Converting Percentages to Decimals and Fractions (Video & Practice) (2024)

Converting Percentages to Decimals and Fractions (Video & Practice) (1)

Hi, welcome to this video on converting percentages to decimals and fractions! In this video, we’ll show you some easy and not-so-easy methods for converting percentages.

We use decimals in every part of our lives. You see decimals when dealing with money, measuring distance, measuring how much something weighs. There are decimals, literally, everywhere you look. But before we look at conversions, let’s do a quick recap on percentages.

A percent is any number that is a part of 100. The word percent literally means “per one hundred.”

Percent to Decimal

For instance, 25% is 25 of 100, and 64% is 64 of 100. But how do you convert the percentage into a decimal? Well, there are actually two ways you can do it.

The first way is by using math.

We’ve already established that percent means “per one hundred.” Using 25, 25% is really just 25 per 100. If you divide 25 by 100, you get 0.25, which is a decimal.

But there’s a much easier way to convert to a decimal, and it’s something I like to call the math two-step. Just move the decimal in your percentage 2 places to the left.

Let’s use 25% as our example. 25 has two digits, the 2 and the 5.

Our decimal is after the 5. Moving the decimal two places to the left gives us 0.25. As always, remember to remove the percent sign when you’re done.

Simple, right? But what if your percent number is over 100%? Maybe you have 125%. Well, the same applies. Move the decimal point two places to the left. You would move past the 5 (the first point) and past the 2 (the second point) and end with 1.25.

Now that we’ve got that down, let’s look at converting percentages into fractions.

This conversion has a few more steps.

Percentage to Fraction

When you convert a percentage to a fraction, you first convert your percentage to a decimal, then divide that number by 1. Let’s stay with 25. 25% becomes 0.25. Now we divide that by 1.


Next, for every number after the decimal point, multiply by 10. Since there are two numbers after the decimal in our example, we multiply 10 twice. If there were four numbers after the decimal, we would multiply 10 four times. The multiplication factor is essential to remember. You’re not “adding” 10 after each decimal point. You’re multiplying. In this case, you’ll multiply 10 times 10, which equals 100. So you’ll multiply the top number and the bottom number by 100.

\(\frac{0.25}{1} \times \frac{100}{100}=\frac{25}{100}\)

Now, you have to simplify the fraction. You do that by finding the highest number that divides the top and bottom number equally. In this case, the answer is 25.

25 is the highest number that equally divides both 25 and 100. Here’s how the equation looks.

\(\frac{25}{100}\div \frac{25}{25}=\frac{1}{4}\)

And there you have it! The answer is \(\frac{1}{4}\).

That’s our look at converting percentages to decimals and fractions, with a little simplification thrown in. By following this lesson, you should have a firm base for these calculations, which prove useful in many areas of our lives.

Thanks for watching and happy studying!

Frequently Asked Questions


How do you change a percent to a fraction and decimal?


Change a percent into a fraction by taking the percent and placing it over 100. Then, simplify the fraction if needed.

Change a percent to a decimal by turning the percent sign into a decimal point and moving it two places to the left.

Ex. Change 16% into a fraction and a decimal.

Fraction: 16%=\(\frac{16}{100}=\frac{16÷4}{100÷4}=\frac{4}{25}\)

Decimal: 16%→16.→0.16


How do you convert percentages to decimals?


Convert a percentage to a decimal by turning the percent sign into a decimal point and moving it two places to the left.

Ex. Convert 49% to a decimal.



How do I convert decimals to percentages?


Convert a decimal to a percentage by moving the decimal point two places to the right and then placing a percent sign at the end.

Ex. Convert 0.713 to a percentage.



How do you turn a normal number into a percentage?


Turn a normal number into a percentage by adding a decimal point followed by 2 zeroes. Remember, adding a decimal point and 0s to the end of a number does not change its value. Then, move the decimal point two places to the right, and add a percent sign. It’s the same process as converting a decimal to a percentage.

Ex. What is 14 as a percentage?



How do I convert percentages to fractions?


Convert percentages to fractions by dropping the percent sign and placing the number over 100. Then, simplify if necessary.

Ex. Convert 45% to a fraction.


Converting Percentages to Decimals and Fractions PDF

Converting Percentages to Decimals and Fractions (Video & Practice) (3)

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Converting Percentage Practice Questions

Question #1:

What is 47% as a decimal?






The correct answer is 0.47. To convert a percent to a decimal, change the percent sign to a decimal point and move it two places to the left.

Question #2:

What is 29% as a fraction?






The correct answer is \(\frac{29}{100}\). Percent means “per 100,” so 29% means “29 per 100,” which looks like \(\frac{29}{100}\) as a fraction.

Question #3:

Which of the following is not a proper way to rewrite 40%?






The correct answer is 0.20. 40% as a decimal is 0.40. As a fraction it is \(\frac{40}{100}\), which can be simplified to \(\frac{2}{5}\) by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 20. 0.20 as a percent is 20%.

Question #4:

What is 486% as a decimal?






The correct answer is 4.86. To convert a percentage to a decimal, change the percent sign to a decimal point and move it two places to the left.

Question #5:

What is 38% as a fraction?






The correct answer is \(\frac{19}{50}\). To convert a percentage to a fraction, place the number before the percent sign as the numerator of a fraction over 100: \(\frac{38}{100}\). Then, simplify by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 2: \(\frac{19}{50}\).

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by Mometrix Test Preparation | This Page Last Updated: December 27, 2023

Converting Percentages to Decimals and Fractions (Video & Practice) (2024)


How do you convert percentages to fractions and decimals? ›

To convert a percent to a decimal, we divide by 100. This is the same thing we do to convert a percent to a fraction. The number before the (%) sign becomes the Page 3 numerator, and the denominator is 100. Once this is done, we can simplify the fraction.

What is the formula for converting fractions to decimals and percentages? ›

To change a fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator. To change a fraction to a percent, • Change the fraction to a decimal. Change the decimal to a percent. Or, move the decimal point 2 places to the left.

How do you convert each percentage into its equivalent fractions and decimals? ›

Step 1: Divide the percent by 100 to get the decimal number. Step 2: The given percent is a whole number, so go to step 3. Step 3: Simply the fraction 75/100. The answer is 3/4 .

How to convert percentages to decimals? ›

So 25% means 25/100, or 1/4. To convert a percentage to a decimal, divide by 100. So 25% is 25/100, or 0.25. To convert a decimal to a percentage, multiply by 100 (just move the decimal point 2 places to the right).

What are the rules for converting fractions decimals and percents? ›

To a percent: Convert the fraction first to a decimal, then move the decimal point 2 places to the right and add the % symbol. To a percent: Move the decimal point 2 places to the right and add the % symbol. To a fraction: Drop the % sign and write the number "over" 100.

What is the easiest way to convert a fraction to a decimal? ›

To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator. If the fraction is a mixed number, be sure to convert it to an improper fraction first.

How to teach the relationship between fractions, decimals, and percentages? ›

First, provide students with some decimals that are expressed in tenths, such as 0.6 or 0.9. Ask them to color in the 100 grid to represent these amounts. Then, ask for equivalent fractions and percents. This is a good way to begin exploring the similarities and differences among numbers like 0.6, 0.60, and 0.600.

What is a rule to convert a fraction or decimal into percent? ›

Convert a fraction to a percentage by multiplying by 100
  1. Divide the numerator by the denominator.
  2. Multiply the result by 100.

How do you compare fractions decimals and percents? ›

You can compare fractions, decimals and percents using greater than, less than or equal to. Convert fractions, decimals, and percents to the same form to compare the values. If you are comparing a fraction and a percent, write both of them either as fractions or percents to figure out which is greater.

How to convert fraction to percentage and percentage to fraction? ›

To convert a fraction into a percent, begin by dividing the numerator by the denominator. Then, multiply the resulting decimal by 100.

How do you convert a percent to a fraction and decimal? ›

Converting percentages to decimals and fractions is a fundamental math skill. To convert 18% into a decimal, simply divide by 100, resulting in 0.18. To express it as a simplified fraction, find the greatest common factor, which in this case is 2, and divide both the numerator and denominator by it, giving us 9/50.

How do you convert a given percent to a decimal fraction? ›

  1. (a)25% =25100=14=0.25.
  2. (b)150% =150100=32=1.5.
  3. (c)20% =20100=15=0.2.
  4. (d)5% =5100=120=0.05.

How to convert 37.5 percentage into fraction? ›

Answer and Explanation:

37.5 as a fraction is 75/2. To convert 37.5 to a fraction: Put 37.5 over 1 to create a fraction: 37.5 = 37.5/1. To remove the decimal point in the numerator, multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 10.

How to convert 33.33 into fraction? ›

To convert 33.33% to a fraction: Remove the percent symbol: 33.33 Divide by 100: 33.33 / 100 = 0.3333 Simplify: 0.3333 can be approximated as 1/3.

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