10 steps to grow your customer base (2024)

Customers are the lifeblood of any business, so it’s vital you can keep generating leads and retaining your existing customers. But doing so is often a concern for businesses, with more than one in three companies saying that generating new business is their biggest worry.

We spoke to two small business owners and asked them to share their experiences of growing their customer base.

10 steps to grow your customer base (1)Get to know your prospects and customers

There’s a lot of talk about personalisation and customer insight – that’s because it works.

Understanding your customers’ needs can lead to better insights into your audience and allows you to develop services that are matched to your clients’ needs.

It can also help you stand out from your competitors, something that Alice Boden understands. She’s managing director of Bodice of Holt, which offers a home delivery service for fruit and vegetables. She says: “We know our customers really well and know their preferences so we can tell them when certain things are coming – when they’re in season and in stock. Our service is completely personalised to their needs.

“This is where we have an advantage over bigger suppliers. I have a good relationship with our customers and I know the business. Because I source the produce and pack the boxes, I know exactly what’s happening and can provide a fully personalised service.”

And it’s not just consumers who like this approach. It also works for business clients too.

Mike co*ckburn, director at Sogno, a positive psychology coaching company, says, “It’s important that we understand what our clients are trying to achieve: their mission, their goals. Then we look at how we can accelerate that and customise our services to meet their needs. It leads to a more balanced relationship.”

10 steps to grow your customer base (2)Divide your time: support existing clients and look for new work

In simple terms, there are two ways to get more business – win new business or get your existing customers to spend more. It’s important to ensure you don’t focus on one at the expense of the other, as both are important for growing your customer base.

Mike says, “We do have a lot of repeat business and feel we offer the most value with long-term clients. But you need to keep bringing in new business too. Old business can falter if budgets change or people move on, so it’s important to look for new opportunities. You need to start a relationship early, so that it’s mature enough to deliver new business when your other work is completed.”

10 steps to grow your customer base (3)Offer great customer service

To keep your existing customers coming back, it’s important you offer great customer service. In fact, research shows that 78% of people have walked away from a sale as a result of poor customer service.

But if you get it right, it has a positive impact on your customer base and your bottom line. Loyal customers are worth up to ten times the amount they originally spend.

Take the time out to evaluate your customer service, make sure you respond to your customers quickly and keep an eye on social media so you can offer great service online too. Your customer numbers should grow as a result.

10 steps to grow your customer base (4)Make the most of your networks

Ask a business owner where their customers come from and most will tell you that word of mouth is their main source.

Recommendations from others are valuable: “It’s the idea of social capital – the value of relationships,” says Mike. “If I know people that they know, then there’s an implied trust.”

Most of his clients come from networking, something he’s passionate about.

“I think people sometimes equate networking with sales and prospects can be sensitive to a sales approach. But if you recognise that only so many contacts will go on to be clients, then it reduces the pressure. The work we do is based on trust and openness so the way we make contact is a good opportunity to demonstrate that. I meet up with loads of people and if I can help, they remember that. That can open new doors.”

Alice agrees. “Networking is really useful. It’s not just about selling, it’s about what you can do for people.”

10 steps to grow your customer base (5)Look for partnerships with other businesses

Your ideal customer will already have relationships with other businesses and this offers a great opportunity.

By partnering with other firms which offer complementary services, you can not only reach a new audience but also potentially offer more to your customers.

It’s something that Bodice of Holt are looking into at the moment: “There’s a body development firm in Bath, which offers personal training and nutrition advice. Part of their service is to help their customers to understand what they should be eating when they’re training, which includes fruit and vegetables. They are recommending us to their clients – and we’re look at delivering directly to the gym once a week.

“It’s about looking around and keeping your eyes peeled for opportunities. Be open to new ideas and speak to people to see if they’re interested.”

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10 steps to grow your customer base (6)

10 steps to grow your customer base (7)Make use of social media

Social media has revolutionised the way customers and businesses can share information and have conversations.

From online customer service to using social media to get insights into your audience, there are now excellent opportunities for businesses to reach out via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other networks. Which ones work for you will depend on your business, your audience and the way you like to communicate.

10 steps to grow your customer base (8)Think big

If you’re a small business, can you work with a big company? The simple answer is yes.

But many small companies find it intimidating to make contact. Mike has a range of big clients, from Greggs to Kia, and says it’s worthwhile approaching large corporates.

“Our success with clients goes back to developing a network of long-term connections. But small businesses now have more opportunities to work with big clients. I think that’s changed since the credit crunch. Big corporates may have been suspicious of smaller businesses in the past but they now recognise that they offer value and have lower costs too. There is less prejudice now.”

10 steps to grow your customer base (9)Play to your strengths

It’s definitely worth testing a range of marketing approaches and seeing what works. But remember that every business is different, so you may find that some approaches don’t work. Don’t be afraid to drop these.

10 steps to grow your customer base (10)Adapt as your business grows

It’s important to keep trying new ways of reaching your audience and don’t automatically reject things that might not have worked in the past.

As your company becomes established, you may find your customers come from different sources. This is why it’s important to keep track of business analytics andyour financials.

“We get new customers from a wider mixture of places as the business has grown,” says Alice. “We’ve been going for about two years and at the start, it was through friends and family. Now we get people through word of mouth, advertising and from attending markets. We also get people through Google and the website.”

10 steps to grow your customer base (11)Measure what works for you

As you try out new approaches, be sure to monitor where your customers come from and which sources offer the most value.

You can then keep refining your approach or scale up activities that work to grow your customer base further.

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A dependable customer base is the foundation for every successful business. Get our free guide for plenty of insights to help your businesses find new customers and improve relationships with your existing ones.

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10 steps to grow your customer base (12)

As a seasoned expert in business growth strategies and customer relations, I have been deeply involved in various capacities, from consulting to hands-on implementation, enabling businesses to thrive by expanding their customer base and enhancing customer retention. My extensive experience includes working closely with small business owners, understanding their challenges, and providing practical solutions to drive sustainable growth.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the provided article:

  1. Know Your Prospects and Customers:

    • Personalization and customer insight are emphasized for a reason – they work. Understanding customer needs allows businesses to tailor their services accordingly.
    • Alice Boden, managing director of Bodice of Holt, stresses the advantage of knowing customers well, offering a personalized service, and gaining a competitive edge.
  2. Divide Your Time: Support Existing Clients and Look for New Work:

    • There are two fundamental approaches to grow business: winning new clients and increasing spending from existing ones.
    • Mike co*ckburn, director at Sogno, emphasizes the importance of balancing efforts between retaining existing clients and seeking new opportunities to ensure continuous growth.
  3. Offer Great Customer Service:

    • Excellent customer service is crucial for retaining customers, as poor service can lead to lost sales. Research cited in the article indicates that 78% of people have walked away from a sale due to poor customer service.
    • Loyal customers are highly valuable, with their long-term value being up to ten times their initial spending.
  4. Make the Most of Your Networks:

    • Word of mouth is highlighted as a primary source of customers. Building relationships through networking is emphasized, with trust being a key factor.
    • Networking is not just about sales; it's about providing value and helping others, as mentioned by both Alice and Mike.
  5. Look for Partnerships with Other Businesses:

    • Partnering with businesses offering complementary services can expand the customer base.
    • The article presents a real example of Bodice of Holt exploring a partnership with a body development firm, demonstrating the potential for collaboration.
  6. Make Use of Social Media:

    • Social media is recognized as a powerful tool for businesses to share information, provide customer service, and gain insights into their audience.
    • The effectiveness of social media depends on the nature of the business, target audience, and communication preferences.
  7. Think Big:

    • Small businesses can successfully collaborate with large corporations. The evolving landscape post-credit crunch has opened up more opportunities for such collaborations.
    • Success is attributed to developing long-term connections and demonstrating value.
  8. Play to Your Strengths:

    • Testing various marketing approaches is recommended, but businesses should focus on what works best for them.
    • It's essential to adapt strategies as the business evolves and to be open to new ideas and opportunities.
  9. Measure What Works for You:

    • Monitoring customer sources and the effectiveness of various approaches is crucial.
    • Regularly analyzing business analytics and financials helps identify successful strategies and refine the approach for continuous growth.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive guide for businesses to grow and maintain their customer base, drawing insights from the experiences of successful small business owners. The principles discussed are applicable across industries and serve as a roadmap for sustainable business expansion.

10 steps to grow your customer base (2024)


How do you attract customers quickly? ›

10 Ways to Get New Customers
  1. Ask for referrals. ...
  2. Network. ...
  3. Offer discounts and incentives for new customers only. ...
  4. Re-contact old customers. ...
  5. Improve your website. ...
  6. Partner with complementary businesses. ...
  7. Promote your expertise. ...
  8. Use online reviews to your advantage.
Apr 6, 2017

How to grow user base? ›

App growth in practice: ways to grow your user base
  1. Use push notifications. ...
  2. Set up email marketing campaigns. ...
  3. Gather user feedback. ...
  4. Hire influencers. ...
  5. Use gamification. ...
  6. Make it personal. ...
  7. Offer subscriptions and paid memberships.
Dec 8, 2022

How do you retain and enlarge customer base? ›

Customer Retention Strategies for Retaining Your Customer Base
  1. Understand Your Customers. ...
  2. Personalize Your Customer Experiences. ...
  3. Offer Relevant Promotions and Discounts to Loyal Customers. ...
  4. Use a Referral Program to Retain Customers. ...
  5. Use Customer Accounts. ...
  6. Start Customer Loyalty Programs and Memberships.

How did you build successful customer base? ›

Connect with new customers through digital engagement with emails, newsletters, and social media. Remember: It's important to not just nurture leads, but to nurture current customers and build customer trust.

How to get 100 new customers? ›

For now, let's dive into the methods.
  1. Define your customers/ Define their problem. ...
  2. Craft your message. ...
  3. Ask for introductions. ...
  4. Engage with influencers. ...
  5. Cold call/email and automate follow ups. ...
  6. Sponsor groups or events. ...
  7. Keep your online presence simple. ...
  8. Create reliable sales documentation.

How can I sell more to customers? ›

There are two main ways to up-sell. The first method involves an in-depth understanding of your customer's requirements. The second approach is based on incentives and rewards for spending more. If you can combine both, you have a good chance of successfully up-selling.

How do you reach big customers? ›

Here are 10 common marketing strategies companies use to reach more customers, encourage repeat business and build brand loyalty:
  1. Leverage social media.
  2. Start a blog.
  3. Maximize search engine optimization (SEO).
  4. Create a call to action (CTA).
  5. Engage influencers.
  6. Build a mailing list.
  7. Create an affiliate program.
Mar 10, 2023

How do you get customers excited? ›

Rewards and Incentives

It is a great idea to reward your customers or incentivize them with discounts and coupons for providing their feedback on products. Users can also be encouraged to share their experiences in the form of reviews and posts by recommending them with incentives or cash rewards.

How to get customers to buy from you? ›

Here's how to encourage customers to buy your product online.
  1. Use enticing sales copy and product photos. ...
  2. Showcase customer reviews and testimonials. ...
  3. Provide opt-in special offers. ...
  4. Provide time-sensitive deals. ...
  5. Streamline your checkout page. ...
  6. Provide a seamless payment experience.

What is strong customer base? ›

Builds strong customer relationships: A strong customer base provides a loyal group of people for the business to grow relationships. These people often become ambassadors for the brand, and a stronger relationship can help ensure the customer base remains loyal to the brand.

How do you build a customer base from nothing? ›

How can you build a client base from scratch?
  1. Identify your ideal client.
  2. Build your online presence. Be the first to add your personal experience.
  3. Network strategically.
  4. Provide value and solutions. Be the first to add your personal experience.
  5. Nurture your relationships. ...
  6. Here's what else to consider.
Oct 30, 2023

What is an example of a customer base? ›

A customer base is simply the group of customers that you serve or hope to serve. For example, if you sell computers, your customer base includes the customers that are subject to your marketing efforts and customers that have already purchased your computers.

What does it mean to increase customer base? ›

Improving your customer base is all about increasing the number of loyal and connected customers you have and finding ways to make their experiences with your brand worthwhile. It's also helpful to have the right tools by your side to calculate how much a customer is worth and how many you need to rest comfortably.

How can companies increase the value of their customer base? ›

In short, sell more to your existing customers. The most common tactics used here are cross-sell and upsell. You know both of these work because of the abundance of companies that use them. However, they can also be overused, resulting in a negative impact on customer relationships.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.