Control System: Elements of Control, Objective, Strategic, Economic (2024)


Controlling is one of the most basic functions of management. It involves several important steps that play a big role in effective management. In order to meet their targets according to plans, managers must have a good control system at disposal. This system requires certain basic elements for it to fulfil its functions.

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Elements of a good Control System

Every decent control system must possess certain basic elements. Since they all play a major role, the absence of any one of them can make the whole system weak. Hence, managers must ensure that their control systems contain the following basic elements and considerations.

1) Feedback

Feedback is the backbone of all control systems. This feedback is nothing but the information that managers use to correct their organization’s actual performance.

The aim of feedback is basically to adjust future actions using previous experiences. Managers use the information they receive from feedbacks to implement corrective measures. Such measures generally help in bridging the gap between the actual performance of the organization and its goals.

Feedback may be either formal or informal. Formal feedback consists of sources like financial statements, statistics, reports, other written communication, etc. On the other hand, informal feedback includes personal opinions, informal discussions and an individual’s observations.

2) Control must be objective

The second essential requirement of a good control system is that it must always be objective. A subjective criterion should never be the basis of evaluating actual performances.

For example, evaluation of an employee’s performance should comprise of standards like working hours, productivity, efficiency, etc. Managers should not evaluate employees using subjective prejudices.

Control System: Elements of Control, Objective, Strategic, Economic (9)

3) Prompt reporting of deviations

This element of the controlling system basically requires quick reporting of deviations and discrepancies. If some work is not going according to plans, relevant managers must take notice of this immediately. This is because any delay in reporting problems and taking corrective measures can lead to financial losses for a business.

4) Control should be forward-looking

Control systems can often suffer from the defect of delays in reporting of deviations and taking of corrective measures. As we saw above, this problem can lead to financial losses for a business.

Hence, managers must ensure that their control systems are forward-looking. This will help in predicting deviations in advance as well as giving adequate time for course correction.

5) Flexible controls

A rigid control system can often make it ineffective in extraordinary and unpredictable situations. It should, thus, be flexible and open to changes. Managers must be able to adapt their control measures as per the requirements of every possible scenario.

6) Hierarchical suitability

Almost all business organizations possess management hierarchies comprising of managers at various positions and levels. Since each manager performs controlling functions at his level, the system itself must suit his organization’s hierarchy. Every manager must have adequate powers for this purpose and the flow of information for evaluation should be effective.

Control System: Elements of Control, Objective, Strategic, Economic (10)

(source – Utah ATV)

7) Economical control

Every good controlling system has to be economical when it comes to its implementation and maintenance. In other words, its benefits should outweigh its costs. An organization must be able to afford it and also derive all possible advantages from it.

8) Strategic control points

Not all deviations require the same level of attention and importance. For example, if an infrastructure company loses one government tender for constructing roads, it can work on other projects.

However, if the government blacklists it altogether due to its financial irregularities, this can be a huge issue.

A good control system must be able to deal with every deviation as per its seriousness. No organization can afford to accord equal importance to each and every problem. This is basically the whole aim of strategic control points.

9) Control must be simple to understand

Sophisticated policies can often make elements of control systems difficult to understand and implement. A good system, however, is always simple to comprehend and work on.

Thus, before launching controlling measures, managers should first check whether their employees will be able to understand them. They should also try to resolve any ambiguities and confusion that may arise later.

10) Control should focus on workers

Good control systems always focus on workers instead of the work itself. Since it is workers who implement these systems, everybody should be able to work with them effectively.

Solved examples for you

Question: Name the missing word in the following sentences.

(1) __________ helps managers collect information for taking corrective action.

(2) __________ feedback includes personal opinions and informal discussions.

(3) Control systems should focus on __________ and not the work itself.

(4) Since managers at all levels perform controlling, its systems should suit every organization’s __________.

Answers: (1) feedback (2) informal (3) workers (4) hierarchy

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Control System: Elements of Control, Objective, Strategic, Economic (2024)


What are the elements of a control system? ›

There are four basic elements of a typical motion control system. These are the controller, amplifier, actuator, and feedback.

What are the three elements of control? ›

The control principle in IFRS 10 sets out the following three elements of control:
  • power over the investee;
  • exposure, or rights, to variable returns from involvement with the investee; and.
  • the ability to use power over the investee to affect the amount of those returns.

What are the elements of management control system? ›

From the perspective of the function of management, management control elements could be defined according to the management procedures, which are (1) Control standards; (2) Performance evaluation; (3) Correction of deviations.

What are the 3 objectives of management control system? ›

MCS provides a framework for setting clear targets, measuring progress, and taking corrective actions when necessary.

What are the three main parts of a control system? ›

A control system is a system that is used to control the behavior of a device or process. It is made up of three main components: a sensor, a controller, and an actuator. The sensor detects a physical quantity such as temperature, pressure, or position and converts it into an electrical signal.

What are control elements? ›

A final control element is defined as a mechanical device that physically changes a process in response to a change in the control system setpoint. Final control elements relevant to actuators include valves, dampers, fluid couplings, gates, and burner tilts to name a few.

What are the three stages of a control system? ›

Learning Outcomes
  • Setting performance standards: Managers must translate plans into performance standards. ...
  • Measuring actual performance: If performance is not measured, it cannot be ascertained whether standards have been met.
  • Comparing actual performance with standards or goals: Accept or reject the product or outcome.

What are the elements of the control process? ›

The key elements of a control process include a characteristic to be tested, sensors, comparative standards, and implementation.

What are the 3 steps of controlling? ›

The following are the steps involved in the control process:
  • Establishing standards and methods or ways to measure performance.
  • Measuring actual performance.
  • Determining if the performance matches with the standard.
  • Taking corrective action and re-evaluating the standard.

What are the objectives of control? ›

Objective of Controlling

To ensure that the performance of activities takes place in accordance with the standards that have been predetermined. To improve the operational efficiency of operations by avoiding unnecessary actions. To ascertain the correct action to take with the least amount of costs, effort, and time.

What are the control elements in process control? ›

Basic process control elements include flow meters, pressure and temperature sensors, control valves, and other tools that measure process parameters or directly affect the process. Process control systems are programmable and can operate autonomously or respond to operator input.

What are the elements of control will consist of? ›

Authority, Direction, Management.

What is the objective of a control system? ›

The basic three objectives of any control system are: Stability: Ensuring that the system operates in a stable manner without excessive oscillations or instability. Accuracy: Achieving the desired level of accuracy and precision in controlling the system's output or performance.

What are the three major phases of strategic control? ›

Answer and Explanation:
  • Determining what to control.
  • Formulating a strategy.
  • Implementing the strategy.
  • Measuring and analyzing results.
  • Taking corrective action.

What are the three main objectives of management? ›

Vital Objectives of Management:
  • Survival: The essential objectives of any industry is survival. ...
  • Profit: Poor survival is not sufficient for the industry. ...
  • Growth: A firm requires to add to its chances, in the long run, for this it is necessary for the concern to develop.

What are the 5 systems of control? ›

The five components of internal controls are:
  • Control Environment.
  • Risk Assessment.
  • Control Activities.
  • Information and Communication.
  • Monitoring.
Mar 7, 2023

What are the four elements of a process control system? ›

-Thus, a process control system consists of four essential elements: process, measurement, evaluation, and control. A block diagram of these elements is shown in the following figure. The diagram also shows the disturbances that enter or affect the process.

What are the elements of the system? ›

Explanation: Elements of a system are - input and output, processors, control, feedback, environment, boundaries and interface. Input and output - The main aim of a system is to produce an efficient output. When an input is entered by the user, the system processes the input and produces an output.

What are the four characteristics of a control system? ›

The four characteristics of a good control system are accuracy, timely information, economically realistic and well coordinated with the organization.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.