Factors That Contribute To The Historical Performance Of Junk Bond Mutual Funds Compared To Investment | M.M.O.D.COM (2024)

Factors that contribute to the historical performance of junk bond mutual funds compared to investment can play a crucial role in understanding the risks and potential returns associated with these investment vehicles.

In this article, we will explore 30 key factors that impact the performance of junk bond mutual funds, providing valuable insights for investors looking to make informed decisions. From credit ratings and interest rates to geopolitical risks and credit cycles, we will delve into the various elements that shape the historical performance of these funds.

Here are 30 factors that contribute to the historical performance of junk bond mutual funds compared to investment:

  1. Junk bonds have a lower credit rating than investment-grade bonds, and therefore have to offer higher interest rates to attract investors1.
  2. Junk bonds are generally rated BB[+] or lower by Standard & Poor’s and Ba or lower by Moody’s1.
  3. The rating indicates the likelihood that the bond issuer will default on the debt1.
  4. A high-yield bond fund is one option for an investor interested in junk bonds but wary of picking them individually1.
  5. Junk bonds follow boom and bust cycles, just like stocks1.
  6. A flood of defaults can cause these funds to lose value1.
  7. Interest rates are a key factor in bond fund performance.
  8. Credit events, such as defaults or downgrades, can impact bond fund performance2.
  9. Geopolitical risk, such as changes in government policies or instability in foreign countries, can affect bond fund performance2.
  10. Liquidity issues, such as difficulty selling bonds in a timely manner, can impact bond fund performance2.
  11. Foreign currency exposure can cause volatility in a bond fund2.
  12. High-yield bonds are more volatile than investment-grade bonds.
  13. High-yield bonds have a higher default risk than investment-grade bonds.
  14. High-yield bonds are more sensitive to the economic outlook than other sectors of the bond market5.
  15. High-yield bonds share attributes of both fixed income and equities.
  16. High-yield bonds can be used as part of a diversified portfolio allocation.
  17. High-yield, lower-rated securities involve greater risk than higher-rated securities.
  18. Portfolios that invest in high-yield bonds may be subject to greater risk of price volatility, illiquidity, and default than portfolios that invest in higher-rated debt securities.
  19. Past performance is not a guarantee or a reliable indicator of future results.
  20. The regular coupon payments of high-yield bonds can provide value to investors who maintain a long-term allocation6.
  21. Credit (default) risk is the primary risk associated with investing in high-yield bonds.
  22. High-yield bonds tend to be more equity-like in how they behave.
  23. High-yield bonds’ performance tends to be much more strongly linked to the business results and fundamentals of the companies that issue them6.
  24. Credit cycles tend to drive high-yield bond performance more than any other single factor.
  25. A proper understanding of the stages of the economic cycle is critical for investing in high-yield bonds.
  26. Diversification across issuers, industries, and regions can help manage the risks in high-yield bonds.
  27. Careful monitoring of each issuer’s financial health can help manage the risks in high-yield bonds.
  28. High-yield bond funds can be evaluated in terms of risk and return, with several unique risk factors applicable to bond investing2.
  29. High-yield bond funds can be evaluated for their risk-return profile and relative performance2.
  30. High-yield bond funds can be evaluated for their exposure to non-investment-grade bonds2.

How do junk bonds differ from investment-grade bonds?

Junk bonds, also known as high-yield bonds, are bonds that are rated below investment grade by credit rating agencies. Investment-grade bonds have a credit rating of BBB- or higher from Standard & Poor’s or Baa3 or higher from Moody’s. Junk bonds have a credit rating below these thresholds and are considered more speculative and risky.

The key differences between junk bonds and investment-grade bonds are:

  • Credit quality – Junk bonds have a higher risk of default since the issuers have lower creditworthiness. Investment-grade issuers have stronger financials and higher credit quality.
  • Interest rates – Junk bonds pay higher interest rates to compensate investors for the higher default risk. Yields on junk bonds can be several percentage points higher than comparable investment-grade bonds.
  • Market liquidity – Junk bonds tend to have lower trading volumes and less liquidity than investment-grade bonds in secondary markets. This can increase trading costs.
  • Investor base – Junk bonds tend to appeal more to institutional investors and specialist high-yield funds, while investment-grade bonds have a broader investor base.
  • Bond covenants – Junk bonds typically have more restrictive covenants to protect lender interests than investment-grade bonds.

What is the credit rating of junk bonds?

Junk bonds are bonds rated below investment grade, which generally means a credit rating below BBB- from Standard & Poor’s and Baa3 from Moody’s. The credit ratings on junk bonds include:

  • BB+ and BB (S&P) / Ba1 and Ba2 (Moody’s) – Known as high-yield bonds or speculative grade bonds.
  • B+ through B- (S&P) / B1 through B3 (Moody’s) – Bonds with deficiencies and speculative elements.
  • CCC+ through CCC- (S&P) / Caa1 through Caa3 (Moody’s) – Bonds with substantial risks, in or near default.
  • CC, C, D (S&P) / Ca, C (Moody’s) – Extremely speculative bonds in default or with little prospect of recovering investment.

Bonds rated below BBB-/Baa3 are universally considered non-investment grade or “junk.” The lower the credit rating, the higher the risk of default for the bond issuer.

Why do junk bonds have to offer higher interest rates than investment-grade bonds?

There are several key reasons why junk bonds offer higher yields than comparable investment-grade bonds:

  • Compensating for higher default risk – Junk bonds pay higher yields because they have a greater risk of default. The additional yield compensates for this risk.
  • Attracting investors – The high yields attract investors who are willing to take on the additional risks associated with lower-rated bonds.
  • Limited investor base – Junk bonds tend to have a smaller pool of interested investors than more widely-held investment grade bonds. The high yields help attract capital from investors.
  • Liquidity premium – Junk bonds tend to be less liquid than investment grade bonds. Investors require a liquidity premium in the form of higher yields on junk bonds.
  • Company outlook – Companies issuing junk debt tend to have weaker financials and a more uncertain outlook, warranting a higher yield.
  • Covenant protection – Junk bonds require more legal covenants to protect lender interests, which warrants higher yields.
  • Credit spread – The yield spread between junk bonds and safer treasuries is wider to account for the additional risk premium.

What is a high-yield bond fund?

A high-yield bond fund is a type of mutual fund or exchange-traded fund (ETF) that invests predominantly in higher-yielding, below-investment grade junk bonds. The objective of high-yield bond funds is to generate higher income returns from the regular interest payments on junk bonds held in the portfolio.

High-yield bond funds hold a diversified basket of non-investment grade bonds issued by corporations and governments. The funds are actively managed, tapping into the expertise of credit analysts to identify bonds with attractive risk-return profiles. Due to diversification across issuers and sectors, risk is spread in high-yield bond funds.

High-yield bond funds appeal to investors seeking regular income and higher yields to compensate for the risks associated with junk-rated bonds. They can provide portfolio diversification benefits given their low correlation to investment grade bonds and equities.

How are bond funds evaluated for performance and risks?

Some key metrics used to evaluate bond funds for risks and returns are:

  • Total return – The overall annual return of the fund combining price gains/losses and income.
  • Yield to maturity – The long-term annual return anticipated on the fund’s holdings.
  • Duration – The sensitivity of the fund to changes in interest rates.
  • Credit quality – The average credit rating of bonds held and exposure to high yield.
  • Fees – The expense ratio charged by the fund manager annually.
  • Volatility – The historical volatility of returns to assess riskiness.
  • Sharpe ratio – A risk-adjusted return metric calculated by dividing the fund’s excess returns over cash by its volatility.
  • Tracking error – The divergence between the fund’s returns and its benchmark index returns.
  • Liquidity – The ability to meet redemptions through cash holdings or selling holdings.
  • Default rate – The percentage of bonds in the portfolio that default.

Evaluating these factors help determine if a bond fund aligns with an investor’s risk tolerance, return objectives, time horizon, costs, and income needs.

What are the unique risk factors applicable to bond investing?

Some key risks to consider when investing in bonds include:

  • Interest rate risk – Bond prices move inversely to interest rate changes due to discounting of future cash flows. Rate hikes can lead to mark-to-market bond price declines.
  • Credit risk – The chance a bond issuer will default and fail to repay principal and interest. Higher for issuers with lower credit quality.
  • Liquidity risk – The risk that an investor cannot sell a bond quickly at fair market values due to low trading volumes.
  • Inflation risk – Rising inflation can reduce the purchasing power of future bond payments. Long maturity bonds have greater inflation risk.
  • Call risk – Some bonds allow issuers to repay principal before maturity dates. This subjects investors to reinvestment risk if interest rates decline.
  • Currency risk – Foreign currency bonds expose investors to exchange rate fluctuations that can boost or reduce yields.
  • Political risk – Changes in government policies, nationalization, war can increase the risk of sovereign bonds defaulting.
  • Duration risk – Longer-duration bond prices are more sensitive to interest rate changes compared to shorter duration.

How do interest rates impact bond fund performance?

Rising interest rates can negatively impact bond fund performance in several ways:

  • Lower bond prices – Higher rates reduce the present value of future bond coupon payments causing bond prices to decline.
  • Bond yields up less than rates – Bond yields tend to rise less than the increase in interest rates due to slower principal repayment.
  • Interest income lags – Interest income earned by the fund lags the rise in market rates since it is based on lower fixed rates of existing holdings.
  • Duration impact – Funds with longer-duration bonds see a greater price decline when rates rise compared to short duration funds.
  • Investor flight – Investors may flee from longer-duration bond funds in a rising rate environment driving prices down further.
  • Opportunity cost – Remaining invested in lower yielding bonds has a higher opportunity cost when new bonds are issued at higher rates.

In contrast, declining interest rates boosts bond prices and total returns, especially for longer-duration funds targeting capital appreciation. Overall, bond funds tend to perform better in a stable, low interest rate environment.

What are credit events, and how do they impact bond fund performance?

Credit events are major negative announcements related to a bond issuer’s creditworthiness and ability to repay debt. Common credit events include:

  • Downgrades of the issuer’s credit rating
  • Failure to make interest payments on schedule
  • Debt restructuring, such as reduced principal repayment
  • Bankruptcy filing or liquidation

Credit events increase the risk of default on a bond and can negatively impact prices and total returns of affected bond holdings. For bond funds, this can cause the total net asset value to decline. Some impacts include:

  • Mark-to-market bond price declines
  • Loss of value on distressed or defaulted bonds
  • Lower aggregate interest income
  • Loss of principal if bonds are written down or written off
  • Forced selling at losses to meet redemptions
  • Increase in fund volatility and tracking error

Since lower-rated high yield bonds have higher default risk, they tend to be more impacted by idiosyncratic credit events compared to investment-grade bonds.

What is geopolitical risk, and how does it affect bond fund performance?

Geopolitical risk refers to global political or economic events that can negatively impact investment markets. Major geopolitical events like wars, political instability, trade conflicts, and sanctions can increase volatility and risk across bond markets.

For bond funds, geopolitical risk can affect performance in several ways:

  • Higher safe haven demand that lowers bond yields
  • Declining risk appetite dampening prices of higher-yielding sectors
  • Greater funding pressures for exposed sovereign and corporate issuers
  • Credit rating downgrades on affected debt instruments
  • Supply disruptions that stoke inflation fears and rate hike expectations
  • Spread widening between risk-free and risky bonds
  • Trading losses if fund managers are caught off-guard by sudden geopolitical developments

Geopolitical risk tends to have a greater impact on international and emerging market bonds relative to domestic investment-grade bonds. Bond funds may need to reassess and rebalance exposure to impacted issuers and regions.

What are liquidity issues, and how do they impact bond fund performance?

Liquidity refers to the degree to which an asset can be quickly converted to cash without a significant price discount. Liquidity issues arise when assets cannot be easily traded due to lack of interest or market depth. This can negatively impact bond fund performance:

  • Forced selling at lower prices to meet redemptions strains returns
  • Higher trading costs due to wider bid-ask spreads
  • Difficulty rebalancing or exiting positions in distressed sectors
  • Need to hold larger cash buffers, reducing income generation
  • Increased fund tracking error relative to benchmark
  • Potential for fund gates or suspensions if liquidity issues are severe

Liquidity tends to be lower for small issue sizes, complex structured bonds, and high-yield corporates. Bond funds with less liquid assets can see greater volatility in times of market stress and capital flight.

What is foreign currency exposure, and how does it cause volatility in a bond fund?

Foreign currency exposure refers to bonds denominated in currencies besides the domestic currency of the investor. Currency fluctuations between the bond currency and the home currency of the bond fund contribute to return volatility:

  • Currency appreciation boosts returns – If the foreign bond currency appreciates versus the home currency, this increases the converted value of foreign bond income and principal.
  • Currency depreciation reduces returns – If the foreign currency depreciates, this reduces the converted value of foreign currency bond cash flows into the home currency.
  • Increased volatility – Currencies can be more volatile than underlying bonds, adding another layer of volatility to the fund beyond just interest rates and credit.
  • Unhedged currency risk – Funds that do not hedge currency risk are susceptible to the ups and downs of exchange rates.
  • Costs of hedging – Hedging currencies like through forward contracts has costs that can dilute net returns.

International and emerging market bond funds with currency risks tend to have higher volatility than domestic bond funds for local investors due to exchange rate fluctuations.

Why are high-yield bonds more volatile than investment-grade bonds?

High yield bonds tend to experience higher volatility in prices and returns than investment grade bonds for several reasons:

  • Higher credit risk – Greater exposure to default risk amplifies price declines when recession hits.
  • Lower liquidity – Thinner trading makes high yield bonds more susceptible to one-way selling pressure.
  • Exposure concentration – Crowded trades and sector biases can exacerbate swings.
  • Investor base – High yield investors are more likely to flee to quality in downturns.
  • Economic sensitivity – High yield issuers tend to have lower margins and greater operating leverage.
  • Income orientation – Investors are more inclined to sell on negative news than investment grade holders.
  • Credit rating impact – Risk of further rating downgrades creates volatility.
  • Distressed debt – Problems at a few issuers can spread contagion across the high yield universe.

This higher volatility means high yield bonds and funds can significantly underperform other fixed income in periods of market stress.

What is the default risk associated with high-yield bonds?

High yield bonds carry a greater risk of default compared to investment grade bonds due to the weaker financial condition of the issuers. Key sources of default risk include:

  • Low credit quality – High yield issuers tend to have more leverage, lower margins, weaker coverage ratios.
  • Rating downgrades – Further deterioration in credit quality raises default odds.
  • Liquidity challenges – Inability to roll over debt or access capital markets.
  • Economic downturns – Recessions increase insolvency risk, especially for cyclical firms.
  • M&A risk – Highly leveraged deals can unravel.
  • Fraud – Undisclosed risks can arise and cause sudden defaults.
  • Contagion – Default by one issuer can spread to others.

Historical 12-month default rates on high yield bonds have averaged around 4% since the early 1980s with spikes above 10% in downturns. Default risk can lead to permanent loss of capital so high yield exposure is typically capped at 10-30% of the portfolio.

How are high-yield bonds affected by the economic outlook?

High yield bonds are more sensitive to economic conditions compared to higher-quality investment grade bonds:

  • Strong economy – Profits and cash flows improve for high yield issuers in expansions, lowering default risk and driving prices higher.
  • Recession – Earnings deteriorate in downturns, heightening default risk. Bond prices and funds decline.
  • Rate cuts – Monetary easing boosts demand for yield, benefiting high yield prices.
  • Rate hikes – Tighter policy raises funding costs and credit stress for high yield issuers.
  • Inflation – Can help debt servicing capacity of issuers, but Fed hikes to quell inflation are a headwind.
  • Stock market – High yield bonds often move in tandem with equities given growth orientation.
  • Commodities – Important for high yield issuers in energy, metals and mining. Higher prices aid credit quality.

Given this sensitivity, high yield bonds are more positively leveraged to economic strength and negatively leveraged to weakness. Prudent risk management warrants moderating exposure ahead of slowdowns.

What are the attributes of high-yield bonds?

Key attributes of high-yield corporate bonds include:

  • Non-investment grade credit rating below BBB-/Baa3 due to higher default risk of the issuer.
  • Higher yields with average spreads of around 500 basis points over comparable Treasury yields currently.
  • Shorter maturities averaging 5-7 years since longer-term default risk is greater.
  • Issuers are often smaller companies or highly leveraged issuers.
  • Lower liquidity and smaller issue sizes than investment-grade corporate bond markets.
  • Greater sensitivity to economic cycles with tighter yield spreads in expansions.
  • Subject to higher volatility in prices and yields due to credit and liquidity factors.
  • Can be used tactically to enhance portfolio yield but higher allocation can raise risk.
  • Diversification and analysis of issuers is key to managing default risks.

While individual junk bonds carry higher risk, diversified high yield bond funds can generate attractive risk-adjusted returns over the long run for investors.

How can high-yield bonds be used as part of a diversified portfolio allocation?

High-yield bonds can play several strategic roles in a diversified portfolio when used prudently by investors with moderate risk tolerance:

  • Income generation – Primary appeal is boosting portfolio yield due to higher coupons than investment grade bonds.
  • Total return enhancement – Historically earned mid-single digit total returns, exceeding government bond returns over the long run.
  • Portfolio diversification – Returns have lower correlation to investment grade bonds and equities.
  • Capital appreciation potential – Bonds trading at discounts can benefit from spread compression in bull markets.
  • Tactical allocation – Can dial up or dial down high yield exposure based on business and credit cycles.
  • Matching liabilities – Long-dated high yield bonds can help fund long-term pension or insurance liabilities.

High yield bonds tend to perform well late in economic cycles but investors should be wary of over-allocating given vulnerabilities in recessions. A 10-20% strategic allocation is generally recommended for diversified portfolios.

What are the risks associated with investing in high-yield bonds?

Key risks faced by investors in high yield bonds include:

  • Default risk – Higher likelihood of default which can mean loss of principal investment.
  • Credit risk – Deterioration in credit quality can lead to sharp price declines.
  • Liquidity risk – Small issue sizes and lower trading volumes increases bid-ask spreads and trading costs.
  • Interest rate risk – Longer-duration high yield bonds have greater sensitivity to rising interest rates.
  • Economic slowdown risk – Earnings and credit health of issuers suffers significantly in recessions.
  • Inflation risk – High yield issuers have less ability to pass on higher costs to customers.
  • Concentration risk – Excessive exposure to troubled sectors like energy or telecom can prove costly.
  • Call risk – Bonds are called away by issuers when it is least advantageous for investors.
  • Manager risk – Require reliance on skill of high yield fund managers to navigate risks.

While risks are higher, prudent diversification, analysis of issuers, and risk limits can mitigate some of the risks over the long run.

How can diversification and careful monitoring help manage the risks in high-yield bonds?

Diversification and active monitoring can reduce some of the unique risks associated with high yield bonds:

  • Diversify across issuers and sectors to avoid concentrations and limit contagion risk.
  • Favor bonds higher up in the capital structure that have greater recovery value in default
  • Invest in high-yield bond funds versus individual bonds to achieve wide diversification
  • Size position limits appropriately based on risk tolerance
  • Assess the macro environment to gauge recession risk and credit stress
  • Analyze fundamentals and leverage of issuers to identify those with better debt coverage
  • Monitor ownership and liquidity to avoid companies with excessive institutional ownership or trading constraints
  • Track management strategy and communication for signs of business deterioration
  • Follow bond covenants and early warnings like rising yields, price volatility, widening spreads
  • Reduce exposure to distressed bonds with warning signs like rating downgrades
  • Watch for bonds trading significantly below par that may indicate credit concerns
  • Stay abreast of outlook for key high yield sectors based on economic trends
  • Diversification helps mitigate idiosyncratic default risk while careful monitoring aims to minimize downside risks like sector concentrations and credit deterioration.
  • What is the primary risk associated with investing in high-yield bonds?
  • The primary risk associated with high-yield bond investing is default risk, or the risk that issuers of bonds will be unable to make scheduled interest payments and principal repayments.
  • Default risk is higher with high-yield bonds compared to investment-grade bonds because:
  • High yield issuers have weaker financial strength, lower margins, and higher leverage. This increases vulnerability during downturns.
  • High yield bonds have credit ratings below investment grade indicating a greater risk of default over the life of the bonds.
  • Defaults spike during economic recessions as weaker issuers face cash flow problems – high-yield bonds saw 10%+ default rates in downturns historically.
  • Recovery rates after default tend to be lower for high yield bonds compared to senior secured debt.
  • Even rumors of trouble at an issuer can swiftly impact high yield bond valuations in the less liquid market.
  • Contagion can spread across the high-yield market if one troubled issuer defaults.
  • While high yields compensate for default risk, excessive exposure or concentration in high yield bonds in investor portfolios can lead to painful losses if key issuers default. Diversification and risk limits help manage this primary risk.


Understanding the factors that contribute to the historical performance of junk bond mutual funds compared to investment is essential for investors seeking to navigate the complexities of this asset class. By considering credit ratings, interest rates, geopolitical risks, and credit cycles, among other factors, investors can gain valuable insights into the potential risks and returns associated with junk bond mutual funds.

Armed with this knowledge, investors can make informed decisions and build a well-diversified portfolio that aligns with their investment goals and risk tolerance.Consider reading >>>>> Real Estate Investment: Building Wealth Potential to learn more.

Factors That Contribute To The Historical Performance Of Junk Bond Mutual Funds Compared To Investment | M.M.O.D.COM (2)

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Factors That Contribute To The Historical Performance Of Junk Bond Mutual Funds Compared To Investment | M.M.O.D.COM (2024)


What is the benefit of investing in junk bonds as opposed to bonds with a ratings? ›

The simple reason to buy a junk bond is for higher returns. Junk bonds are risky assets but due to their high risk, they come with returns that are higher than safer, investment-grade bonds. Investors willing to take on higher risk for higher returns would buy junk bonds.

What are the two key components of the junk bond yield? ›

Like any fixed-income securities, the return from hold- ing a junk bond is usually measured by the yield-to- maturity, which is the rate of return for holding a bond until maturity. The junk bond yield involves two components: the default-free bond yield and the risk premium.

Which factor is the most important to the investors in evaluating the value of a bond? ›

The inverse relationship between price and yield is crucial to understanding value in bonds. Another key is knowing how much a bond's price will move when interest rates change. To estimate how sensitive a particular bond's price is to interest rate movements, the bond market uses a measure known as duration.

Why are junk bonds attractive to investors? ›

Advantages. Junk bond investors usually enjoy higher rates of return as compared to other fixed-income investments. Since they are often issued with 10-year terms, junk bonds have the opportunity to do better if the issuer's credit rating improves prior to the bond's maturity.

Why might an investor buy a junk bond over a higher risk stock? ›

Junk bonds return higher yields than most other fixed-income debt securities. Junk bonds have the potential of significant price increases should the company's financial situation improve. Junk bonds serve as a risk indicator of when investors are willing to take on risk or avoid risk in the market.

What are the advantages of junk bonds? ›

Are junk bonds a good investment?
Higher interest rates than for investment-grade bonds.Comparatively high risk of the bond issuer missing an interest payment.
Lower risk of losing money as compared to stocks.Greater fluctuations in trading prices relative to investment-grade bonds.
3 more rows
Nov 20, 2023

What are the disadvantages of junk bonds? ›

There's a risk of bankruptcy with low-rated companies. Hence, junk bonds have a much higher risk of default than other bonds in the market. These bonds are long-term investments and thus have low liquidity. A negative economic situation will gravely impact high-yield bonds.

Why do junk bonds have higher yields? ›

Bonds rated below Baa3 by ratings agency Moody's or below BBB by Standard & Poor's and Fitch Ratings are considered “speculative grade” or high-yield bonds. Sometimes also called junk bonds, these bonds offer higher interest rates to attract investors and compensate for the higher level of risk.

What are the risk factors that may impact the value of mutual funds? ›

Quick Summary. Investing in mutual funds carries risks like market risk, concentration risk, interest rate risk, liquidity risk, and credit risk. These risks arise due to factors such as market performance, portfolio concentration, interest rate fluctuations, lack of liquidity, and creditworthiness of the issuer.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of mutual funds? ›

Some of the advantages of mutual funds include advanced portfolio management, dividend reinvestment, risk reduction, convenience, and fair pricing, while disadvantages include high expense ratios and sales charges, management abuses, tax inefficiency, and poor trade execution.

Which two characteristics are commonly found in mutual funds? ›

Other key characteristics of mutual funds:
  • They're run by professional money managers who decide which securities to buy (stocks, bonds, etc.) ...
  • They typically have low minimum investments and are traded only once per day at the closing net asset value.

How do you measure bond fund performance? ›

An investor can use cumulative interest to calculate a bond's performance by summing the interest paid over a set period. However, there are other more comprehensive methods, such as effective annual yield. Bonds' interest rates, also known as the coupon rate, can be fixed, floating, or only payable at maturity.

What are the factors that affect the value of a bond? ›

Apart from interest rate movements, there are three other key factors that can affect the performance of a bond: market conditions, the age of a bond and its rating.

What are the major factors in bond rating process? ›

Market conditions, such as interest rates, economic growth, and inflation, can impact an issuer's financial performance and credit risk. Rating agencies take these factors into account when evaluating the creditworthiness of bond issuers, as they can affect their ability to meet financial obligations.

What is a junk bond advantages and disadvantages? ›

Are junk bonds a good investment?
Higher interest rates than for investment-grade bonds.Comparatively high risk of the bond issuer missing an interest payment.
Lower risk of losing money as compared to stocks.Greater fluctuations in trading prices relative to investment-grade bonds.
3 more rows
Nov 20, 2023

What is the difference between investment-grade bonds and junk bonds? ›

Investors typically group bond ratings into 2 major categories: Investment-grade refers to bonds rated Baa3/BBB- or better. High-yield (also referred to as "non-investment-grade" or "junk" bonds) pertains to bonds rated Ba1/BB+ and lower.

Why would investors buy a junk bond Quizlet? ›

If junk bonds are "junk," then why do investors buy them? junk bonds contain higher yields to compensate investors for the higher default risk. Although the risk of default is higher, the investor will see a higher payoff than safer bonds as long as the bond doesn't default.

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