How To Boost Your Amazon Conversion Rate: Four Actionable Methods (2024)

Bottom Line: your Amazon conversion rate is important for many reasons. A high conversion rate means higher rankings and more sales, and a better ROI from paid ads.

To increase your conversion rate on Amazon, focus on sending only warm, high-intent traffic to your product listing, and optimize your listing for sales with strong copywriting and social proof.

Conversion rate is an important metric in any business. A high conversion rate means better overall margins, and a higher percentage of sales in your back pocket.

It’s especially important on a competitive e-commerce platform like Amazon. Your conversion rate on Amazon doesn’t only have an impact on your profit, it’s a key factor in organic search rankings, and as a result, overall sales.

This post will explain how we calculate Amazon conversion rate, what the average conversion rate on Amazon is, why it’s so important, and how to increase your own conversion rate.

What is conversion rate and why is it important for Amazon sellers?

Conversion rate is the ratio of sales to page views of an Amazon product listing.

Using the metrics found in Seller Central’s Business Reports, the formula is:

[Conversion rate = Orders ÷ Page Views]

Why is it important?

The first reason is that a better conversion rate means more sales. It means a higher percentage of people who find your product go on to buy, which means more sales and more profit.

Secondly, conversion rate is an organic ranking factor. A high conversion rate results in higher search rankings for your product.

“The two most important metrics for affecting the Amazon A9 Algorithm are sales velocity and conversion rate, in our experience”, says Mike Begg, Co-Founder of AMZ Advisers and AMZ Lens.

“Converting on customer traffic signals to the algorithm that your product is relevant for that keyword. And being able to convert on that keyword over time will boost your product’s visibility on search engine results pages.”

So, a higher conversion rate has a direct impact on your overall traffic, too.

Increasing your conversion rate shows Amazon your product is popular, as it converts a high percentage of shoppers into customers. The Amazon search algorithm rewards you with higher organic rankings, which then leads to more traffic (and sales).

What is a good conversion rate on Amazon?

On average, a good conversion rate on Amazon is around 10-15%. This is, however, not taking into account any additional factors which may make your conversion rate acceptable or not.

Conversion rate should be analyzed in context. There are many things that should be taken into account.

Sample size, for example. Maybe you have 5 conversions out of 10 page views. That’s a 50% conversion rate, which sounds great, but you’ve only made 5 sales. In comparison, 100 conversions out of 1000 page views is a much lower conversion rate, but you’ve made a lot more revenue.

Your price point and margins also come into play. If your product is expensive or has particularly high margins, you can afford to have a lower conversion rate. In comparison, cheaper items which don’t make so much profit need to move a lot faster, hence a 10-15% conversion rate might not cut it.

Amazon conversion rates vs E-Commerce

What you should know is, Amazon conversion rates are, by default, great.

Amazon sellers are already at a large advantage for conversion rates. Amazon’s conversion rates are much higher than the average e-commerce site.

A study showed that the average conversion rate for the top 500 online retailers was 3.32%. The average conversion rate on Amazon was 13% for consumers who do not have aPrime membership. And Prime members converted at a whopping 74%!

Simply put, Amazon is a powerful platform for selling online. But it’s important to realize that these numbers are averages, and you should review your conversion rate in relation to your own context.

“Is a 34.21% Conversion Rate with Amazon Good?”

Someone asked this question on Quora, and I loved the answer given by Thiago Ghilardi. He did a great job of explaining how the context of a conversion rate is just as important as the metric itself.

To be able to evaluate whether a >30% conversion rate is good, a few other things need to be considered.

  • Timeframe & sample size:The longer the timeframe and the larger the sample size (more orders) means the data is more useful. You can have a 100% conversion rate one day, and then the next 29 days your conversion rate could plummet to 0%. The more data you have, the more reliable the data is – so you can draw more insight and be more confident about decisions you make based on that insight.
  • Product & competition:Products in more competitive niches are naturally going to have lower conversion rates. Because customers understandablydo a bit more searching on when there are more options available. So factoring this understanding into your evaluation of conversion rates is a good idea.
  • Source of traffic:Is this conversion rate from organic Amazon search results, sponsored product advertisem*nts, an email blast, Facebook Ads or a combination? This matters. You’d expect to get higher conversion rates from clicks on ads than from organic search results. Take this into consideration.
  • Are you making money?Some conversions count more than others. The ticket price, acquisition costs & margins may vary quite a bit between two conversions. For each conversion, the higher the ticket price (more revenue), the lower the acquisition cost, and the higher the margins (lower costs), the more money you will make. At the end of the day, it’s about maintaining cash flow and turning a profit. Conversions should be evaluated in this context.

With this knowledge in hand, we’ll now give you four ways your can boost conversion rate on your Amazon products.

How to Improve Your Conversion Rate on Amazon, Method One: Landing Pages

A super powerful way to boost your conversion is a simple external traffic sales funnel. This sales funnel will look like this:

How To Boost Your Amazon Conversion Rate: Four Actionable Methods (2)

You’ll usually start your sales funnel with ads on Facebook or Google.

The key to this sales funnel improving your conversion rate is sending people to a landing page in between the original traffic source and Amazon.

Without a landing page, you’ll most likely hurt your conversion rate, rather than improve it.

As we mentioned earlier, Amazon conversion rates are much higher on average than e-commerce in general. Even more so for something like Facebook Ads, where people are not in buy-now mode by default, as they are on Amazon.

For example, let’s say you send 100 people to your product listing from Facebook Ads. The average online conversion rate is 3% (being generous here). Let’s be even more generous, and say that 5 out of these 100 convert, since Amazon is good at convincing people to buy.

If your Amazon conversion rate was 13% (the average for Amazon products), you’ve lowered your conversion rate by sending traffic from Facebook.

The solution is a landing page, which acts as a filter.

You can use your landing page to show off your product, its features, benefits, pricing, and everything customers need to know to decide whether to buy or not.

How To Boost Your Amazon Conversion Rate: Four Actionable Methods (3)

The customers make the decision right then and there, instead of going to Amazon first. That means only the people with the highest intent to buy register a page view of your product, and a significant number of these shoppers will make a purchase.

Unless there’s something really wrong with your product listing, you’re likely to get more than 13% conversions from this source, so your overall conversion rate will go up.

Landing page conversion rate tips

Just using a landing page in the first place is likely to improve your overall conversion rate. But here are some tips to make your landing page funnel even better, and get a higher volume of conversions (i.e. sales) on Amazon.

Offer a discount.

A discount makes it much more likely for someone to buy, for obvious reasons. It will also reduce the number of people who go through to your listing, but buy from a sponsored or related product. Finally, a discount code is an awesome incentive to use to capture peoples’ emails, and build a launch list.

How To Boost Your Amazon Conversion Rate: Four Actionable Methods (4)

Simulate scarcity.

Scarcity is a basic marketing tool, which almost any high-performing marketing team uses. Let customers know there is a limited time to buy your product, or redeem a coupon code, and more people will convert. It’s called FOMO – Fear Of Missing Out.

Add an FAQ.

A large part of selling online is overcoming objections and concerns customers have. A great way to do this is with an FAQ section on your landing page. Questions like “why are you running this promotion”, “what shipping options are available”, and any product-specific questions help to get past anything that may be getting in the way of the customer making a purchase.

How To Boost Your Amazon Conversion Rate: Four Actionable Methods (5)

Display social proof.

Social proof is another way to overcome objections and make shoppers more comfortable making a decision. Social proof is evidence that other shoppers bought the product, and were happy with it. The easiest way to display social proof is displaying 5-star reviews for your product on the landing page.

How To Boost Your Amazon Conversion Rate: Four Actionable Methods (6)

Learn more about creating high-converting landing pages for Amazon products here.

How to Improve Your Conversion Rate on Amazon, Method Two: Warm Traffic

The “warmer” the traffic you send to Amazon, the higher percentage will covert. Warm traffic means people who are familiar with your product and/or brand, and require less work to convince them to buy.

A landing page funnel is one way to warm up your traffic. Alternatively, you may have certain segments that are already warmed up, and will convert at a higher rate than average.

Warm traffic may be:

  • An email list
  • A Messenger/ManyChat audience
  • A list of past buyers from your website
  • People who have interacted with your website or landing pages in the past
  • Traffic from high-intent keywords on Google

Cold traffic is generally people you’ve targeted with interest/behavior targeting on Facebook Ads, or Google Ads clicks from broader, low buyer-intent keywords.

You can drive cold traffic too, but make sure you filter these people with a landing page.

With warm traffic, you may be able to get away with sending them straight to Amazon, which may result in a higher sales volume. For this, use LandingCube’s URL shortener to track and optimize your links to Amazon.

How to Improve Your Conversion Rate on Amazon, Method Three: Better Product Listings

You may be losing conversions by focusing too much on keywords, and not enough on your customers.

Keyword optimization is important when creating your listing, but it shouldn’t be at the expense of readability. In the end, the most important thing is that your listing copy sells people on your product and its benefits.

The first step of making a better converting product listing is readability. Make sure it’s easy to read. Not just that, but that it’s easy to skim. People want to be able to quickly glance over your product description and get what it’s all about.

Then, make sure it makes sense. A lot of listings are terribly written, and it’s clear that the seller only put words in there for the sake of keyword optimization. This looks unprofessional, and will hurt your conversion rate.

Focus on benefits, not features, of your product. A feature is part of your product, e.g. the material or the size of it. The benefit is how this helps the customer – e.g., “big enough to…” or “long-lasting and durable”. Customers care about benefits, not features.

Finally, get better product images – high quality images, showing your product from a number of angles, in a number of use cases. This is a proven way to improve conversions rate.

Read more about Amazon listing optimization.

How to Improve Your Conversion Rate on Amazon, Method Four: Social Proof

Just as social proof will help your landing pages convert better, it’s vital for your product’s conversion rate on Amazon.

There’s one big piece of social proof, which is a must for Amazon products to have a good conversion rate. Reviews.

Products with more reviews and a higher rating are proven to convert more. This is the social proof shoppers need to be confident in making a purchase.

Read more: how to get reviews on Amazon with safe, proven methods.

Summing Up: Boost Conversions with LandingCube

Conversion rate is more than just a vanity metric. It has a huge follow-on effect on Amazon SEO, and overall profit.

One of the best ways to increase your conversion rate is to build a landing page funnel with LandingCube. LandingCube pages are tried and tested, and proven to have a positive impact on conversion rate.

A LandingCube user put it very well:

I’m very happy so far. My campaigns are giving me a much needed conversion boost. It’s letting the people who click on my Facebook promo have agood look at the product, and only the ones with intent to purchase are moving on to Amazon.

Previously, I was getting increased velocity but also a decrease in conversions which led Amazon to decrease my rankings after 3 or 4 days. Now, I’m getting increased velocity AND increased conversion rate.

You can try it out yourself for free, for 21 days. Be sure to pay attention to your conversion rate before and after sending warm traffic to your listing via a landing page.

The boost in conversions is just one way your Amazon store will hit a new level by using LandingCube.

How To Boost Your Amazon Conversion Rate: Four Actionable Methods (2024)


What is the most effective way to improve your conversion rate? ›

Collect and analyze visitor data

One of the proven conversion rate optimization techniques is to constantly track and analyze your website data to learn more about your website visitors and their preferences. It's this data that should inform you where to direct your conversion optimization efforts.

How do I increase my Amazon PPC conversion rate? ›

Amazon Conversion Rate: 8 Simple Ways to Improve Conversions and Boost Sales
  1. Identify Relevant Keywords. ...
  2. Optimize Titles and Descriptions. ...
  3. Update Product Imagery. ...
  4. Keep Your Pricing Competitive. ...
  5. Join Amazon's FBA program. ...
  6. Promote Your Products with PPC. ...
  7. Increase Product Reviews.
Feb 7, 2024

Which three of the following actions can improve your conversion rate select all correct responses? ›

Answer: Using specific keywords, negative keywords and using search terms reports to reach the right customer can improve your conversion rate.

What is the conversion rate formula for Amazon? ›

Sales Conversion on the Amazon Business Reports by Date

If you want to know your overall conversion rate for a certain date, you can download a Sales and Traffic report by date and make the same calculation. The conversion rate equals Total Order Items divided by Sessions Total.

How to improve CVR on Amazon? ›

Conversion Rates and the Factors That Influence Them
  1. Keyword Choice. ...
  2. Number of Customer Reviews. ...
  3. Content of Good Quality. ...
  4. Highlight the advantages of your product. ...
  5. Update the images of your products. ...
  6. Maintain a competitive pricing strategy. ...
  7. Make your products eligible for Amazon Prime.

What is the best conversion strategy? ›

How to Develop an Effective Conversion Strategy
  1. Define Clear Goals and Objectives. ...
  2. Understand Your Target Audience. ...
  3. Optimize User Experience. ...
  4. Create Compelling Content. ...
  5. Implement Effective Tracking and Analytics. ...
  6. Continuously Test and Refine.
Jul 17, 2023

What drives the conversion rate on Amazon? ›

With that said, based on our experience selling and speaking with other sellers, the average conversion rate on Amazon is around 10% – much higher than an ecommerce store. This number depends on a variety of factors, such as price, reviews, shipping speed, and listing quality.

What are the best Amazon conversion rates? ›

It is hard to determine what is a “good” Amazon conversion rate because it differs based on the kind of products you sell. On average, a good conversion rate aim on Amazon is between 10% and 15%.

How to improve Amazon marketing? ›

1) Optimize your product listings with high-quality images, compelling descriptions, and relevant keywords to improve visibility on Amazon. 2) Offer competitive pricing, promotions, or bundle deals to attract potential customers and encourage repeat business.

What are the 4 steps of conversion? ›

So, buckle up, and let's unlock the 4 key steps to effective conversion:
  1. Research: Unearthing the Hidden Gems.
  2. Testing: Experimentation is Your Secret Weapon.
  3. Implementation: Putting Your Findings into Action.
  4. Analysis: Unlocking the Secrets of Success.
  5. Data is your friend!
Feb 18, 2024

What are the four conversion methods? ›

There are four methods of handling a systems conversion:
  • Parallel conversion.
  • Direct conversion (also called “Big Bang”)
  • Pilot system (also called “Single-location installation”)
  • Phased conversion.

How can I improve my form conversion rate? ›

How to Improve your Form Conversion Rates - 12 Effective Ways
  1. Focus on the submit button.
  2. Use inline validation.
  3. Remove distraction, provide direction.
  4. Make your error messages helpful.
  5. Get passwords right.
  6. Avoid drop downs (for long lists)
  7. Utilise microcopy to nudge the user through the form.
  8. Accept multiple user inputs.

Why is my conversion rate so low Amazon? ›

In general, customers on Amazon tend to explore and compare products before making a purchase decision. As a result, products with higher price points, especially those priced at $100 or more, often have lower conversion rates. On typical e-commerce websites, the average conversion rate is around 1.33%.

How do you solve for conversion rate? ›

Conversion rates are calculated by simply taking the number of conversions and dividing that by the number of total ad interactions that can be tracked to a conversion during the same time period. For example, if you had 50 conversions from 1,000 interactions, your conversion rate would be 5%, since 50 ÷ 1,000 = 5%.

What's a good CTR on Amazon? ›

Anything around 0.5% and above can be considered as a good CTR rate. CTR rates below 0.3% are very bad and require a lot of attention. However a well refined and targeted campaign on Amazon can achieve 2-3% CTR or above.

What is the best practice conversion rate? ›

Conventional wisdom says that a good conversion rate is somewhere around 2% to 5%. If you're sitting at 2%, an improvement to 4% seems like a massive jump. You doubled your conversion rate! Well, congratulations, but you're still stuck in the average performance bucket.

What's the best way to increase Shopify conversion rates? ›

Conversion rate optimization FAQ
  1. Improve website speed. A slow website can lead to a high bounce rate. ...
  2. Simplify checkout process. ...
  3. Use high-quality product images. ...
  4. Provide detailed product descriptions. ...
  5. Offer free shipping. ...
  6. Use customer reviews and ratings. ...
  7. Use targeted promotions. ...
  8. Use retargeting ads.
Nov 27, 2023

How can I increase my payment conversion rate? ›

How to increase checkout conversion: 11 tactics every business should know
  1. Simplify the process.
  2. Offer guest checkout.
  3. Provide multiple payment options.
  4. Display trust signals.
  5. Be transparent about costs.
  6. Optimize for mobile.
  7. Retarget abandoned carts.
  8. Offer incentives.
Oct 30, 2023

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.