12 Questions to Ask Graduate School Admissions Interviewers | Achievable Test Prep (2024)

From asking about mentorship resources to what support is offered post-graduation, here are 12 answers to the question, “What questions should you ask in a graduate school admission interview?”

Table Of Contents


  • What Mentorship Resources are Available For Students?
  • Do You Offer Scholarships?
  • Is This Program for Me?
  • How Can I Best Represent This Program After Graduation?
  • What Makes This Grad Program Unique?
  • What Work-study Opportunities Are Currently Available?
  • What Are Alumni Doing Six Months After Graduation?
  • What Are The Most Important Qualities for Success in This Program?
  • How Can This Program Help Me Apply What I Learn in a Way That Will Benefit My Community?
  • Do You Offer Research Grants/Funding?
  • What Are Your Program’s Job Placement Rates?
  • What Support Does the Program Offer After Graduation?

What Mentorship Resources are Available For Students?

An uncommon question to ask during a graduate school admission interview might be about the mentorship resources available for students. It’s important to know that you’ll have access to dedicated staff or faculty who can help guide your research, provide feedback on your work, and connect you with other experts in the field. By asking this question, it demonstrates a genuine interest in furthering your studies at the particular university and indicates enthusiasm to continue exploring avenues of collaboration while studying there.

Do You Offer Scholarships?

One of the most important questions to ask is whether the program offers any scholarships. Such financial assistance could significantly reduce tuition costs and other associated expenses with attending the institution, making it absolutely vital to inquire about prior to committing to a certain school or program. Scholarships may also be exclusive to certain departments or not publicly advertised, making it imperative to probe for alternative sources of financial aid upon addressing the admissions representatives.

Asking about granting opportunities early in the process can save applicants time and money by better enabling them to make an informed decision when considering different programs.

Is This Program for Me?

This is a simple yet effective question to ask in a graduate school admission interview. It will help you get a sense of whether the program is a good fit for your personality and goals. Additionally, it will give you an idea of whether the faculty and staff are supportive of students from diverse backgrounds.

You can ask this question in any way that makes you feel comfortable – you can be straightforward, you can ask it as a hypothetical situation, or you can ask it as a summary at the end of the interview. As long as you keep it genuine, it will help you get a sense of whether the program is right for you.

Matthew Ramirez, CEO, Rephrasely

12 Questions to Ask Graduate School Admissions Interviewers | Achievable Test Prep (3)

How Can I Best Represent This Program After Graduation?

During a graduate school admission interview, don’t forget, it’s not all about you. The school and program have staff and alumni with reputations to maintain. Of course, you’ll benefit from the degree, but the school also wants to continue to build their positive brand. Ask something like, “How can I best represent this program after I finish?” They may talk about recruiting or alumni donations, and showing this type of self-awareness will help you stand out from other applicants.

12 Questions to Ask Graduate School Admissions Interviewers | Achievable Test Prep (4)

Logan Mallory, Vice President of Marketing, Motivosity

What Makes This Grad Program Unique?

When interviewing for graduate school admission, it is important to ask specific questions that demonstrate your interest in the program. One uncommon yet effective question you could ask is “What is one unique attribute that makes this school’s grad program stand out?” The interviewer will likely give you an insightful perspective on how their particular program differs from other schools and why students should consider attending there.

This type of question shows the admissions team that you are familiar with their school culture and values, which can create a positive first impression.

12 Questions to Ask Graduate School Admissions Interviewers | Achievable Test Prep (5)

Carly Hill, Operations Manager, VirtualHolidayParty.com

What Work-study Opportunities Are Currently Available?

From my own experience, I’d recommend asking about any work-study opportunities available. Gaining an in-depth understanding of a subject isn’t just about studying the theory – first-hand experience can be invaluable! Making sure to explore both avenues was really helpful for me. So, not only will this give you an opportunity to gain valuable experience and make a positive impact or contribution in your field, but it can also help you financially if it’s offered as part of a paid program.

Overall, this question shows that you are ambitious and take the initiative when investigating potential schools. It also shows that you are not only serious about learning more on particular topics within your field, but that you understand why it’s important to have real-world experience outside of academia too. With those two sides combined, plus having inquiry skills around potential employment options at hand, this is sure to impress your interviewer!

What Are Alumni Doing Six Months After Graduation?

What are alumni doing six months after graduation? It’s important to ask this question in a graduate school admission interview, as it can provide insight into the type of career opportunity available after graduation. You may even be able to get in touch with alumni from the program and hear firsthand what they’ve been doing since they graduated.

This could help you gain an understanding of how successful graduates have been and if the program is truly worth investing in. Additionally, it’s useful to understand what types of internships and job placements may be available during or after the program. Asking alumni about their experiences can help you evaluate the institution’s track record for placing students in successful roles.

12 Questions to Ask Graduate School Admissions Interviewers | Achievable Test Prep (7)

Asker Ahmed, Director and Founder, iProcess

What Are The Most Important Qualities for Success in This Program?

One question you may consider asking in a graduate school admission interview is: “What do you see as the most important qualities for success in this program?”

This question can help you understand what the admissions committee values in a candidate and how you can align your experiences and goals with their expectations. It also gives you an idea of the program’s focus and priorities and whether they align with your interests and career aspirations. Moreover, it shows that you are interested in the program’s academic and professional objectives and are willing to align with the program’s goals.

By understanding what the admissions committee values, you can tailor your responses and application materials to highlight how you possess these qualities and how you can contribute to the program.

Nina Paczka, Community Manager, Resume Now

12 Questions to Ask Graduate School Admissions Interviewers | Achievable Test Prep (8)

How Can This Program Help Me Apply What I Learn in a Way That Will Benefit My Community?

A graduate school admission interview often involves asking thought-provoking questions to assess the candidate. An uncommon question you should ask is, “How can this program help me apply what I learn in a way that will benefit my community?”

This query allows the admissions board to determine how committed the applicant is to using their connection to the school as an opportunity. Moreover, they can see if the individual has taken initiative and considered ways that they could use their educational advancement for good.

12 Questions to Ask Graduate School Admissions Interviewers | Achievable Test Prep (9)

Grace He, People and Culture Director, teambuilding.com

Do You Offer Research Grants/Funding?

The biggest part of your graduate school studies will be conducting research work in your areas of interest or expertise. Research is time-consuming, and above all, it costs money to go out there and get the data you need. As such, it is important to know if there are funding opportunities for research and what the conditions are.

Most graduate schools will typically provide funding in terms of research grants. In some cases, the grants may only be used to cover partial expenses in your research. Also, the availability of funding will depend on your research focus. Either way, you need to know all this information beforehand.

12 Questions to Ask Graduate School Admissions Interviewers | Achievable Test Prep (10)

Logan Nguyen, Co-founder, MIDSS

What Are Your Program’s Job Placement Rates?

You should ask this question because it will give you an idea of how successful the program’s students have been in finding jobs after graduation. Also, make sure that the job placement rate is high enough to make the program worth completing (preferably above 80%). Ideally, you should look for a program that offers both good job placement rates and a strong network of alumni to have a strong support system during and after your graduate program.

Dov Breuer, COO, Fixlers

What Support Does the Program Offer After Graduation?

One important question to ask in a graduate school admission interview is, “What kind of support does the program offer for students after graduation?” This will help you gain insight into what services and resources may be available to assist you with job placement, lifelong learning opportunities, and career development.

Understanding the kinds of support programs offered by the school can help you make an informed decision about whether or not the graduate program is right for you. It can also help you to determine if the school will be able to provide you with the resources and assistance necessary to have a successful career after graduation.

12 Questions to Ask Graduate School Admissions Interviewers | Achievable Test Prep (12)

Yusuf Shurbaji, Co-founder and Managing Partner, Prismfly

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12 Questions to Ask Graduate School Admissions Interviewers | Achievable Test Prep (13)

12 Questions to Ask Graduate School Admissions Interviewers | Achievable Test Prep (2024)


What questions should I ask the grad school interviewer? ›

  • What is the typical duration of time required to complete a master's degree?
  • What are your graduates doing now?
  • Do people get along professionally and personally within the department?
  • What are the course requirements for the master's program? ...
  • What are the other requirements for the master's program?

What questions should I ask a grad school panel? ›

What was the transition like from your undergraduate degree to a graduate degree? Do many of you work in addition to taking classes and conducting research? What are your career goals after you finish your education? How to you think this graduate program is preparing you for it?

How can a student prepare for a graduate school admissions interview? ›

The Admissions Team at William James College put together their top seven tips to help you prepare and succeed at your graduate school interview.
  1. Review the College and Program Before the Interview. ...
  2. Practice Interview Questions Beforehand. ...
  3. Dress Professionally and Prepare Your Space (if applicable)
Jan 18, 2024

What questions should I ask in a grad school info session? ›

What are the academic requirements? (e.g., student must maintain good academic standing, must make satisfactory progress toward the degree, etc.) What are the teaching and research requirements? How many hours per week are expected? What are the penalties (if any) if you fail to complete the degree?

How do you nail a graduate interview? ›

To prepare, fresh graduates should reflect on their experiences, identify relevant skills, and practice telling structured and concise stories highlighting their actions, challenges, and positive outcomes. By preparing specific examples, fresh grads can feel more confident and articulate during the interview process.

What is the star method when interviewing? ›

The STAR method is a structured manner of responding to a behavioral-based interview question by discussing the specific situation, task, action, and result of the situation you are describing.

What are good panel questions? ›

Some questions that are relevant for a panel discussion include:
  • What are your thoughts on the biggest challenge facing the industry or field today?
  • How do you think technology is impacting the industry, and what opportunities and challenges does this present?

What questions should I ask a potential master's thesis supervisor? ›

Questions to ask after the meeting with the potential supervisor
  • Does the thesis topic seem of interest to this professor?
  • Does this professor's theoretical and philosophical approaches seem sufficiently compatible with the student's own?
  • Is it easy to communicate freely with this person?

How many questions should you ask in a panel? ›

Tips for Selecting Questions:

For a 60-minute panel with 4 panelists, choose 4-5 questions from the lists below. Panelists should speak for 2-4 minutes in response to questions. Not every panelist has to address every question. Leave at least 15 minutes for audience questions.

What percentage of grad school applicants get interviews? ›

While many will be cut based on mediocre essays, lackluster resumes, bad recommendations, or simply a lack of originality, 30 to 50% of applicants will make it to the interview round.

How do I ace my admissions interview? ›

How to Ace a College Interview
  1. Research the institution. Focus on the specific institution you're applying to. ...
  2. Prepare for questions about your character and skills. ...
  3. Always be yourself. ...
  4. Practice, practice, practice. ...
  5. Update your résumé. ...
  6. Prepare your list of questions. ...
  7. Dress appropriately. ...
  8. Turn off your cell phone.
Feb 22, 2024

How do you introduce yourself in a master's interview? ›

The Basics – Start off with your name and what your current position is. If you are still pursuing your degree, say what you are studying, and also mention any employment you have at the time (if applicable.) Your strengths – Share a couple of your strengths (go for ones that you know would add value to this position.)

What things look good on grad school application? ›

  • Your fit with the department or program in terms of research goals, work culture, or other measures.
  • Relevant research or internship experience.
  • Statement of purpose.
  • Letters of recommendation.
  • Undergraduate grades.
  • GRE scores.
  • Patterns of academic study and relevance of prior coursework to proposed graduate study.

What is your biggest concern about going to grad school? ›

5 Common Grad School Challenges and How to Overcome Them
  1. Time Management. One of the biggest challenges faced by grad students lies in their ability to effectively and efficiently manage their time. ...
  2. Writing Papers. ...
  3. Imposter Syndrome. ...
  4. Sense of Belonging. ...
  5. Financial Problems.
Dec 5, 2022

What do grad schools look for in a personal statement? ›

Graduate programs, and particularly graduate faculty, want to consider students who are excited about the program that they offer. Discuss your passion for your intended program, what motivates you to apply, and how you believe the program aligns with your future career goals.

What to say in a grad school interview when they ask about yourself? ›

You could start by explaining where you're from, where you grew up, and any interesting personal circ*mstances. Then talk about your undergraduate university, what you majored and minored in, and why you made those choices. Finally, close by talking about your extracurricular achievements – both in school and outside.

What do you say in a graduate school interview? ›

Your interview answers should emphasize your successes and share information about yourself that was not included in your application materials . When answering questions in your graduate school interview, personalize each answer to show your unique skills, talents and motivations.

What should I ask the MBA interviewer? ›

If you're meeting or interviewing with a member of the admissions committee, you should consider the following questions:
  • I see you studied/worked at [other school]. ...
  • What are some of the qualities you see in successful students in the MBA program? ...
  • How do you suggest I prepare myself for the MBA program?

Should I bring anything to a grad school interview? ›

Whether your graduate school interviews are in person or over a video call, remember to keep in mind these basics: Bring additional copies of your resume. Plan on arriving at least 30 minutes before the interview in case of traffic or public transportation issues.

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.