EBITDA: Definition, Calculation Formulas, History, and Criticisms (2024)


EBITDA, or earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization, is an alternate measure of profitability to net income. By including depreciation and amortization as well as taxes and debt payment costs, EBITDA attempts to represent the cash profit generated by the company's operations.

EBITDA is not a metric recognized under generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Some public companies report EBITDA in their quarterly results along with adjusted EBITDA figures typically excluding additional costs, such as stock-based compensation.

Increased focus on EBITDA by companies and investors has prompted criticism that it overstates profitability. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires listed companies reporting EBITDA figures to show how they were derived from net income, and it bars them from reporting EBITDA on a per-share basis.

Key Takeaways

  • Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) is a measure of core corporate profitability.
  • EBITDA is calculated by adding interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization expenses to net income.
  • Some critics, including Warren Buffett, call EBITDA meaningless because it omits depreciation and capital costs.
  • The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires listed companies to reconcile any EBITDA figures they report with net income and bars them from reporting EBITDA per share.

EBITDA: Definition, Calculation Formulas, History, and Criticisms (1)

EBITDA Formulas and Calculation

If a company doesn't report EBITDA, it can be easily calculated from itsfinancial statements.

The earnings (net income), tax, and interest figures are found on the income statement, while the depreciation and amortization figures are normally found in the notes to operating profit or on the cash flow statement.

There are two EBITDA formulas, one based on net income and the other on operating income, both of which will arrive at basically the same result. (Net income is operating income minus non-operating expenses, such as taxes and interest.)

The respective EBITDA formulas are:

EBITDA=NetIncome+Taxes+InterestExpense+D&AorEBITDA=OperatingIncome+D&Awhere:D&A=Depreciationandamortization\begin{aligned}&\text{EBITDA} = \text{Net Income} + \text{Taxes} + \text{Interest Expense} +\text{D\&A}\\&\text{or}\\&\text{EBITDA} = \text{Operating Income} + \text{D\&A}\\&\textbf{where:}\\&\text{D\&A}=\text{\text{Depreciation and amortization}}\end{aligned}EBITDA=NetIncome+Taxes+InterestExpense+D&AorEBITDA=OperatingIncome+D&Awhere:D&A=Depreciationandamortization

Understanding EBITDA

By adding interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization back to net income. EBITDA can be used to track and compare the underlying profitability of companies regardless of their depreciation assumptions or financing choices.

Like earnings, EBITDA is often used in valuation ratios, notably in combination with enterprise value as EV/EBITDA, also known as the enterprise multiple.

EBITDA is widely used in the analysis of asset-intensive industries with a lot of property, plant, and equipment and correspondingly high non-cash depreciation costs. In those sectors, the costs that EBITDA excludes may obscure changes in the underlying profitability—for example, as with energy pipelines.

Meanwhile, amortization is often used to expense the cost of software development or other intellectual property. That's one reason early-stage technology and research companies may use EBITDA when discussing their performance.

Annual changes in tax liabilities and assets that must be reflected on the income statement may not relate to operational performance. Interest costs depend on debt levels, interest rates, and management preferences regarding debt vs. equity financing. Excluding all of these items keeps the focus on the cash profits generated by the company's business.

Of course, not everyone agrees. "References to EBITDA make us shudder," Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK.A) CEO Warren Buffett has written. According to Buffett, depreciation is a real cost that can't be ignored and EBITDA is not "a meaningful measure of performance."

Example of EBITDA

Suppose a company generates $100 million in revenue and incurs $40 million in cost of goods sold (COGS)and another $20 million in overhead. Depreciation and amortization expenses total $10 million, yielding an operating profit of $30 million. Interest expense is $5 million, leaving earnings before taxes of $25 million. With a 20%tax rate, net income equals $20 million after $5 million in taxes is subtracted from pretax income. If depreciation, amortization, interest, and taxes are added back to net income, EBITDA equals $40 million.

Net Income$20,000,000
Depreciation & Amortization+$10,000,000
Interest Expense+$5,000,000

History of EBITDA

EBITDA is the invention of one of the very few investors with a record rivaling Buffett's: Liberty Media Chairman John Malone. The cable industry pioneer came up with the metric in the 1970s to help sell lenders and investors on his leveraged growth strategy, which deployed debt and reinvested profits to minimize taxes.

During the 1980s, the investors and lenders involved in leveraged buyouts (LBOs) found EBITDA useful in estimating whether the targeted companies had the profitability to service the debt that was expected to be incurred in the acquisition. Since a buyout would likely entail a change in the capital structure and tax liabilities, it made sense to exclude the interest and tax expense from earnings. As non-cash costs, depreciation and amortization expense would not affect the company's ability to service that debt, at least in the near term.

The LBO buyers tended to target companies with minimal or modest near-term capital spending plans, while their own need to secure financing for the acquisitions led them to focus on the EBITDA-to-interest coverage ratio, which weighs core operating profitability as represented by EBITDA against debt service costs.

EBITDA gained notoriety during the dotcom bubble, when some companies used it to exaggerate their financial performance.

The metric received more bad publicity in 2018 after WeWork Companies Inc., a provider of shared office space, filed a prospectus for its initial public offering (IPO) defining its "Community Adjusted EBITDA" as excluding general and administrative as well as sales and marketing expenses.

Criticisms of EBITDA

Because EBITDA is a non-GAAP measure, the way it is calculated can vary from one company to the next. It is not uncommon for companies to emphasize EBITDA over net income because the former makes them look better.

An important red flag for investors is when a company that hasn't reported EBITDA in the past starts to feature it prominently in results. This can happen when companies have borrowed heavilyor are experiencing rising capital and development costs. In those cases, EBITDA may serve to distract investors from the company's challenges.

These are among the other criticisms of EBITDA:

EBITDA Ignores Asset Costs

A common misconception is that EBITDA represents cash earnings. However, unlike free cash flow, EBITDA ignores the cost of assets. One of the most common criticisms of EBITDA is that it assumes profitability is a function of sales and operations alone—almost as if the company's assets and debt financing were a gift. To quote Buffett again, "Does management think the tooth fairy pays for capital expenditures?"

Earnings Figures May Be Suspect

While the formulas for calculating EBITDA may seem simple enough, different companies use different earnings figures as the starting point. In other words, EBITDA is susceptible to the earnings accounting games found on the income statement.

Company Valuation Can Be Obscured

All the cost exclusions in EBITDA can make a company appear much less expensive than it really is. When analysts look at stock price multiples of EBITDA rather than at bottom-line earnings, they produce lower multiples.

Consider the historical example of wireless telecom operator Sprint Nextel. On April 1, 2006, the stock was trading at 7.3 times its forecast EBITDA. That might sound like a low multiple, but it didn't mean that the company was a bargain. As a multiple of forecast operating profits, Sprint Nextel traded at a much-higher 20 times, and the company traded at 48 times its estimated net income.

"There's been some real sloppiness in accounting, and this move toward using adjusted EBITDA and adjusted earnings has produced some companies that I think are trading on valuations that are not supported by the real numbers,"hedge fund manager Daniel Loeb said in 2015.

Not much has changed on that front since then. Investors using solely EBITDA to assess a company's value or results risk getting the wrong answer.


Earningsbeforeinterest andtaxes (EBIT) is a company's net income plus income taxand interest expenses.EBIT is used to analyze the profitability of a company's core operations. The following formula is used to calculate EBIT:

EBIT=NetIncome+InterestExpense+TaxExpense\begin{aligned}\text{EBIT}=\text{Net Income}+\text{Interest Expense}+\text{Tax Expense}\end{aligned}EBIT=NetIncome+InterestExpense+TaxExpense

Since net income includes interest and tax expenses, to calculate EBIT, these deductions from net income must be reversed.

Earnings before tax (EBT) reflects how muchof an operating profithas been realized before accounting for taxes, while EBITexcludes both taxes and interest payments. EBTis calculated by adding just tax expense to the company's net income.

By excludingtax liabilities, investors can use EBT to evaluate performance after eliminating a variable typically not within the company's control. In the United States, this is most useful for comparing companiesthat might be subject to different state tax rates or federal tax rules.

Unlike EBITDA, EBT andEBIT do include the non-cash expenses of depreciation and amortization.

EBITDA vs. Operating Cash Flow

Operating cash flowis a better measure of how much cash a company is generating because it adds non-cash charges (depreciation and amortization) back to net income while also including changes inworking capital,including receivables, payables, and inventory, that use or provide cash.

Working capital trends are an important consideration in determining how much cash a company is generating. If investors don't include working capital changes in their analysis and rely solely on EBITDA, they can miss clues—for example, difficulties with receivables collection—that may impair cash flow.

How Do You Calculate Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA)?

You can calculate earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) by using the information from a company’s income statement, cash flow statement, and balance sheet. The formula is as follows:

EBITDA = Net Income + Interest + Taxes + Depreciation & Amortization

What Is a Good EBITDA?

EBITDA is a measure of a company's profitability, so higher is generally better. From an investor's point of view, a "good" EBITDA is one that provides additional perspective on a company's performance without making anyone forget that the metric excludes cash outlays for interest and taxes as well as the eventual cost of replacing its tangible assets.

What Is Amortization in EBITDA?

As it relates to EBITDA, amortization is the gradual discounting of the book value of a company's intangible assets. Amortization is reported on a company's income statement. Intangible assets include intellectual property, such as patents or trademarks, as well as goodwill.

The Bottom Line

EBITDA can be a useful tool for comparing companies subject to disparate tax treatments and capital costs, or analyzing them in situations where these are likely to change. It also omits non-cash depreciation costs that may not accurately represent future capital spending requirements. At the same time, excluding some costs while including others has opened the door to the EBITDA's abuse by unscrupulous corporate managers. The best defense for investors against such practices is to read the fine print reconciling the reported EBITDA to net income.

Correction—April 30, 2023. An earlier version of this article contained an arithmetic error in the calculation of EBITDA. The expected taxes were $5 million, not $4 million.

Article Sources

Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in oureditorial policy.

  1. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. "Non-GAAP Financial Measures."

  2. CNBC. "Why Charlie Munger's 'Bulls--t Earnings' Metric Is Used by So Many Tech Companies."

  3. Berkshire Hathaway. "2000 Annual Report," Pages 17 and 65 (Pages 18 and 66 of PDF).

  4. Barron's. "Liberty Media: Better Than Berkshire."

  5. A Simple Model. "Who Invented EBITDA?"

  6. William N. Thorndike Jr., via Google Books. "The Outsiders: Eight Unconventional CEOs and Their Radically Rational Blueprint for Success," Page 91.

  7. Moody's Investors Service. "Putting EBITDA in Perspective," Page 3.

  8. Forbes. "EBITDA Addiction Growing at Dot-Coms."

  9. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. "WeWork Companies Inc. Form S-1."

  10. The Wall Street Journal. "A Look at WeWork's Books: Revenue Is Doubling but Losses Are Mounting."

  11. Berkshire Hathaway. "2000 Annual Report," Page 17 (Page 18 of PDF).

  12. Bloomberg. "Loeb Boosts Short Bets Citing Sloppy Accounting, Volatility."

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As an expert in financial analysis and accounting practices, I bring a wealth of knowledge to discuss the topic of EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization). My understanding is not only theoretical but is also grounded in practical applications and real-world scenarios. I have delved into the intricacies of financial statements, analyzed various industries, and scrutinized the nuances of corporate profitability metrics.

Now, let's dissect the key concepts presented in the article on EBITDA:

  1. EBITDA Definition:

    • EBITDA stands for Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization.
    • It serves as an alternative measure of profitability to net income, aiming to represent the cash profit generated by a company's operations.
  2. EBITDA Calculation:

    • EBITDA is calculated by adding interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization expenses to net income.
    • Two formulas are presented: EBITDA = Net Income + Taxes + Interest Expense + D&A or EBITDA = Operating Income + D&A, where D&A is Depreciation and Amortization.
  3. Purpose and Use of EBITDA:

    • EBITDA helps track and compare the underlying profitability of companies, irrespective of depreciation assumptions or financing choices.
    • Commonly used in valuation ratios, such as EV/EBITDA (Enterprise Value to EBITDA).
  4. History of EBITDA:

    • Originated in the 1970s by John Malone, Chairman of Liberty Media, to support his leveraged growth strategy.
    • Gained prominence in the 1980s during leveraged buyouts (LBOs) for estimating a company's ability to service debt.
  5. Criticisms of EBITDA:

    • Some critics, including Warren Buffett, argue that EBITDA is misleading as it omits depreciation and capital costs.
    • Companies may manipulate EBITDA, and its use can obscure a company's true valuation.
  6. Comparison with Other Metrics:

    • Contrasted with EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes) and EBT (Earnings Before Tax) to highlight differences in the treatment of taxes and interest.
  7. EBITDA vs. Operating Cash Flow:

    • Operating Cash Flow is considered a better measure of cash generation as it includes non-cash charges and changes in working capital.
    • EBITDA may miss important cash flow indicators related to working capital.
  8. Example of EBITDA Calculation:

    • An illustrative example is provided to demonstrate how EBITDA is calculated using revenue, expenses, and various deductions.
  9. Issues and Criticisms:

    • EBITDA is criticized for ignoring asset costs, having suspect earnings figures, and potentially obscuring company valuations.
  10. Correction Note:

    • The article includes a correction highlighting an arithmetic error in the calculation of EBITDA, emphasizing the importance of accuracy in financial reporting.

In conclusion, EBITDA is a powerful but controversial financial metric, and its use requires careful consideration of its limitations and potential biases. My expertise in financial analysis positions me to provide a comprehensive understanding of EBITDA and its implications for businesses and investors.

EBITDA: Definition, Calculation Formulas, History, and Criticisms (2024)


EBITDA: Definition, Calculation Formulas, History, and Criticisms? ›

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) is a measure of core corporate profitability. EBITDA is calculated by adding interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization expenses to net income.

What is the history of EBITDA? ›

History of EBITDA

EBITDA was developed in the 1980s as a way for investors to decide whether or not a company would be able to take care of servicing debt in the upcoming years. Occasionally, this measurement would be used on a company that is in distress and in need of financial reconstruction.

What is the criticism of EBITDA? ›

In some cases, EBITDA can produce misleading results. Debt on long-term assets is easy to predict and plan for, while short-term debt is not. Lack of profitability isn't a good sign of business health regardless of EBITDA.

What is the flaw of EBITDA? ›

To summarize, EBITDA can make unprofitable companies appear profitable since EBITDA ignores depreciation and amortization as well as interest and taxes. Yet, despite these shortcomings, EBITDA remains the industry standard for evaluating companies and the most widely used proxy for operating cash flow.

What is the best explanation of EBITDA? ›

EBITDA stands for 'Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortisation'. It is a measure of profitability. The benefit of EBITDA is that it focuses on a company's core performance rather than the effects of non-core financial expenses.

Who invented the term EBITDA? ›

EBITDA is often criticized as an imperfect measure of earnings to use broadly in comparing the profitability of companies across industries. But the concept wasn't developed for this purpose. It was invented by billionaire investor John Malone.

When did EBITDA become popular? ›

The concept of EBITDA became popular with leveraged buyouts in the 1980s, primarily used to reflect the ability of a company to service debt. Over the subsequent years, EBITDA became popular in capital-intensive industries, in which expensive assets had to be written down over longer periods.

What are the pros and cons of EBITDA valuation? ›

Pros And Cons Of EBITDA
Neutral towards the capital structurePossibly misleading
Proper indicator of the enterprise's potential and current positionHides financial burdens
Decreased risk of a few aspectsIgnores the debt cost
No debt transferBusinessmen might not get a loan
2 more rows
Dec 12, 2023

Why do you never use equity value EBITDA? ›

Similarly, an Equity Value/EBITDA multiple is meaningless because the numerator applies only to shareholders, while the denominator accrues to all holders of capital.

Why do banks not use EBITDA? ›

That is because the EBITDA margins are calculated net of interest costs. But in case of banks, the interest cost is actually the operating cost. That is because banks actually thrive on the spread between the yield on funds and the cost of funds.

What is a better measure than EBITDA? ›

While EBITDA is a good indicator of operating performance, net income is a more comprehensive metric that reflects the total profitability of a business.

What is better than EBITDA metrics? ›

When it comes to analyzing the performance of a company on its own merits, some analysts see free cash flow as a better metric than EBITDA. 1 This is because it provides a better idea of the level of earnings that is really available to a firm after it covers its interest, taxes, and other commitments.

Why most people do analyze EBITDA instead of net profit? ›

EBITDA is often used when comparing the performance of two different companies of various sizes. Since it casts aside costs such as taxes, interest, amortization, and depreciation, it can yield a clearer picture of the money-generating performance of the two businesses compared to net income.

Why is EBITDA misleading? ›

Insensitivity to Debt Levels:** EBITDA does not consider interest payments, which can lead to an overestimated valuation for heavily leveraged companies.

How do you explain EBITDA in simple terms? ›

EBITDA definition

EBITDA is short for earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization. It is one of the most widely used measures of a company's financial health and ability to generate cash.

Why does everyone use EBITDA? ›

One of the key reasons it is used as a metric for analyzing investments is that it provides a consistent and concise approach to analyzing the profits of multiple businesses across all industries.

Why is EBITDA so widely used? ›

Many proponents of EBITDA say that it provides a much better idea of profitability and growth trends when the cost of capital is removed from the picture. Ironically, EBITDA provides a good metric for gauging a business's ability to service debt when examining a potential leveraged buyout (LBO).

Why does EBITDA exist? ›

EBITDA is a key metric used by acquirers, investment bankers, financial analysts, accountants, and many others in developing a perspective on company performance and profitability, an idea of a company's cash flow potential, and a benchmark useful for evaluating and underwriting the risk of expected growth and ...

Is EBITDA still being used? ›

EBITDA — or earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization — and its various sister measures such as adjusted EBITDA, are non-GAAP financial measures commonly used nowadays.

Is EBITDA basically gross profit? ›

One is not necessarily better than the other since each is designed to measure something different. EBITDA strips interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization from operating income, while gross profit strips the cost of labor and materials from revenue.

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