version installed. Also, Fedora (and CentOS) rpms are not supported in RHEL.

How to install the RPM package in Linux? ›

In this example, we verify the new package name with the ls command. Then we will run an RPM query to see if the package we want to install exists in the RPM database, rpm -q <package name> . Next, we execute the RPM installation with the following command: rpm -Uvh <package name> .

How to install a RPM in Fedora? ›

  1. Step 1: Download RPM Installation File.
  2. Step 2: Install RPM File on Linux. Install RPM File Using RPM Command. Install RPM File with Yum. Install RPM on Fedora.
  3. Remove RPM Package.
  4. Download RPM Packages from the Repository.
3 Mar 2019

Can you install RPM without Sudo? ›

If binaries in the package have hard-coded paths, or if the application requires root access then it may not be possible. this is actually incorrect, you can't actually run the rpm command without sudo/root access.

Does Fedora use RPM or Deb? ›

Fedora uses the RPM format, the RPM package manager, and dnf dependency resolver. Debian has free, non-free and contrib repositories, while Fedora has a single global repository that contains only free software applications. Debian has a larger repository with over 20,000 software packages.

Where are rpms stored in Fedora? ›

Most files pertaining to RPM are kept in the /var/lib/rpm/ directory. For more information on RPM, refer to the chapter Chapter 10, Package Management with RPM. The /var/cache/yum/ directory contains files used by the Package Updater, including RPM header information for the system.

How to create RPM package in Fedora? ›

To create an RPM package, you must complete the following steps:
  1. Create a directory to store the package. ...
  2. In the . ...
  3. Run the fedpkg command with the appropriate options to build your package.
  4. To create a directory, add a package, and within the package, create a simple program, enter the following commands:

Is Fedora compatible with Red Hat? ›

Fedora is not supported Red Hat product, so not recommended for production environments. Red Hat provides technical support and maintenance during stated time period.

Is Fedora and Red Hat the same? ›

The Fedora project is the upstream, community distro of Red Hat® Enterprise Linux.

Are Fedora packages compatible with RHEL? ›

EPEL for CentOS and RHEL

The Fedora RPMs for R have been ported to CentOS/RHEL by the project Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL). These RPMs are also compatible with distributions derived from CentOS/RHEL.

What is difference between yum install and RPM? ›

RPM keeps an internal database of the installed packages and allows you to later manage the installed packages using the package name. On the other hand, installing a package with YUM only requires the package name, and doesn't require the package location.

How do I manually install libraries in Linux? ›

Install a library manually

ldconfig creates the necessary links and cache to the most recent shared libraries found in the directories specified on the command line, in the file /etc/ld. so. conf , and in the trusted directories ( /lib and /usr/lib ). The cache is used by the run-time linker, or .

How to install an RPM package in Linux GUI? ›

Install RPM Files on the Desktop

Double-click on the downloaded file to load its contents in the Fedora Software center. Click on the “Install” button. Type your password and hit Enter. And your application will begin installing on your Linux desktop.

How to install RPM in terminal? ›

To install :
  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the location of the . rpm file.
  2. Execute the following command with superuser permissions: rpm -i filename .rpm. This installs the product to the following default location - /opt/microfocus/VisualCOBOL.

How to install RPM file in Fedora 35? ›

Just double click on the RPM file and it will be opened in the software center.
  1. Either double click or right click and choose Software Install.
  2. Install RPM via Fedora Software Center.
  3. Installing RPM files using DNF command.
  4. Removing RPM Package.

How to install a package in Fedora? ›

Browsing and installing software on Fedora
  1. On your GNOME desktop, select the Activities menu and then click the. icon.
  2. Find a software package in one of the following ways: Click on one of the listed categories, for example, Work. ...
  3. Click a package to read its description.
  4. To install the package, click the Install button.

Is RHEL an RPM? ›

rpm is the package format used on RedHat Enterprise (RHEL), Fedora, CentOS, and a number of other Linux distributions. You may be familiar with tools such as dnf and yum for installing packages from repositories. The package files that these tools install are rpms.

Can Apt be used for RPM? ›

APT-RPM is a version of the Advanced Packaging Tool modified to work with the RPM Package Manager. It was originally ported to RPM by Alfredo Kojima and then further developed and improved by Gustavo Niemeyer, both working for the Conectiva Linux distribution at the time.

Does RPM work on Linux? ›

rpm file format. The manager was designed to be used for Linux distributions. Initially, it was made to be used in Red Hat Linux. Now, it's widely used in other Linux distributions including Fedora, CentOS, OpenSUSE, OpenMandriva, and Oracle Linux.

Does Red Hat use DEB or RPM? ›

RPM is the installation package format for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) distributions. DEB is the package format for the Ubuntu distribution.

Which Linux distro uses RPM? ›

Red Hat Linux and SUSE Linux were the original major distributions that used the .rpm file format, which today is used in several package management systems. Both of these were later divided into commercial and community-supported distributions.

How do I know if my Linux is RPM or DEB? ›

cat /etc/os-release will tell you in most current Linux systems. Save this answer. Show activity on this post. If your system uses RPM, you will have a program called rpm installed; if it uses Deb, you will have a program called dpkg installed.

How do I know if RPM is installed Linux? ›

  1. To determine if the correct RPM package is installed on you system use the following command: dpkg-query -W --showformat '${Status}\n' rpm. ...
  2. Run the following command, using root authority. In the example, you obtain root authority using the sudo command: sudo apt-get install rpm.

How do I know where my RPM package is installed? ›

The rpm command has -a option to query (list) all installed packages.
  1. List all installed packages using rpm -a option. Open the Terminal or login to the remote server using ssh client. ...
  2. Getting info about specific packages. ...
  3. List all files installed by the RPM package.
2 Jan 2020

Where do source rpms get installed? ›

When a source RPM is installed, the source tarballs, patches, and auxilliary files will be installed under a top level directory. This directory is called topdir . You can get the current value of topdir by checking the output of rpm --showrc | grep topdir .

What package installer does Fedora use? ›

Fortunately, Fedora uses a software management system called RPM Package Manager or simply RPM (formerly RedHat Package Manager). RPM rolls all of the programs, scripts, documentation, configuration files, and data used by a piece of software into a single file called a package.

How install RPM offline in Linux? ›

In CentOS/RedHat you can use yumdownloader for specific packages, this downloads all RPMs required, then, compress the directory, upload it to the server without Internet access and install RPMs. Here you can find and example, installing Kubernetes without Internet access. Save this answer.

What is RPM package in Linux? ›

RPM Package Manager (also known as RPM), originally called the Red-hat Package Manager, is an open source program for installing, uninstalling, and managing software packages in Linux. RPM was developed on the basis of the Linux Standard Base (LSB).

What are the disadvantages of Fedora? ›

Disadvantages of Fedora Operating System
  • It requires a long time to set up.
  • It requires additional software tools for the server.
  • It does not provide any standard model for multi-file objects.
  • Fedora has its own server, so we can't work on another server in real-time.

Is Fedora Unix or Linux? ›

Fedora is a popular open source Linux-based operating system. Fedora is designed as a secure, general purpose operating system. The operating system is developed on a six-month release cycle, under the auspices of the Fedora Project.

Is Red Hat same as Linux? ›

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is an enterprise Linux operating system (OS) developed by Red Hat for the business market. RHEL, formerly known as Red Hat Linux Advanced Server, is certified with thousands of vendors and across hundreds of clouds.

Why is Linux called Red Hat? ›

The name Red Hat came from Ewing's experience in his college computer lab. He would wear his grandfather's red Cornell lacrosse cap, and people would say, “If you need help, look for the guy in the red hat.” When Ewing started distributing his own curated version of Linux, he chose Red Hat as the name.

Why is Linux called Fedora? ›

The name of Fedora derives from the original "Fedora Linux", a volunteer project that provided extra software for the Red Hat Linux distribution, and from the characteristic fedora hat used in Red Hat's "Shadowman" logo.

Why is it called a Fedora? ›

The Word “Fedora” Came From the Theater!

Sarah Bernhardt, a French Actress, played the star role of Princess Fédora Romanoff who was wearing a stylish, center-creased, soft brimmed hat. Sarah was known for adopting men's fashion and acting roles that shocked audiences.

Does Fedora use DNF or yum? ›

DNF is the default package manager in Fedora and Fedora-based distros such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS.

Can you install apt on Fedora? ›

APT can not be used to install packages on Fedora, you have to use DNF instead. The apt command on Fedora used to — until Fedora 32 — actually be APT-RPM, which basically mapped normal apt commands so that they worked with Fedora's RPM package management system.

Is Fedora good for Linux beginners? ›

That's right, I'm here to tell you that Fedora Linux is ready for prime-time and can be used by anyone, no matter if you've touched Linux or not.

How do I download an RPM using yum Linux? ›

Use the command yum localinstall /path/to/file. rpm . This command will install the local rpm file as well as searching for required rpms (dependencies, etc) on RHN or other repositories that are configured and install it for the user.

What is yum install in Linux? ›

YUM is the primary package management tool for installing, updating, removing, and managing software packages in Red Hat Enterprise Linux. YUM performs dependency resolution when installing, updating, and removing software packages. YUM can manage packages from installed repositories in the system or from .

What is RPM and dpkg in Linux? ›

Deb files have a package manager called dpkg..RPM files have RPM itself as a package manager
dpkg is the acronym for Debian package.RPM stands for redhat package manager.
DEB was developed by the debian project community.RPM was developed by the community of the red hat project
5 more rows

How to install all packages in Linux? ›

Go to the menu and in the search bar type “Software Updater.”. Now run it. It will check if there are any packages on your system that can be updated. Click on Install Now.

How to install a local package in Linux? ›

Install Software Using Dpkg Command

but unlike other Linux package management systems, it cannot automatically download and install packages with their dependencies. To install a local package, use the dpkg command with the -i flag along with package name as shown.

How to install repository in Linux? ›

To create an apt repository you need to perform the following steps:
  1. Install dpkg-dev utility.
  2. Create a repository directory.
  3. Put deb files into the repository directory.
  4. Create a file that apt-get update can read.
  5. Add info to your sources. list pointing at your repository.
2 Jan 2020

How to install RPM package in Linux RHEL 8? ›

To install the RPM package, just give the direct web address of the RPM package to the DNF. DNF will automatically look for dependencies, and it will ask you for confirmation before installing the package and its dependencies.

What tool do you use to install a .RPM package file? ›

Installing RPM packages with yum

yum is the default package manager tool in CentOS. It is used to install, remove, download, query, and update packages from the official CentOS repositories as well as other third-party repositories.

How to install RPM package in RedHat Linux from CD? ›

Installing RPM packages
  1. mount the CD-ROM.
  2. change to the RPMS directory in the CD-ROM: cd /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS.
  3. if you know the name of the package type ls packagename* (e.g. ls wu-ftp*) to find the full package name.
  4. if you don't then type ls and look for it. ...
  5. type rpm -ivh filename.rpm to install a new package, or.

How to install RPM via yum? ›

Install, update, or remove RPMs as follows:
  1. To install an RPM from the yum repository, run the following command: # yum install rpm_name.
  2. To update a specific RPM, run the following command: # yum update rpm_name.
  3. To update all the RPMs, run the following command: # yum update.

How install RPM file in Linux 8? ›

To install the RPM package, just give the direct web address of the RPM package to the DNF. DNF will automatically look for dependencies, and it will ask you for confirmation before installing the package and its dependencies.

What is RPM in RedHat Linux? ›

RPM stands for Red Hat Package Manager. It was developed by Red Hat and is primarily used on Red Hat-based Linux operating systems (Fedora, CentOS, RHEL, etc.). An RPM package uses the . rpm extension and is a bundle (a collection) of different files.

Is RHEL RPM or Deb? ›

RPM is the installation package format for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) distributions. DEB is the package format for the Ubuntu distribution.

What is RPM Fedora? ›

RPM maintains a database of installed packages and their files, so you can make queries and verify installed files on your system. There are several applications, such as DNF or PackageKit, that can make working with packages in the RPM format even easier. Use DNF Instead of RPM Whenever Possible.

Where is RPM installed in Linux? ›

Most files pertaining to RPM are kept in the /var/lib/rpm/ directory. For more information on RPM, refer to the chapter Chapter 10, Package Management with RPM. The /var/cache/yum/ directory contains files used by the Package Updater, including RPM header information for the system.

Does Red Hat use RPM? ›

Red Hat-based distros use RPM (RPM Package Manager) and YUM/DNF (Yellow Dog Updater, Modified/Dandified YUM).

How do I know if RPM is installed? ›

  1. To determine if the correct RPM package is installed on you system use the following command: dpkg-query -W --showformat '${Status}\n' rpm. ...
  2. Run the following command, using root authority. In the example, you obtain root authority using the sudo command: sudo apt-get install rpm.

How to install RPM using yum redhat? ›

yum install RPM-FILENAME. rpm from the directory you have the package downloaded to. This has the benefit that if the package requires extra dependencies, they will be found, downloaded, and installed; while a plain rpm will just complain that the dependencies are missing.

How to install RPM from local file? ›

Use the command yum localinstall /path/to/file. rpm . This command will install the local rpm file as well as searching for required rpms (dependencies, etc) on RHN or other repositories that are configured and install it for the user.

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