Amazon: from a book store, to the everything store, to running the internet - Digital Innovation and Transformation (2024)

By Yun Yu


Posted Feb 1, 2017


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Amazon has grown rapidly to become so much more than a e-commerce company

Amazon has been one of major success stories of the digital era. Since launching in 1994 as an online book retailer, Amazon has grown to become the world’s largest e-commerce and cloud computing company with a market capitalization of ~US$400B and over 260,000 employees worldwide. Over Amazon’s 23-year history, there were several factors that I believe have been critical to its success.

The first of these was Jeff Bezos’s foundational decision to initially launch the e-commerce platform with an exclusive focus on books as an area to build competency and capability, before expanding into other product categories. The selection of books was a clever decision because books are a ubiquitous, commodity product that have universal appeal, are easy to ship and do not need to be touched before being purchased (especially important in the late 90s when e-commerce was still a novel concept to many consumers). The success in books gave Amazon the capability, experience, and customer understanding to grow its e-commerce platform into a business that today offers almost 500 million products in the US and is estimated to handle 20-30% of all US retail spending.

Additionally, as with other tech giants, Amazon has also continued to invest in R&D to uncover new areas of the opportunity. In 2015, Amazon’s R&D spend was $12.5 billion, 11.7% of net sales. This has enabled Amazon to innovate and diversify its presence as a technology company beyond just e- commerce by expanding into cloud computing (Amazon Web Services), digital voice assistants (Alexa) and video on demand (Prime TV), among other things. On the e-commerce side, Amazon undertook a lot of incremental innovation to not only expand their product range but also add new services such Subscribe & Save, Prime Pantry, Amazon Fresh, Prime Now, Prime Music and so on. Amazon’s Echo and Alexa, the first standalone piece of hardware dedicated to digital voice assistance and natural language processing, is an example of radical innovation. Amazon Web Services, the first and largest cloud computing service in the world, established the entire cloud computing business and is another example of radical innovation.

Jeff Bezos and the senior management team at Amazon have been able to support this extremely high degree of reinvestment in the company through a mix of financial discipline and conditioning of the market over time. Since its inception, Jeff Bezos has been very consistent in maintaining that Amazon’s revenue growth will be prioritized over profitability and that capital will continue to be reinvested into the business to achieve growth. He has also successfully been able to condition analysts and investors to accept and understand that it is not that Amazon is fundamentally unprofitable and that, if he wanted to, substantial profits could be turned on at the flick of a switch. Amazon did not post its first profit until 2003, and even then, it was only very marginal. Even in 2015, Amazon, on $107 billion of net revenue (which was up 20% year-on-year), recorded a mere $600 million of net profit, implying a profit margin of only ~0.5%.

Amazon’s business model is driven by one of its most important leadership principles, ‘customer obsession’. Amazon creates value for its customers by focusing on providing low prices, flexibility, convenience and high levels of customer service across an enormous range of products. Amazon captures value in a variety of ways, depending on the product or service group. On the e-commerce side, Amazon captures value directly through selling products and by charging for its Prime subscription (which entitles customers to a variety of premium services), driving down costs through economies of scale at its fulfillment centers, and leveraging customer data to improve purchasing predictability and market products. In a similar vein, Amazon Echo speakers and Alexa voice-assistant, provide customers with a way to interact with the internet through voice to make their lives even more convenient. Amazon captures value from Alexa in the form of upfront hardware revenue and customer data which it can use to sell more products. Finally, AWS creates value by enabling an “infrastructure-light” approach to quickly launching internet business and, in turn, captures value by providing customers with a bevy of pay-for-what-you-use cloud computing and storage solutions.

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Instacart – Leading the way for grocery deliveries

  1. February 1, 2017Micah says:

    Great perspective on what has made Amazon so successful over the past 20+ years!

    One thing I have found fascinating about their diversification efforts is just how interconnected they are, despite not always appearing so. For example, it isn’t immediately obvious that a retailer is well-suited to run a cloud computing service. But my understanding is that AWS started as an internal project to standardize and better manage Amazon’s private server infrastructure. Along the way they realized how compelling it would be to sell access to the system, and so we got AWS.

    Relatedly, I have read that Amazon is also very stringent about using APIs for internal communication. Because the e-commerce operations must use APIs to exchange data with Alexa, the Alexa team has a strong incentive to develop and document a robust API. And that API, now open to a proliferation of third-party “skills,” has enabled new functionality that strengthens the ecosystem and Alexa’s value proposition. Following this pattern, Amazon has effectively set up several of its business units as major “customers” of other units; in so doing, the firm’s customer obsession has benefited Amazon’s partners and customers.

  2. February 1, 2017A2017 says:

    Amazon has created a really strong value prop through their retail, cloud and increasingly their media subscriptions. They spend a ton on R&D, as you noted, to drive innovation. However, Amazon, like Google, is focused on so many long shots. Some only integrate with the business tangentially.

    We tend to see an expansion and contraction cycle over time with businesses and the methodology around focus. Big conglomerates divest to focus and then little companies build themselves into big conglomerates to buy growth. I wonder where amazon is on this cycle.

  3. February 2, 2017Bonnie Cao says:

    Great post. I agree with you that Amazon is an overall winner in the e-commerce business. But it’s been very difficult for Amazon to break into some of the emerging markets such as China. Will its business model work in terms of competing with strong local rivals such as Alibaba?

  4. February 2, 2017Yi Xie says:

    Amazon is a great example of a company that was born during the dawn of the digital age. Whats really interesting is that although they have been selling books online for more than 20 years, they recently started to migrate into physical retail, the very space they disrupted. Their new bookstores are a physical representation of their online store, with books facing cover up, cards with reviews, and omni-channel purchasing options (physical, online, kindle, audiobook). This may all be a grand experiment, but it shows that digital hasn’t quite replaced the desire to touch and browse a book that a traditional store offers.

  5. February 2, 2017Ajay Sondhi says:

    Amazon has built a global juggernaut of a business, and has created formidable entry barriers for competitors as well. Fulfilment of customer demand entails huge logistical capabilities and supply chains that Amazon has built and perfected over time. Amazon is constantly innovating, such as with last-mile delivery mechanisms using drones, and envisages continuing making substantial investments into the future. Till recently it was difficult to analyse Amazon’s numbers and business, and it’s only when they started breaking out the AWS numbers that the street appreciated the enormous operating leverage in the business.

  6. February 22, 2017DmitryDIGIT says:

    Thank you for the post YY, Amazon is definitely a role model for e-commerce business. It’s ability to not only develop their core business, but also launch other lines of business is really fascinating. I believe they have a great future based on the current trends in the industry.
    They started with the “old media” – books, the good that was rapidly moving towards digital and literally disappearing, and were able to develop the core competence of e-commerce to project it on the other goods sold in the Internet. Right now the sales of goods and services are rapidly migrating to the Internet and very soon will substitute even supermarkets and convenience stores. If Walmart, Target, CostCo and such don’t restructure their business towards the e-commerce, they will lose customers and thus revenues.
    Amazon is really good in value creation, may be not so good in value capture so far, but this is a matter of time. After the migration occurs, the company that has a platform between sellers and user and buyers, will have it all.

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Amazon: from a book store, to the everything store, to running the internet - Digital Innovation and Transformation (2024)


What is the innovation strategy of Amazon? ›

Amazon's approach to innovation relies on a set of methodologies, concepts, and tools that stretch from culture to process to technology: A customer-obsessed culture sits at the core of Amazon's approach to innovation.

How did Amazon become the everything store after starting as a bookstore? ›

One of their early strategies was to provide products that were superior in quality. Once Amazon realized that they could sell other products, they began expanding quickly, making it hard for employees to keep -up. Through a carefully planned growth period, the bookstore became 'The Everything Store.

How did Amazon become the everything store? ›

Bezos thought this was particularly fitting as he envisaged his online store becoming the biggest in the world — much like the Amazon is one of the biggest rivers on the planet. This is the philosophy behind why Amazon is commonly called the everything store today.

How Amazon became the everything store after starting as an online bookseller? ›

Jeff Bezos: Amazon turned into 'the everything store' thanks to an email to 1,000 random people. With Amazon's massive success today, it's hard to imagine that Jeff Bezos started it in 1994 as an online bookseller — in a small garage where employees' desks were made out of doors from Home Depot.

What makes Amazon so successful? ›

Amazon succeeded in building a consumer paradise. They charge much less and promise much more than other stores and platforms: The best selection by combining a retail business with a marketplace business, the best price by using the “buybox“, and the quickest delivery by offering FBA to their sellers.

What digital strategies Does Amazon use? ›

Amazon's digital marketing strategy is comprehensive, and they reach the customers through digital marketing. Today, everyone uses social media. Amazon advertises its products on social media, taking advantage of those who use those sites and sending them to their product pages to help them sell more.

What major advantage did Amazon have over physical stores? ›

Amazon's Advantage over Land Based Retailers !
  • 1) Broader Product Assortments Via a Marketplace Lead to Higher Sales.
  • 2) Consumer Centricity : An Obsession with it's Consumers.
  • 3) Highly Competitive Pricing !
  • 4) Fewer Organizational Silo's and Generations of Technology that don't communicate well with each other !
Apr 21, 2016

How did Amazon get so big so quick? ›

Amazon's focus on optimizing the last mile experience played a big role in the company outperforming its e-commerce competitors. The ability to consistently provide fast and reliable deliveries helped Amazon grow a massive base of loyal customers.

How did Amazon change the book industry? ›

Amazon popularized Print-on-Demand services that made it possible for anyone to write and publish a book or e-book. Print-on-Demand books can be purchased in any country where Amazon operates, without taking on the inventory risk traditional publishers face.

What is the purpose of an Amazon store? ›

An Amazon Store is a custom multipage shopping destination for individual brands to share their brand story and product offerings. Businesses can create a dedicated brand store within Amazon at no additional cost with a unique Amazon URL.

What is Amazon in simple words? › is a vast Internet-based enterprise that sells books, music, movies, housewares, electronics, toys, and many other goods, either directly or as the middleman between other retailers and's millions of customers.

What is Amazon's mission statement? ›

Amazon's mission is "to be Earth's most customer-centric company”, and our Operations and award-winning Customer Service teams are at the heart of that mission.

How do I make my Amazon store successful? ›

Sellers taking these five steps within that critical timeframe can generate sales more quickly, as many of the most successful sellers already have.
  1. Enroll your brand in Brand Registry.
  2. Enhance your product detail pages with A+ Content.
  3. Get set up with Fulfillment by Amazon.
  4. Automate pricing on your offers.

How has Amazon gained a competitive advantage? ›

Range, price and convenience are placed at the core of Amazon competitive advantage. The global online retailer operates with a razor thin profit margin and succeeds due to a combination of economies of scale, innovation of various business processes and a constant business diversification.

What are the benefits of Amazon's online retail model? ›

These are the 4 main benefits of selling on Amazon:
  • More sales. Each month millions of active customers visit Amazon looking to shop for products. ...
  • International Expansion. ...
  • Low marketing costs. ...
  • No stock.

What are Amazon's three big ideas? ›

According to Amazon Founder and CEO, Jeff Bezos, “The three big ideas at Amazon are long-term thinking, customer obsession, and a willingness to invent,”. With that mentality, he pioneered new industrial sectors and changed the ordinance of commerce.

What is the key to Amazon's future success? ›

Amazon believes its foremost duty and the key to success is to delight its customers, and sees its primary goal as inventing on behalf of customers. Embrace failure. Bezos encourages risk-taking and experimenting, and believes that the company's successes will make up many times over for its failures.

What is Amazon's biggest goal? ›

Amazon's mission statement is to “serve consumers through online and physical stores and focus on selection, price, and convenience.” Amazon's vision statement is “to be Earth's most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online, and endeavors to offer its ...

Is Amazon digital transformation? › Inc (Amazon) has been focusing on using artificial intelligence, cloud, robotics, and drones to digitally transform its operations. The annual ICT spending of Amazon was estimated at $51.5 billion for 2022.

What are 5 strategies for using digital technology? ›

Five Strategies for People-Friendly Digital Transformation
  • Focus on performance and sustainability.
  • Walk a mile in their shoes.
  • Balance high tech with high touch.
  • Assess organizational culture and change management factors.
  • Carefully implement, and then measure results.
Sep 7, 2018

What are the digital transformation strategies? ›

What Is a Digital Transformation Strategy? A digital transformation strategy is the approach to remodeling the enterprise to incorporate digital technology across appropriate facets to achieve everything from greater efficiencies and collaboration to improving delivery speed and customer satisfaction.

What makes Amazon better than its competitors? ›

In comparison to other websites, Amazon offers a more user-friendly experience to its clients. Major differentiators include improved search and query capabilities, suggestions based on prior purchases, one-click ordering at check-out, numerous user reviews and ratings, and dash buttons for automatic re-buying.

What are the positive impacts of the Amazon effect for customers? ›

Positive impacts on customers: Better customized experience: With the use of data analytics customer patterns are observed and treated accordingly. Convenience: customers can order products just with a single click rather than going to the market conventionally.

What makes the Amazon unique? ›

The Amazon is the most biodiverse terrestrial place on the planet. This amazing rainforest is home to more species of birds, plants and mammals than anywhere else in the world. Around 30% of the world's species, and 10% of the world's biodiversity, can be found there.

What is Amazon's biggest challenge? ›

Amazon FBA in 2023: Biggest Challenges and How to Overcome Them
  • Compromised Cash Flow. Amazon has a strict structure around payouts. ...
  • High Degree of Competition. Amazon allows a large number of sellers to sell the same product. ...
  • Packaging Restrictions. ...
  • Strict Inventory Expectations. ...
  • High Amazon Fees. ...
  • Way Forward.

How has Amazon improved its productivity? ›

Amazon deploys data, surveillance and algorithms to accelerate the productivity of its warehouse workers. But how ethical is it?

Why does Amazon keep growing? ›

That growth was driven by the simultaneous expansion of its retail and Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud businesses. Amazon's retail business grew as it expanded its third-party marketplace, acquired Whole Foods Market in 2017, and gained more Prime subscribers (which exceeded 200 million worldwide in early 2021).

How much of the book industry does Amazon control? ›

Amazon print book sales in the USA

U.S. publishers sold 825.7 million print books in 2021. Amazon's share of the print book market in the USA is at least 40%. This means Amazon sells more than 300 million print books each year.

How can books improve productivity? ›

Top productivity books: Find the right book for your needs
  1. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. ...
  2. Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport. ...
  3. Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen.
Jan 1, 2023

Are Amazon ads effective for books? ›

But, if you do know what you're doing—Amazon Advertising can be EXTREMELY profitable, and bring in a huge audience of readers quickly, while selling your book and boosting your income completely on autopilot.

What are the 4 innovation strategies? ›

Innovation strategies can be classed as proactive, active, reactive and passive (Dodgson et al.

Which innovation drove Amazon success the most? ›

Although Amazon was not the first online ecommerce company, but it is surely one of the most innovative. While other companies have made billions by selling online, Amazon's success started with just one product category – BOOKS. The introduction of the Kindle made Amazon the most popular.

What is an innovation strategy? ›

What is an Innovation Strategy? An innovation strategy is a clearly-defined plan of structured steps a person or team must perform to achieve the growth and future sustainability goals of an organization.

Does Amazon have a innovative culture? ›

These teams are driven by a culture of innovation and agility that is centred on the customer. Amazon's mission is to be the earth's most customer-centric business.

What are the 5 examples of innovation? ›

The innovations include technological inventions such as wind turbines, photovoltaic cells, concentrated solar power, geothermal energy, ocean wave power and many other emerging innovations.

What are the 3 greatest innovations of All Time? ›

The Greatest Inventions In The Past 1000 Years
1Printing PressJohannes Gutenberg
2Electric LightThomas Edison
3AutomobileKarl Benz
4TelephoneAlexander Graham Bell
6 more rows

What are the benefits of Amazon innovation? ›

Innovation at Amazon: How Your Business Can Benefit
  • Serving the customer is their ultimate goal. We all have and are trying to expand our customer base. ...
  • Creating an atmosphere for high performance standards. ...
  • Continuously looking for ways to do it better. ...
  • Investing in technology. ...
  • Consistency of operating processes.

What growth strategies Does Amazon use? ›

Amazon's main strategy is to differentiate itself by developing products and services that meet the needs of its customer segments. The four pillars of Amazon's growth strategy include customer-centricity, innovation, corporate agility, and optimisation.

What are the 4 types of innovation with examples? ›

What are the major types of innovation?
  • Radical innovation. As the name suggests, a radical innovation really changes the circ*mstances of a brand, whether in terms of market or of business dynamics. ...
  • Incremental innovation. ...
  • Disruptive innovation. ...
  • Technological innovation.
Jun 20, 2022

What makes an innovation successful? ›

In sum, the secret of successful innovation is focusing more on the progress people seek to achieve than on the product that gets them there. Customers can't always tell you what they want, but they can most certainly tell you what they are hoping to accomplish.

What is the key to innovation? ›

The Four Key Elements of Innovation: Collaboration, Ideation, Implementation and Value Creation.

Is Amazon a leader in innovation? ›

Founder Jeff Bezos's innovation strategy is a key reason why Amazon remains on top, and is often named as the world's most innovative company. But what does this strategy mean in practice?

What are Amazon's 4 core values? ›

Amazon is guided by four principles: customer obsession rather than competitor focus, passion for invention, commitment to operational excellence, and long-term thinking. Amazon strives to be Earth's most customer-centric company, Earth's best employer, and Earth's safest place to work.

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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.