Difference between Centralization and Decentralization of Organization (2024)


Centralization and Decentralization are two modes of working in any organization. In centralization, there is a hierarchy of formal authority for making all the important decision for the organization.

And in decentralization decision making is left for the lower level of organization. Let us learn the difference between centralization and decentralization in detail with their advantages and other factors.

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Centralization and Decentralization

A simple way to understand if an organization is working in a centralized or decentralized manner is by looking at two important aspects:

  1. The place of the decision-making authority in the hierarchy of the management i.e. Centralized.
  2. The degree of decision-making power at the lower echelons in the organization i.e. Decentralized.

Difference between Centralization and Decentralization of Organization (9)

Source: Pixabay

An organization has a greater degree of decentralization if the number of decisions made and functions affected at the lower level are higher.

Further, while decentralization and delegation of authority might seem similar, you must not confuse one with another. A decentralized way of working is more about the philosophy of the organization.

Unlike delegation, it is not just about handing over a part of the authority to a subordinate but a way of approaching the decision-making process in the organization.

Decentralization is a choice, while delegationis a must. Let’s take a quick look at the advantages of centralization and decentralization:

Advantages of Centralization

  • The organization can strictly enforce uniformity of procedures and policies.
  • It can help in the elimination of overlapping or duplicate activities and save costs.
  • The organization has a better chance of utilizing the potential of its outstanding employees.
  • It offers a better control over the activities of the organization by ensuring consistency in operations and uniformity in decision-making.

Advantages of Decentralization

  • Faster decision-making and better quality of decisions
  • Improves the effectivity of managers.
  • Offers a democratic environment where employees can have a say in their governance.
  • Provides good exposure to mid and lower-level managers and creates a pool of promotable manpower with managerial skills.
  • Since managers can see the results of their own actions, they are more driven and have improved morales.

Both centralization and decentralization have their own advantages and disadvantages. Even if an organization is working in a decentralized manner, some functions are usually centralized. Next, let’s look at the factors that determine the degree of decentralization.

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Factors determining the Degree of Decentralization

While the degree of decentralization depends on a wide range of factors which are different for different organizations, here is a common list:

Significance of the decision

Decisions which are costly either in terms of money, goodwill of the company, employee morale and other such decisions which are significant to the organization are centralized at the top-levels of the organization.

Therefore, even in a decentralized organization, these decisions are made in a centralized manner. It is not that high-level managers do not commit mistakes.

However, the enterprise expects them to commit fewer and less-critical mistakes. This is because they are trained, experienced, and have the right information to arrive at the best decision.

From observation, it is evident that the primary factor behind centralizing authority is the weight of responsibility since delegating authority does not imply delegating responsibility.

Size of the Enterprise

The size of the organization is an important factor which determines the degree of decentralization. A larger firm needs more decisions. Also, a large-sized company has numerous departments and levels.

Coordinating all of them and consulting several specialists and executives can take a lot of time, delaying the decision.

And delayed decisions tend to cost more. Segregating the organization into smaller decentralized units enhances efficiency and minimizes costs.

Organizations try to ensure that the size of each unit is such that it is easily manageable and decentralize authority accordingly.

The Attitude and Philosophy of the Management

Decentralization is the dispersal of authority. Therefore, the attitude of senior management plays an important role in the extent and mode of authority dispersal. Usually, senior executives with a traditional mindset are a little skeptical about decentralizing authority.

On the other hand, executives with a rational managerial temperament rely on the participative approach of doing work. These executives try to make the best out of individual initiative and opt for decentralization.

Control Techniques

In most organizations, senior management believes that some vital aspects like the price of the product, credit offered, etc. must have a uniform policy.

And centralization is the best way to achieve this. This desire to control these aspects deters the organization from allowing even the regional offices to make decisions about these aspects.

There is no denying the fact that a uniform policy has many advantages. However, the organization cannot ignore the costs involved in centralized decisions.

Also, low and mid-level managers find their initiatives arrested and see few opportunities to grow within the organization.

Availability of Capable Executives

Many times, senior executives are willing to disperse authority but are unable to find qualified and capable junior managers to do so. This dearth of capable executives can restrict the nature and extent of decentralization.

Further, many organizations train the junior managers to bring them up the curve. Interestingly, decentralization offers many opportunities to impart the training too.

External Environment Influences

Many external forces also play an important role in determining the mode of decentralizing authority. External forces like government control, unions, fiscal policies, etc. are some examples.

In the real world, these factors deter the management of an organization from dispersing authority since these external forces control many factors.

Delegation vs Decentralization

NatureIt usually involves two people – a manager and his subordinate.It involves the entire organization – from the top management to individual departments.
ControlThe manager or the delegator controls it.The control lies with the concerned departments or sections.
NeedAll organizations need delegation to get things done. Delegating authority is essential to assign responsibility.This is an optional mode of working. Organizations can also work in a centralized manner.
ResponsibilityThe delegator can delegate authority but the responsibility remains with him. The delegator is accountable for the task.The head of the department is responsible for the activities performed under him. Therefore, responsibility is fixed at the department-level.
RelationshipCreates better superior-subordinate relationships.Helps in the creation of semi-autonomous units.

Solved Question onCentralization and Decentralization

Q1. What is centralization and decentralization in an organization?


Centralization and Decentralization are the different modes of working of an organization. In centralization, the higher positions of the management hold the decision-making authority. Further, in decentralization, the management disperses the decision-making authority across the organization and brings it closer to the source of action and information.

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Difference between Centralization and Decentralization of Organization (2024)


Difference between Centralization and Decentralization of Organization? ›

In centralized organizations, strategic planning, goal setting, budgeting, and talent deployment are typically conducted by a single, senior leader or leadership team. In contrast, in decentralized organizations, formal decision-making power is distributed across multiple individuals or teams.

What is the difference between a centralized organization and a decentralized organization? ›

Centralization aligns with cultures that embrace a hierarchical, conformity-focused approach , whereas decentralized organizations align more closely with those valuing autonomy and collaboration.

What is an example of a centralized organization? ›

A corporation or a small business with four employees run by its sole owner is an example of a centralized organization while a local commune is not because all individuals are involved in decision making.

What is an example of decentralization? ›

The internet is an example of an extremely decentralized network, having no owners at all (although some have argued that this is less the case in recent years). "No one is in charge of internet, and everyone is." As long as they follow a certain minimal number of rules, anyone can be a service provider or a user.

What is more characteristic of a decentralized organization than a centralized organization? ›

Final answer: A positive emotional climate, characterized by autonomy and job satisfaction, is a more typical feature of a decentralized organization that emphasizes employee empowerment, as opposed to a centralized organization.

What is the main difference between centralization and decentralization? ›

The main difference between centralization and decentralization is that Centralization involves consolidating decision-making authority at the top of an organization, while decentralization distributes decision-making power to various levels or units within the organization, impacting the efficiency of decision-making ...

What is an example of a decentralized company? ›

Nike. Nike is a great example of a company that has embraced a decentralized organizational structure. By empowering employees to make decisions and take ownership of their work, Nike has been able to respond quickly and effectively to changes in the athletic apparel industry.

What is a decentralized organization? ›

A decentralized organization is one in which most decisions are made by mid-level or lower-level managers, rather than being made centrally by the head of the company. It's the opposite of a centralized organization, in which all decisions are made at the top.

Is Coca Cola centralized or decentralized? ›

Answer & Explanation. Coca-Cola follows the decentralization within centralization model of organizing itself. This means that while the global headquarters retains its overall decision making, the corporation is divided into regions and geographical territories in which it operates.

What is an example of centralization decentralization? ›

For example: If the monarch of any country controls everything, he has complete authority. Answer. The transfer of power, authority and decision making to a group of people in a devised hierarchical system or organized levels are called decentralization.

What is decentralization in simple words? ›

Decentralization is the process of shifting control from one main group to several smaller ones. The decentralization of government, for example, gives more power to the individual states, rather than concentrating it at the federal level.

What is an example of decentralization in real life? ›

A cost center is an example of decentralization in which authority to track controllable expenses is given to subordinates in an organization. In a decentralized organization, every department is a cost center.

What are the 4 types of decentralization? ›

The main forms of decentralization are deconcentration, delegation, devolution, partnerships with Civil Society Organizations (CSO) and privatization.

How do you tell if an organization is centralized or decentralized? ›

  1. Centralized organizations have all decisions coming from the same place.
  2. Decentralized organizations have decisions coming from all levels of management towards the same goal.
  3. McDonald's uses centralization to get a standardized menu everywhere.

Can a company be both centralized and decentralized? ›

You need both centralized and decentralized elements. Organizations that are sticking to a centralized model are going to be limited in their ability to expand and grow. Alternately, going completely decentralized is not responsible either, because you need some components of centralized operations to maintain control.

What are the disadvantages of decentralization? ›

Higher Costs: Decentralization can entail higher costs due to the duplication of resources and efforts. It can be harder to save costs and share resources in decentralized systems. Organizations need to allocate resources for decentralized decision-making processes and technology, which could incur additional expenses.

What is the difference between centralized and decentralized purchasing organization? ›

The centralized model is less flexible. The company must go through a centralized decision-making process if it decides to add or remove a product from its offerings. In a decentralized system, the decisions are made locally, which allows for more agility.

What is the difference between a centralized and decentralized government? ›

In a centralised state, the power is rested in the hands of a government at the centre, which is responsible for the decision-making and functioning of a country. While in a decentralised state, the powers and responsibilities are distributed among various others across regions.

What is an example of a centralized system? ›

An example of a centralized system is a traditional banking system. In a centralized system, a central authority or organization, such as a bank, exercises control over the entire system.

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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